Abitur (from Latin abire "leave, go off") is a designation used in Germany, Finland, Lithuania, and Estonia for final exams that pupils take at the end of their secondary education, usually after twelve or thirteen years of schooling (see also for Germany Abitur after twelve years). Abitur is a matriculation examination and can be compared to A-Level exams or Matura.
The Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife, often referred to as Abiturzeugnis, issued after candidates have passed their final exams, is the document which contains their grades and formally enables them to attend college. That makes it include the functions of a school graduation certificate and a college entrance exam.
The importance of the Abitur has grown beyond admission to the college, however, in that it has increasingly become a prerequisite for starting an apprenticeship in some professions (such as banking). Therefore, career opportunities for Hauptschule or Realschule graduates, who do not have the Abitur, have almost universally seen a downturn in recent years. More than just being a school leaving certificate, having an Abitur is also widely regarded as granting personal prestige.
Ich hab Abitur!
Ich bin so stolz dafür!
Ich hab mich jahrelang so durchgeschwitzt,
Doch jetzt ist die Sache voll geritzt.
Ich hab den Beweis, dass ich nicht blöd sein kann.
Wer hätte das je von mir gedacht?
Ich hab Abitur!
Ich bin so stolz dafür!
Vater gab mir einen Rat:
Mach 'ne Lehre bei 'ner Bank -
Dann hätt' ich was Festes in der Hand.
Doch ich weiß nicht genau,
Bin ich dann noch ein Punk?
Ich hab Abitur!