
What Animism Is
I made this video to explain some misconceptions about the Worldview of Animism, the Prima...
published: 20 Oct 2008
author: AnpetuWi
What Animism Is
I made this video to explain some misconceptions about the Worldview of Animism, the Primal religion of Indigenous people around the world.

Bioregional animism in 5min.
More information on bioregional animism can be found here... bioregionalanimism.com...
published: 05 Dec 2007
author: vegetalista
Bioregional animism in 5min.
More information on bioregional animism can be found here... bioregionalanimism.com

People are a Trip #27: Animism
Wayne has a religion, animism. If you listen, you'll never break a key in a lock as lo...
published: 17 Mar 2007
author: QueenJuliana
People are a Trip #27: Animism
Wayne has a religion, animism. If you listen, you'll never break a key in a lock as long as you live. 'People are a Trip' is a series by Kill Rock Stars spoken-word artist Juliana Luecking. The premise is simple, she asks people blunt questions, and they answer with the truth of the moment. They are hilarious. No, poetic. Well, maybe quite philosophical.

Sacred Power - 2 - Animism, Ancestors and Totemism
Please see part one first: www.youtube.com Part Two: Animism, Ancestors and Totemism Part ...
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: EvangelineValentine
Sacred Power - 2 - Animism, Ancestors and Totemism
Please see part one first: www.youtube.com Part Two: Animism, Ancestors and Totemism Part Three coming soon! ---- The text extracts are from the book "Studying Religion: An Introduction" by Gary E. Kessler. The summaries are made by myself and I am also the person reading. English is not my first language (I'm Norwegian), so please excuse me if my accent is a bit funny! --- No copyright infringement intended! All of the images are taken from Wikipedia Commons.

What is Animism
Freddy Davis shares an explanation of the Animistic worldview....
published: 29 Aug 2011
author: marketfaith
What is Animism
Freddy Davis shares an explanation of the Animistic worldview.

Sangharakshita in conversation with Kathleen Raine, discussing Buddhism and the Religion o...
published: 30 May 2009
author: clearvisiontrust
Sangharakshita in conversation with Kathleen Raine, discussing Buddhism and the Religion of Art. Croydon Arts Centre 1988.

Objectum Sexuality, Animism, Objectophilia (edit)
Post Edit Note: -------------------- For sensitivity reasons, this is an edit from the pre...
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: lesbiandotpro
Objectum Sexuality, Animism, Objectophilia (edit)
Post Edit Note: -------------------- For sensitivity reasons, this is an edit from the previous version that was grabbed 'as is' from its original tv broadcast. This video is now just minus those scenes probably equating to just over a minute. This isn't intended to manipulate the film to alter how it is was originally broadcast but to just not contribute to any further distress. So, this snippet may give the impression there is only one person who identifies as OS, however, this isn't the case, not only were there were a few ppl highlighted in this particular film, but also correspondence in my inbox would suggest there are others out there who just do not wish to be identified or labelled as OS. -------------------- Partial glimpse of a documentary on objectum sexuality: Film explores a very complex syndrome that may encompass, biological, behavioural & mental illness, sexual dysfunction, intimacy and other further complex issues. Whilst it may be very uncomfortable to watch at times, it offers a small insight into something we know little of. Please keep comments respectful, these documentary participants are human beings who deserve compassion and understanding. We need to know more about how and why the human mind (and why objectum sexuality appears to also be gendered) responds to sexual abuse or other (or no) trauma in this way. With respect to the copyright holder and in accordance with the upload country's copyright laws (1968), we have used 10% of the material <b>...</b>

Subterranean Animism Stage 5 Lunatic no bombs one death
This is stage five of Touhou 11 Subterannean Animism played on the Lunatic difficulty. Thi...
published: 28 Aug 2008
author: Kefit
Subterranean Animism Stage 5 Lunatic no bombs one death
This is stage five of Touhou 11 Subterannean Animism played on the Lunatic difficulty. This stage is generally agreed upon as the hardest in the game, and I complete it while capturing all cards, not bombing, and dying only once. I was going for perfection, but the death came to the complete bullshit after midboss Orin so I don't mind too much. Note: I strongly suggest watching this on the high quality setting.

Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stag6 Lunatic
touhou 11 lunatic TAGS, IGNORE IT: ShidoMS ShidoMS ShinoMS ShidoMS Chance MMV Chance UverW...
published: 26 Dec 2008
author: TakeshimaJPN
Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stag6 Lunatic
touhou 11 lunatic TAGS, IGNORE IT: ShidoMS ShidoMS ShinoMS ShidoMS Chance MMV Chance UverWorld Best Private Server Maplestory private server ShidoMS Guide GM maplestory private servers shidoms maplestory maplestory private servers ms godly lvl 59 dexless sin pure luck pure luk bookworm maplestory private server GMS KMS MSEA CMS how to make a maplestory private server godly pure luk sin bookworm maplestory maplesea korean maple story china maplestory dexless sin damage high lvl 59 43 44 racist most racist maplestory video shidoms most racist kurosaki bleach green 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 godly crystal iibi sony vegas pro 8.0 dexless sin bookworm ms godly super godly pure luck sin hermit custom PQ dexless sin maplestory private server maplestory private servers finalstory lagms b12ms dagonms lolms ahlongms wtfms screwms tanman ms lol ms titan source odin source 0.55 0.60 60 55 53 55 lol maplestory rocks godly people rocks dray86 maple kombat 1 2 3 4 5 bookworm maplestory private servers godly lvl 59 dexless sin , bookworm tiger fangblade 1000x exp 1000x mesos 10x drop rate maple story maplestory private server v.55 v.56 v.57 darkknight paladin NL night lord noob lol mmv assasin shadower mage cleric bishop arch mage hero 12x 13x 14x 15x 16x 17x 18x 19x 20x hacks hacker pincracker working movie v.55 v.56 v.57 v.58maple story maplestory gms ems msea maplesea video game maple story maplestory gms verticalms msea maplesea hacking hacks godmode vac demi <b>...</b>

"Animism" by Stephen Ridley
Animism by Stephen Ridley Performed by Brad Meyer www.Brad-Meyer.com...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: OdieDrums
"Animism" by Stephen Ridley
Animism by Stephen Ridley Performed by Brad Meyer www.Brad-Meyer.com

Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic
Replay: replays.gensokyo.org HAHAHAHA YESSSS!! Well, here it is, a run I've wanted for...
published: 03 Jan 2009
author: bjwdestroyer
Touhou 11 - Subterranean Animism - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic
Replay: replays.gensokyo.org HAHAHAHA YESSSS!! Well, here it is, a run I've wanted for quite sometime now. Utsuho is by far the most atmospheric final boss to ever grace this series. Everything about the battle fits really well together: the music, the annoyingly bright radioactive bullets, the gigantic sun bullet danmaku, and the... whatever that is in the background, the nuclear symbol with the cat on it. To put it simply, it's intense. The stage portion is pretty straight forward (in this run, things got a little too close for comfort against those crows that crap all the large white bullets), and the same goes for the midboss encounter with Orin. In my opinion, most of Utsuho's difficulty comes early on (actually, I don't think anyone would disagree with this). Her first card is tough, but I've noticed that when I play more defensively on it (as in, not try to capture it ASAP), I tend to fair far better against it. Her second noncard always seems to backstab me when I least expect it, but small movements and a little luck with good openings--as this run demonstrates--allows ReimuA to take it out within 1 iteration. Her second spell card is random and annoying, so I honestly don't know what to say about it :P Aside from that, the rest of the run came down to nerves and whether or not the last spell would shit in my face. Luckily, everything went according to plan. Funny thing is, the last few runs immediately before this one had me failing the last spell left and right <b>...</b>

Far East Movement - Like a G6 (Animism Remix)
Like My Facebook Page for More: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Che...
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: directmusic94
Far East Movement - Like a G6 (Animism Remix)
Like My Facebook Page for More: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Check out my Soundcloud Page: www.soundcloud.com Download: www.mediafire.com Why do i even do this: Far East Movement Like G6 Animism Remix electro house "house techno" drums bassline "new single" dj reggae "dance club" "techno music" techno "electronic music" rap music "high quality" "hip hop" bass trance "dance music" electro amazing sick remix cool bass fun jumpstyle jump house tutorial plane aircraft far east movement fm the cataracs dev like g6 official fly house party lyrics

Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stage 1 Lunatic
a pretty chaotic stage1, it annoys me that its hard to highscore on this stage due to near...
published: 20 Aug 2008
author: Drayenomg
Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stage 1 Lunatic
a pretty chaotic stage1, it annoys me that its hard to highscore on this stage due to nearly no time to POC collect and ReimuA being limited in terms of range, its much easier with MarisaB, while using the spreadshot and grazing everything The music on this stage is alright, nothing too amazing, but nothing bad either, the boss fight is a bit annoying though, her first nonspellcard can be ridiculous if she moves a little too much downwards, and her last spellcard is kinda stressful/annoying imo. So yeah, its not my favorite stage in the touhou series, but enjoy anyway : P

Animistic religions of hunter-gatherers: Evenki, Aborigine, Bushman, Inuit. Three levels, ...
published: 11 Feb 2010
author: EdLifton
Animistic religions of hunter-gatherers: Evenki, Aborigine, Bushman, Inuit. Three levels, shamans, trance, clan animals. The incredible journey, common origins of humanity, Burial of dead, spirit of prey, hunting.
Vimeo results:

The Third & The Seventh
.Fullscreen it, please.
A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture ar...
published: 24 Nov 2009
author: Alex Roman
The Third & The Seventh
.Fullscreen it, please.
A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects
are already-built spaces. Sometimes in an abstract way. Sometimes surreal.
|Modelling - Texturing - Illumination - Rendering| Alex Roman
|Postproduction & Editing| Alex Roman
Sequenced, Orchestrated & Mixed by Alex Roman (Sonar & EWQLSO Gold Pro XP)
Sound Design by Alex Roman
Based on original scores by:
.Michael Laurence Edward Nyman. (The Departure)
.Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns. (Le Carnaval des animaux)
Directed by Alex Roman
Done with 3dsmax, Vray, AfterEffects and Premiere.

Address Is Approximate
BRAND NEW VIRAL: vimeo.com/43239312 - The world's Tiniest Police Chase!
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: The Theory
Address Is Approximate
BRAND NEW VIRAL: vimeo.com/43239312 - The world's Tiniest Police Chase!
Google Street View stop motion animation short made as a personal project by director Tom Jenkins.
Story: A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of the office, so he takes a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can – using a toy car and Google Maps Street View.
Music by the wonderfull Cinematic Orchestra (www.cinematicorchestra.com) and the track is Arrival of the Birds - please buy the fantastic album: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-crimson-wing-mystery-flamingos/id297787201
All screen imagery was animated - there are no screen replacements.
Produced, animated, filmed, lit, edited & graded by Tom Jenkins (www.thetheory.co.uk / https://www.facebook.com/theoryfilms - !NEW MAKING OF PICS ON FB PAGE! / @thetheoryUK / http://twitter.com/#!/thetheoryUK).
Shot using Canon 5d MkII, Dragonframe Stop Motion software and customised slider.

KONY 2012
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and So...
published: 20 Feb 2012
KONY 2012
To see real time reports on LRA activity in the D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.lracrisistracker.com/
To learn more about Invisible Children's recovery efforts in the post-conflict regions of northern Uganda AND our work with communities currently affected in D.R.Congo, Central African Republic and South Sudan visit: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/programs.html
To view our response to common critiques to the KONY 2012 film and campaign visit:
To see our worldwide youth mobilization initiatives:
Learn More: http://kony2012.com
Donate to Invisible Children: https://stayclassy.org/checkout/set-donation?eid=14711
For official MEDIA and artist REPRESENTATION ONLY: PR@invisiblechildren.com
DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch, Mariana Blanco, Laurence Vannicelli PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer
Original Instrumental Scores by Joel P. West http://www.joelpwest.com/
“02 Ghosts I” Performed by Nine Inch Nails, Written by Atticus Ross and Trent Reznor, Produced by Alan Moulder, Atticus Ross, and Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails appear courtesy of The Null Corporation
“Punching in a Dream”, Performed by The Naked and Famous, Written by Aaron Short, Alisa Xayalith, and Thom Powers, Produced by Thom Powers, The Naked and Famous appear courtesy of Somewhat Damaged and Universal Republic
“Arrival of the Birds”, Performed by The Cinematic Orchestra, Written by The Cinematic Orchestra, Produced by The Cinematic Orchestra, The Cinematic Orchestra appears courtesy of Disney Records
“Roll Away Your Stone”, Performed by Mumford and Sons, Written by Benjamin Lovett, Edward Dwane, Marcus Mumford, and Winston Marshall, Produced by Markus Dravs, Mumford and Sons appear courtesy of Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC
“On (Instrumental)”, Performed by Bloc Party
Written by Bloc Party, Produced by Jacknife Lee, Bloc Party appears courtesy of Vice Records
“A Dream within a Dream”, Performed by The Glitch Mob, The Glitch Mob appears courtesy of Glass Air
“I Can’t Stop”, Performed by Flux Pavilion, Flux Pavilion appears courtesy of Circus Records Limited

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ...
published: 04 Jul 2010
author: blu
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU
an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end.
direction and animation by BLU
production and distribution by ARTSH.it
many thanks to (in random order):
xm24 bologna, csoa mezzacanaja, ericailcane, robert rebotti, andrea bagni, paper resistance, studiocromie, rifrazioni festival, sasso passo, sibe, festival de cine experimental de maldonado (uruguay), gianluigi toccafondo, orilo, maria de brea, bs as stencil, run don't walk, franco fasoli, modo infoshop, pietro and icone festival, doma, cesare romani, popup festival and all the blu's family
Youtube results:

The Meaning of Animism
a way of relating to our environment........ our culture has been disconnected from the sa...
published: 29 Jul 2011
author: niamtxiv
The Meaning of Animism
a way of relating to our environment........ our culture has been disconnected from the sacred teaching that our ancestors have always believe in. human is part of nature.... everything is all intertwined.... the Hmong view of the world is circular, all things are connected both physically and spiritually while in western Christian view of the world, it is linear in which there is no connection between the world and the individual.

AfRAkan FRAktals Explain Animism
European and arab religions see AfRAkan Cultural practices as ANIMISTIC. That gives them t...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: dohgonmomoh
AfRAkan FRAktals Explain Animism
European and arab religions see AfRAkan Cultural practices as ANIMISTIC. That gives them the right to act barbarically against a peaceful and highly civilized people under the pretext of "bringing christ and muhammad into their lives to civilize them." Now comes the MA'AThematics in AfRAkan fRAktal geometry. Is there anyone out there to challenge Professor MOmOh? www.dohgonuniversity.com

Subterranean Animism Stage 6 Lunatic no bombs no deaths
This is stage six of Touhou 11 Subterannean Animism played on the Lunatic difficulty. This...
published: 31 Aug 2008
author: Kefit
Subterranean Animism Stage 6 Lunatic no bombs no deaths
This is stage six of Touhou 11 Subterannean Animism played on the Lunatic difficulty. This stage is easier than stage five, but I make up for it by clearing it without bombing or dying. There were some real close calls on a couple of Utsuho's nonspellcards though. Note: I strongly suggest watching this on the high quality setting.

Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stage 6 Normal
This is about my 15th try on this stage on normal, it was very hard to get used to, but i ...
published: 16 Aug 2008
author: Drayenomg
Touhou 11 東方地霊殿- Subterranean Animism Stage 6 Normal
This is about my 15th try on this stage on normal, it was very hard to get used to, but i got everything on this stage easy now, except for the two last spellcards. So, enter Reiuzi Utsuho, the most ridiculous touhou character ever conceived, but she seems pretty badass regardless with her massive attacks and vindicative face. Shes pretty much space, stars and atomic bomb themed.. go figure. The stage is a bit boring, its just dodging aimed attacks for the most part, nothing very difficult. The boss introduces a new kind of bullet, which i called the "humongous face-melting sun bullets", which takes pretty much half of the screen or so. Her attacks force you to move very slightly and be careful, something i dont really like since id rather go crazy, but what am i wishing for.. this is a danmaku. Whats interesting is her final spellcard, its pretty much a blackhole that tries to suck everything in, including you, so if you dont try to move back towards the bottom of the screen, youll get attracted to her, and the lower her health gets, the stronger the attraction is. Just so i can spare you the BS though, when she dies, she levels to another level of "gravity", where your focused speed is exactly equal with the speed of the attraction, so you cant run away unless you unfocus, therefore you could easily die when she dies if you dont react quickly enough... just like i did on one attempt... on my last life, yeah, that sucked lol