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Recent Videos

Denika Chatman, mother of Kenneth Harding speaks at Court for Black Justice 5/5/12
Enjoli Mixon, sister of Lovelle Mixon speaks at Court for Black Justice 5/5/12
Mike King of Occupy Oakland, speaks at Court for Black Justice 5/5/12
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Mumia Off Death Row

Given life without parole.

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Diop For Mayor

A summation of the Diop For Mayor Campaign.

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Black is Back Mobilization

Calls for Africans to build resistance in face of imperialist wars.

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London Branch

Message and invitation to student protestors .

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St Pete Branch

Black Sunday brings new energy to InPDUM in St Pet

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Philly Branch

InPDUM Philly leading the way with Mayoral campaign


Article Of The Week

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some imageInPDUM London message and invitation to student protestors

The International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) stands in solidarity with the demands of African and other students for a right to free University education and the action in London to express this demand!

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Featured Memeber

This month we feature Kwabena "Scientist" - London Branch


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New "Occupy Wall Street Not The Black Community" shirts just in, get yours today!


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