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September 2012

James Fallows on Romney's debating strengths and weaknesses, Ta-Nehisi Coates on Obama and race, Hanna Rosin on college girls and sex, new fiction by Emma Donoghue, and more

The Atlantic - September 2012

Editor's Note

The Race

The Conversation

The Conversation

Responses and reverberations

What's Your Problem?

What's Your Problem?

How to saw off a limb, and other advice


Mitt Romney, Debater

The presidential debates this year may well determine the election's outcome. Here's how they might unfold.
Video: James Fallows analyzes Romney's best and worst moments at the podium.

Boys on the Side

The hookup culture has been viewed as toxic to women. Actually, it is an engine of female progress, driven by women themselves.
Gallery: A history of hooking up in popular culture, from the Wife of Bath to Ke$ha

Fear of a Black President

For the past four years, Barack Obama has avoided nearly all mention of race—revealing the false promise and double standard of integration.
Video: Ta-Nehisi Coates discusses the anger behind his article.

Fiction: Onward

"Love happens, like age or weather. It's not hard to do, only to endure, sometimes."


The Myth of the Latino Vote

Why do Democrats expect Mexican Americans in Arizona to line up behind a Puerto Rican guy from Harlem?

Can EuroVegas Save Spain?

Sheldon Adelson goes scavenging in the euro zone.

Foxy Ladies

Why one network applies so much makeup

Toddler Man

Harvey Karp’s quixotic crusade to teach adults how to talk to 2-year-olds
Video: Dr. Karp demonstrates how to speak "toddler-ese."

Talk Like an Iranian

As the author learned in Tehran, yes sometimes means no.

Why Wildfires Defy Prediction

Due to climate and landscape changes, computer models don't work like they once did.

Does Tequila Make Us Crazy?

Researchers say no, but drinkers say yes.

My Atomic Holiday

Way out in the desert, at the Nevada Test Site, a certain sort of traveler can confront strange traces of catastrophe (and tomfoolery).


The Cheapest Generation

Why Millennials aren’t buying cars or houses, and what that means for the economy

TV's Angriest Man

With his latest reality show, Chef Gordon Ramsay extends his patented froth from the kitchen to the hotel business at large.


Sex Lives of Novelists

Writing about writers; an atrocity ignored; the most influential book in English

The Odd Wonder of Pauline Kael

The great critic showed us how to talk about popular art and fall in love with movies.

Cover to Cover

The unlikely exoticism of Mobile, Alabama; false hopes for American schools; and more

Special Report
Campaign Dashboard The Atlantic Campaign Dashboard
Your one-stop guide to 2012 election coverage, with stats, news, photos, and live chats Read more ›

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Hubble's Hidden Treasures

Aug 24, 2012
The Anger Behind the Story
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The Atlantic Monthly

James Fallows on Romney's debating strengths and weaknesses, Ta-Nehisi Coates on Obama and race, Hanna Rosin on college girls and sex, new fiction by Emma Donoghue, and more

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