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  2. A party such thrives on hatred and misinformation, it will be catastrophic for the country by lending them any support.

  3. If it had been upto SV Patel, he would have crushed out of existence. Nehru saved ! Today the ungrateful b@$tards are abusing Nehru

  4. 「Hiroko's Voice RSS購読のご案内」ブログの最新記事をRSSフィードでご購読できます。ぜひご登録ください。

  5. :: 블로그 :: 광복절 아침,: . . . - 광화문까지 펼쳐질 촛불을 기억하며, 이 땅의 "해방"과 "민주화"를 상징하는 두장의 사진, 두장의 태극기... ; 역사를 제대로 공부... ...

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