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Victory in Bronson, Florida - State backs down, drops charge against Eric Oliver!

On Thursday, August 16, 2012, the Campaign to Defend Eric Oliver learned that Florida State Attorney William Cervone has dropped all charges against Eric Oliver, the courageous young African who defended his family against a white lynch mob. Full Story

Free Bakari Olatunji and put the notorious Oakland Police Department back on trial!

Call Judge Yolanda Northridge at (510) 627-4722 and demand that she hold the District Attorney a... Full Story

South African mass shooting: A response to African workers' growing independence

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Hunger strike exposes the bloody side of Olympic Games

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A call for "Days in Solidarity with African People"

Facing the truth about racial injustice. Seeing the future through the eyes of the oppressed. Solidarity with African Liberation! Full Story

Support the African workers' struggle in Guyana! Build the ASI

In early August, comrades attended a demonstration outside the Guyanese embassy in London in support of the African workers struggling against the electricity tariff. Full Story

White nationalist tries to run Eric Oliver Defense Committee members off road!

On July 22 at around 9:30 p.m., a car carrying participants in the Free Eric Oliver Campaign was a... Full Story

Shared News

Self-Determination is the highest expression of Democracy

On behalf of the Central Committee of Unión del Barrio we send you this message of revolutionary solidarity... Full Story

Shared News

Raza Organizes itself to Resist and Demand Justice

Anaheim police unleash State terror against Raza women and children of a Mexican community after the killing of a Raza youth. Full Story

Uhuru Communique

InPDUM postpones convention to accomodate explosion in growth!

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videoCan voting win justice and power for black people? Aug. 18-19 Black is Back Conference

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is holding our annual conferen... Full Story

videoBreaking News: Another African teenager murdered by Tampa police!

On July 22, police in Tampa, Florida gunned down 16-year-old Javon Neal and refused to allow him any... Full Story

videoObama, the election and the struggle for justice, peace, a better life and black power: Black is Back! August 18-19 Conference

On August 18-19, the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations will hold its... Full Story

Witness statement shows Eric Oliver's heroism in face of white lynch mob

BRONSON, FL — A written statement from one of the witnesses in the June 12 white lynch mob a... Full Story

POP concludes 381 days of demonstrations with powerful mobilization!

On Wednesday, July 11, 2012, the People’s Organization for Progress (POP) concluded its 381... Full Story

videoHelp keep the 21st Century Black Cross Nurses' School open!

We need to raise $5000 by July 25th for our Nursing Institution. Find out why you should support by ... Full Story

Get George Bush out of Zambia!

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AAPDEP Nursing Institution needs your immediate support!

On behalf of the International Executive Committee and our entire membership, I would like to th... Full Story

videoASI leader Luwezi Kinshasa speaks at "Hands Off Somalia!" conference

African Socialist International Secretary General Luwezi Kinshasa made this presentation at a Hands ... Full Story

videoChairman Omali Yeshitela speaks at Eric Oliver Rally at St. John's Baptist Church

On July 7, 2012, the Eric Oliver Defense Committee held a march and rally in Bronson, Florida in def... Full Story

videoFree Eric Oliver March and Rally mobilize support for African youth who beat back lynch mob

On July 7, 2012, Africans and others marched in Bronson, Florida in defense of Eric Oliver, an Afric... Full Story

March for Eric Oliver builds support for African resistance!

Bronson, FL — On July 7, 2012, the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InP... Full Story

Oakland Freedom Summer Project kicks off!

Uhuru! Yesterday was the first day of the long anticipated Oakland Freedom Summer Project (OFSP) 2... Full Story

InPDUM Convention to take African resistance worldwide! Forward to 2012 Convention - Sept. 29-30

The International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement is calling on Africans and our allies f... Full Story

Uhuru House Reunion reunites comrades from over decades of APSP-led struggle!

On Saturday, June 16, the Oakland Freedom Summer Project (OFSP) hosted the Uhuru House Reunion, ce... Full Story

videoOne People! One Party! One Destiny! Every African on board! No one falls through the cracks!

On July 1, participants from over 40 sites around the world met to begin the "One People! One Party!... Full Story

Defend Lynne Stewart!

For more than 30 years, Attorney Lynne Stewart fearlessly represented African, Arab and other oppressed people Full Story

Defend Eric Oliver! Join the March on Bronson on July 7 against white lynch mob violence! (Watch LIVE broadcast 11am-3pm U.S. ET)

Tune in to live broadcast of the Eric Oliver March for Justice in Bronson, Florida Saturday, Jul... Full Story

videoPenny Hess speaks at USM National Convention: "Occupy Imperialism! Solidarity with African Liberation!"

Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Committee and author of "Overturning th... Full Story

Free Eric Oliver campaign forces State to reduce bond! On to the July 7 National Mobilization!

BRONSON, Florida — On Monday, June 25, 2012 the State took a step back in the case against 1... Full Story

Sponsor a project - invest in African-led initiatives in Sierra Leone

First we want to thank everyone who supported the Africa's Future in African Hands Tour (AFIAH). The tour traveled to nine cities in the U.S. and generated $12,542 towards our goal of $25,000. Full Story

videoFree Eric Oliver! It's Trayvon Martin all over again! National March July 7!

National March to Free Eric Oliver Saturday, ... Full Story

ALD Paris organizing committee wins Movement Unity Award!

The African People’s Socialist Party's Chairman, Omali Yeshitela, is granting the very f... Full Story

Help save WMXP and Malcolm X Center for Self Determination!

“If we could get 5,000 people to give $5.00 each, we would be in business! I saw your story ... Full Story

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Uhuru! Great victory! ...
by Sandy on 2012-08-20
Uhuru Africa ...
by Kwaku Baruka on 2012-08-18
UHURU! ...
by Camilla on 2012-08-18
uhuru Jesse ...
by LaShonda on 2012-08-17
Thanks!!!! ...
by Jameskeller53 on 2012-08-15
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videoCan voting win justice and power for black people? Aug. 18-19 Black is Back Conference

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is holding our annual conferen...
Special Features

Freedom Summer 2012

Oakland Freedom Summer Project continues through fourth day

Free Eric Oliver!

White nationalist tries to run Eric Oliver Defense Committee members off road!

Black is Back

Obama, the election and the struggle for justice, peace, a better life and Black Power

African Liberation Day 2012

ALD Paris unites Africans across Europe in struggle for African liberation!
audioLive discussion on unrest in Burkina Faso, crisis in Ivory Coast, imperialist attack on Libya. Looking at why the U.S. government killed MLK
From , aired Apr 3, 2011
Live discussion with Luwezi Kinshasa, Secretary-General of the African Socialist International (ASI) on unrest in Burkina Faso, crisis in Ivory Coast and updates on the imperialist attack on Libya. Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe also takes a look on this anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. at why the U.S. government killed him.
audioHands off Libya! Stop U.S. imperialist attacks!
From , aired Mar 20, 2011
Host Nyabinga Dzimbahwe interviews African Socialist International (ASI) Secretary-General Luwezi Kinshasa on the imperialist assault on Libya occurring now. ASI Chairman Omali Yeshitela also joins the discussion by phone.
audioAmerica Killed Michael Jackson
From , aired Jun 29, 2009
Uhuru Radio director Nyabinga Dzimbahwe is joined by longtime radio host and African music historian Norman Otis Richmond for a special program remembering Michael Jackson and examining the life and struggles of this incredibly talented African man. Michael Jackson, who influenced nearly all performers who came after him, died on Thursday, June 25, 2009, and even after his death the imperialist media attacks him and his family as it does the African community in general. Michael Jackson's talent grew out of the African community, and his torment came from an ideological assault waged against the African community by America that tells African people every day that one’s success is dependent on how white-like he or she is. This 2-hour special features songs by the artist, commentary by Richmond and Dzimbahwe, as well as by callers to the program.

Uhuru Call to Action

Join the Eric Oliver Defense Committee on Facebook Order Quotations From Chairman Omali Yeshitela

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