Norbert Elias - The Task of Sociologists
Norbert Elias talks about the Task of Sociologist. Via www.norberteliasfoundation.nl...
published: 26 Dec 2010
Author: yadgana
Norbert Elias - The Task of Sociologists
Norbert Elias talks about the Task of Sociologist. Via www.norberteliasfoundation.nl
published: 20 Oct 2011
Author: anothertimo
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - The Figurational Theory of Norbert Elias - Parte I
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de ...
published: 15 Jul 2011
Author: CEAvUnicamp
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - The Figurational Theory of Norbert Elias - Parte I
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de Estudos Avançados da Unicamp Interview with Prof. Eric Dunning for Advanced Studies Issues, the program of Unicamp's Center for Advanced Studies. Entrevista con Prof. Eric Dunning para Advanced Studies Issues, programa del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Unicamp
Norbert Elias - Trabalho de Sociologia
Video para complementação da apresentação do seminário ...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Author: allwarorock
Norbert Elias - Trabalho de Sociologia
Video para complementação da apresentação do seminário de sociologia 1.
Programa Cabeça de área - 02.07.11 - Norbert Elias - Mat. Wândela Jokastra.avi
Matéria produzida por Wândella Jokastra para o Programa Cabeça de &Aac...;
published: 08 Jul 2011
Author: programacabecadearea
Programa Cabeça de área - 02.07.11 - Norbert Elias - Mat. Wândela Jokastra.avi
Matéria produzida por Wândella Jokastra para o Programa Cabeça de Área sobre o lançamento do livro "Escritos a Partir de Norbert Elias" dos professores organizadores Edilson Fernandes e José Luís Simões, com produção de Rizo Trindade, imagens de Flávio Soares e edição de Sadraque Régis.
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - Women and Sport in Norbert Elias
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de ...
published: 15 Jul 2011
Author: CEAvUnicamp
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - Women and Sport in Norbert Elias
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de Estudos Avançados da Unicamp Interview with Prof. Eric Dunning for Advanced Studies Issues, the program of Unicamp's Center for Advanced Studies. Entrevista con Prof. Eric Dunning para Advanced Studies Issues, programa del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Unicamp
The Sociology Of Norbert Elias
ll4.me The Sociology Of Norbert Elias Norbert Elias has been described as a great sociolog...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Author: markjoy32
The Sociology Of Norbert Elias
ll4.me The Sociology Of Norbert Elias Norbert Elias has been described as a great sociologist and over recent years there has been a steady upsurge of interest in his work. Yet despite the fact that he was active for nearly sixty years from the 1920s to the 1960s it was only in the 1980s that English translations of his works became widely available and the importance of his contribution to the sociological endeavour was fully recognised in the English speaking world. This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the key aspects of Elias's work and then applies an Eliasian approach to key topics in contemporary sociology such as race, class, gender, religion, epistemology and nationalism. The editors have brought together a distinguished group of international sociologists and this book will not only change the course of Elias studies but be a valuable resource for both students and scholars alike. Publisher: Cambridge University Press Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: The Sociology of Norbert Elias Pages: 00300 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2004-03-18 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780521827867 Category: Social Science : Sociology - General Norbert Elias has been described as a great sociologist and over recent years there has been a steady upsurge of interest in his work. Yet despite the fact that he was active for nearly sixty years fr social science, general
Norbert Elias
xxsurl.com Norbert Elias EAN/ISBN : 9780203981924 Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis, Rout...
published: 09 Aug 2012
Author: melissamarguia528
Norbert Elias
xxsurl.com Norbert Elias EAN/ISBN : 9780203981924 Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis, Routledge Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Krieken, Robert Van EAN/ISBN : 9780203981924 Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis, Routledge Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Krieken, Robert Van
The Hidden Agenda of ENLIGHTENMENT
As i would go and study philosophy i was never really interested in reality and finding an...
published: 28 Feb 2008
Author: gabrielietsanders
The Hidden Agenda of ENLIGHTENMENT
As i would go and study philosophy i was never really interested in reality and finding any truth - merely in becoming as 'powerful' as the intellectuals i knew in my world, in developing speaking skills to manipulate www.desteni.co.za self-honesty philosophy knowledge deception graduation skill self-forgiveness self-expression sun summer childhood gabrielzamoramoreno mind-system consciousness memory feeling thought emotion "structural resonance" Freud "Friedrich Nietzsche" "Norbert Elias" Foucault "Noam Chomsky" kristall university intellectual desteni desteni-universe desteniproductions
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - The Figurational Theory of Norbert Elias - Parte II
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de ...
published: 20 Jul 2011
Author: CEAvUnicamp
Advanced Studies Issues - Eric Dunning - The Figurational Theory of Norbert Elias - Parte II
Entrevista com o Prof. Eric Dunning para o Advanced Studies Issues, programa do Centro de Estudos Avançados da Unicamp Interview with Prof. Eric Dunning for Advanced Studies Issues, the program of Unicamp's Center for Advanced Studies. Entrevista con Prof. Eric Dunning para Advanced Studies Issues, programa del Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Unicamp
Aula de Etiqueta
trecho da animação Engoleduaservilhas...
published: 29 Sep 2006
Author: ThomateLarson
Aula de Etiqueta
trecho da animação Engoleduaservilhas
Professor Alex Law - The end of civilisation as we know it?
Sociologist Professor Alex Law's inaugural professorial lecture: "The end of civi...
published: 25 May 2012
Author: abertayTV
Professor Alex Law - The end of civilisation as we know it?
Sociologist Professor Alex Law's inaugural professorial lecture: "The end of civilisation as we know it? Symbolic violence and the de-civilising process" draws on the works of Pierre Bourdieu and Norbert Elias to examine the state of civilisation in Scotland and the world today.
elias final.wmv
cortos de la película vatel, que hacen alusión a lo que es el proceso civili...
published: 19 Mar 2011
Author: Abu9397
elias final.wmv
cortos de la película vatel, que hacen alusión a lo que es el proceso civilizatorio descrito por el sociólogo Norbert Elias.
Memória Musical de São Carlos
Profa. Dra. Rita de Cássia Fucci Amato, maestrina e autora do livro "Mem&oacut...;
published: 17 Jun 2011
Author: coralmunicipal
Memória Musical de São Carlos
Profa. Dra. Rita de Cássia Fucci Amato, maestrina e autora do livro "Memória Musical: Retratos de um Conservatório". www.ritafucciamato.blogspot.com Esta obra, fruto de uma tese de Doutoramento em Fundamentos Históricos, Filosóficos e Sociológicos da Educação, financiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e defendida na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), traça um panorama essencial da história do piano, dos conservatórios musicais e da educação musical e pianística no Brasil. Fundamentada em autores como Norbert Elias e Pierre Bourdieu, lança um olhar sociológico sobre os docentes e discentes dos conservatórios musicais, elucidando as redes de configurações socioculturais que embasavam a prática pedagógica conservatorial. Reconstruindo a memória do Conservatório Musical de São Carlos (1947-1991), no interior paulista -- escola que buscava seguir os rígidos padrões do Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo --, o livro analisa ainda a metodologia de ensino de piano focada em resultados performáticos, praticada sob a inspiração do Conservatório de Paris. Dimensiona-se, assim, uma contribuição interdisciplinar para a história, sociologia, educação e performance musical, delineando-se caminhos teórico-metodológicos para a pesquisa em história de instituições escolares e, especialmente, para a historiografia de instituições educativo-musicais.
Youtube results:
Memória Musical: Retratos de um Conservatório
Livro de Rita Fucci-Amato (www.ritafucciamato.blogspot.com.br ), maestrina, pós-dou...
published: 23 Jul 2012
Author: coralmunicipal
Memória Musical: Retratos de um Conservatório
Livro de Rita Fucci-Amato (www.ritafucciamato.blogspot.com.br ), maestrina, pós-doutora em Gestão pela USP (Universidade de São Paulo), doutora e mestra em Educação pela UFSCar (Universidade Federal de São Carlos). Autora de "Escola e Educação Musical: (des)caminhos históricos e horizontes" (Editora Papirus), "Memória Musical: Retratos de um Conservatório" (Editora Annablume) e "Manual de Saúde Vocal: teoria e prática da voz falada para professores e comunicadores" (Editora Atlas), entre outros livros. O livro "Memória Musical: Retratos de um Conservatório", fruto de uma tese de Doutoramento em Fundamentos Históricos, Filosóficos e Sociológicos da Educação, financiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e defendida na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), traça um panorama essencial da história do piano, dos conservatórios musicais e da educação musical e pianística no Brasil. Fundamentada em autores como Norbert Elias e Pierre Bourdieu, lança um olhar sociológico sobre os docentes e discentes dos conservatórios musicais, elucidando as redes de configurações socioculturais que embasavam a prática pedagógica conservatorial. Reconstruindo a memória do Conservatório Musical de São Carlos (1947-1991), no interior paulista -- escola que buscava seguir os rígidos padrões do Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo --, o livro analisa ainda a metodologia de ensino de piano focada em resultados performáticos, praticada sob a inspiração <b>...</b>
SACR 2011 - Gabriel Jderu - Motorcycle as Figuration: 3 Stages of Motorcycling Culture in Romania
The Material Culture (Re)Turn in Anthropology: Promises and Dead-ends 8th conference of th...
published: 18 Nov 2011
Author: ViraFilms
SACR 2011 - Gabriel Jderu - Motorcycle as Figuration: 3 Stages of Motorcycling Culture in Romania
The Material Culture (Re)Turn in Anthropology: Promises and Dead-ends 8th conference of the Society for Cultural Anthropology from Romania, Bucharest 22-25 September 2011 www.antropo.ro Motorcycle as Figuration: Three Stages of Motorcycling Culture in Romania Gabriel Jderu, University of Bucharest In this paper I analyze, using Norbert Elias‟concept of sociogenesis, the effects of motorcycling as a mobility technology on social relations. The main research question is: how does motorcycling produce and reproduces social reality? The research methods used to collect data were the analysis of various historical documents (1906 to present), such as old newspapers, literature, old auto magazines, pictures, technical manuals and 34 interviews with older and younger bikers. The data suggest the existence of three, rather distinct, stages of motorcycling culture, with different social logics: 1. Motorcycling as a sign of "social distinction" (early 20th Century to mid 1940s); 2. Democratization of mobility through mass access to motorcycling (early 1950s to late 1980s) and 3. Motorcycling as a social identity project (1990s to present). While stage one offered social differentiation through the consumption of technology, stage two offered broad access to spatial mobility to a large number of population. During stage three motorcycling has become mainly and identity project, through affiliation and lifestyle choices.
French Perspectives on the DSK Affair with Irene Thery
Irène Théry explores what the DSK Affair and its aftermath reveal about atti...
published: 30 Mar 2012
Author: columbiauniversity
French Perspectives on the DSK Affair with Irene Thery
Irène Théry explores what the DSK Affair and its aftermath reveal about attitudes toward rape and sexual violence, sexuality and seduction, feminism, and, from a legal perspective, the presumption of innocence and victims' rights, in a comparative, transatlantic perspective. Irène Théry is a sociologist at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Centre Norbert Elias, Marseille and Centre Raymond Aron, Paris). A specialist of the sociology of the family and private life, her research and public action focus on changing family structures, gender relationships and generational differences. Event co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWAG)
Whitaker on Trialectics: Comparative History of Environmental Degradation & Sustainability (1/2)
Spirit of the Staircase Notes about My Talk on Trialectics This is a 23-minute discussion ...
published: 08 Apr 2012
Author: TheBioregionalState
Whitaker on Trialectics: Comparative History of Environmental Degradation & Sustainability (1/2)
Spirit of the Staircase Notes about My Talk on Trialectics This is a 23-minute discussion of my method of trialectics with 7 minutes of discussion. This was a presentation at "Norbert Elias and Figurational Sociology: Prospects for the Future," in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 4, 2012. For what Elias and 'figurations' are, read about it elsewhere. like at Wikipedia. Sorry for the lack of visibility of the slides in the yellow font. First, I attempted to adjust it in rendering this video. Second, during the talk, when I noticed what was happening, I spoke clearly about 'what was printed in the yellow font' to correct for the lack of visibility. This old university's room arrangements--once a hospital designed for lots of natural light before the invention of electricity--is not a good architecture for competing with modern presentations based on weak LCD projectors. Plus, attempting to describe principles and patterns of 3000 years of history in 23 minutes is an interesting challenge whether conducted in an old hospital or not. So the following short notes are my 'spirit of the staircase' comments. They are directed toward what I felt were the questions or confusions mentioned in the very short 7-minute comment period. The original call for presentations at this conference was aimed to attract people who integrating biophysical issues into historical and social science in particular cases. However, besides myself I didn't see anyone really integrating biophysical materials <b>...</b>