
Gerald Celente on Eurozone Reckoning Day and how Goldman escapes charges!
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. After its yearlong investi...
published: 10 Aug 2012
Author: CapitalAccount
Gerald Celente on Eurozone Reckoning Day and how Goldman escapes charges!
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. After its yearlong investigation, the Justice Department said that it will not bring charges against Goldman Sachs or any of its employees for financial fraud related to the mortgage crisis. Is this justice or, as Gerald Celente often says, is this "just us" big bankers getting away with whatever we want? Also, Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services threatened to revoke Standard Chartered's banking license after accusing the bank of laundering billions for Iran. Have we found someone to take on the big banks? This action has set off backlash from Federal regulators. Are they going after the New York regulator for doing his job or is the regulator going rogue? We will discuss with Gerald Celente, Founder of Trends Research Institute & Publisher of the Trends Journal. Plus, the Libor benchmark interest rates must be changed or replaced, says Britain's financial regulator. The regulator also said the future of other benchmarks, including oil, gold, and stock prices, is also under scrutiny. We ask Gerald Celente if there any place to invest that is not rigged.

Eurozone macros continue to be challenging: TCS CEO N Chandrasekaran
With rupee continuing its volatility and the Eurozone condition not improving, NDTV spoke ...
published: 27 Aug 2012
Author: ndtv
Eurozone macros continue to be challenging: TCS CEO N Chandrasekaran
With rupee continuing its volatility and the Eurozone condition not improving, NDTV spoke to N Chandrasekaran, CEO of India's largest IT company TCS about the challenges ahead for the company and the IT sector as a whole.

COLLAPSE of EURO: 'GERMANY must declare EUROZONE ultimatum/ stop BAILOUTS'?!
RT speaks to Thilo Sarrazin, a German politician and former Executive of the Deutsche Bund...
published: 26 Aug 2012
Author: Tsiyonut times
COLLAPSE of EURO: 'GERMANY must declare EUROZONE ultimatum/ stop BAILOUTS'?!
RT speaks to Thilo Sarrazin, a German politician and former Executive of the Deutsche Bundesbank, about the future of the EU and the single currency. TAGS: Tsiyonuttimes 2012 trends trend trendy gold silver bullion lead US USA America Germany declare Eurozone ultimatum stop bailouts Rothschild bank euro EU profit internal debt public expenditure Obama competition economy Euro Meltdown zion zionism rob dew dhs document john kennedy false flag senator operation north wood extremest oppose government law enforcement barrack hussein obama globalist leader collapse crash information currency investment banker sores serious

'Eurozone endgame - not Armageddon, a blessing'
RT's Laura Smith interviews economist Roger Bootle, who won the Wolfson Prize for deve...
published: 07 Aug 2012
Author: RussiaToday
'Eurozone endgame - not Armageddon, a blessing'
RT's Laura Smith interviews economist Roger Bootle, who won the Wolfson Prize for developing a practical plan to dissolve the Eurozone. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Daniel Altman: The Eurozone
Daniel Altman explains the origins of the European Union and why it's in so much troub...
published: 24 Jun 2012
Author: bigthink
Daniel Altman: The Eurozone
Daniel Altman explains the origins of the European Union and why it's in so much trouble today. Directed / Produced by Elizabeth Rodd and Jonathan Fowler Daniel Altman is an economist and writer. Born in Connecticut, he studied economics at Harvard long enough to receive a doctorate. Rather than stay in the ivory tower, he became the London-based economics correspondent of The Economist. He next joined The New York Times as one of the youngest-ever members of its editorial board and later wrote economic commentary for the business section. He soon returned to London to become an economic advisor in the British government, dealing with crime, immigration, and illicit drugs. His next position was as the global economics columnist of the International Herald Tribune, with stints in Buenos Aires, Damascus, and Hong Kong.

Bankers responsible for eurozone debt crisis Bankers responsible for eurozone debt crisis
Several eurozone member-states, including Greece and Spain, have been struggling with deep...
published: 31 Jul 2012
Author: MaxKeiserTV
Bankers responsible for eurozone debt crisis Bankers responsible for eurozone debt crisis
Several eurozone member-states, including Greece and Spain, have been struggling with deep economic woes since the bloc's financial crisis began roughly five years ago.

Germany's Eurozone Dilemma (Portfolio)
Stratfor analyst Adriano Bosoni examines Germany's domestic political dilemma as it tr...
published: 17 May 2012
Author: STRATFORvideo
Germany's Eurozone Dilemma (Portfolio)
Stratfor analyst Adriano Bosoni examines Germany's domestic political dilemma as it tries to manage the Eurozone crisis. For more analysis, visit: www.stratfor.com

Unemployed & Unwanted: Piling Eurozone cuts bite hard
Spain, may be the EU's 4th largest economy, but it tops the ranks when it comes to the...
published: 20 Jul 2012
Author: RussiaToday
Unemployed & Unwanted: Piling Eurozone cuts bite hard
Spain, may be the EU's 4th largest economy, but it tops the ranks when it comes to the number of unemployed. Almost 6 million people are out of work, desperate to find ways to survive. Some are turning to other countries in the hope of finding a better life, but as RT's Tesa Arcilla reports, they might have to go a lot further than neighboring Eurozone states. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

Inside Story - Will the eurozone collapse?
Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), has told European politicians t...
published: 02 Jun 2012
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Inside Story - Will the eurozone collapse?
Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), has told European politicians that they should do a lot more to tackle the debt crisis. He says the current setup is unsustainable and has urged member states to take immediate action towards developing a clear vision for the next few year

Laying the Groundwork for a Default and Eurozone Exit ahead of Greek Elections
Welcome to Capital Account. No matter the outcome of the Greek election on Sunday, Monday ...
published: 15 Jun 2012
Author: CapitalAccount
Laying the Groundwork for a Default and Eurozone Exit ahead of Greek Elections
Welcome to Capital Account. No matter the outcome of the Greek election on Sunday, Monday will certainly be an interesting day for global markets. Many believe Sunday's elections will determine whether the nation remains in the Eurozone. The political parties in Greece have fallen into two categories: those in favor of the 240 billion euro bailout loan, tied to extreme austerity measures, and those against it. Syriza, the party led by Alexis Tsipras, is running on a staunch anti-austerity platform. He has stated publicly that he believes Greece will not be pushed out of the euro even if they break with the austerity measures tied to the bailout. He recently said "We have no sense that European partners will follow this tactic of blackmail heard from some quarters and stop funding" New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras has campaigned on a platform to keep Greece in the eurozone, while walking a tightrope of promising fiscal adjustments to ease the pain associated with the memorandum. On June 1st, the last date opinion polls were allowed to be publicized, New Democracy led with 22.7 percent, Syriza had 22 percent, and Pasok had 11.2 percent. (conducted by Metron Analysis for Athens-based ANT1 TV with a margin of error 2.8 percent. If there's no clear winner on Sunday, forming a coalition could again prove difficult. There are 300 seats in the legislature, and 151 seats are needed to form a government. If New Democracy gained enough seats, they could form a coalition with <b>...</b>

Euro zone: the centralization battle rages on-On the Edge with Max Keiser-06-29-2012
In this edition of the show Max interviews Catherine Austin Fitts from Solari.com. She tal...
published: 30 Jun 2012
Author: PressTVGlobalNews
Euro zone: the centralization battle rages on-On the Edge with Max Keiser-06-29-2012
In this edition of the show Max interviews Catherine Austin Fitts from Solari.com. She talks about the multiple debt plans; bailouts and funding facilities, attempting to hold the Euro zone together. Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report, managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Watch this video on our Website: www.presstv.com Follow our Facebook on: www.facebook.com Follow our Twitter on: twitter.com

'Germany must declare Eurozone ultimatum or stop bailouts'
RT speaks to Thilo Sarrazin, a German politician and former Executive of the Deutsche Bund...
published: 21 Aug 2012
Author: RussiaToday
'Germany must declare Eurozone ultimatum or stop bailouts'
RT speaks to Thilo Sarrazin, a German politician and former Executive of the Deutsche Bundesbank, about the future of the EU and the single currency. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.

UKIP Nigel Farage on collapsing Eurozone, part1 of 2 (28Jun12)
UK Independence party leader Nigel Farage on Russia Today. P 1 of 2...
published: 02 Jul 2012
Author: ukipmedia
UKIP Nigel Farage on collapsing Eurozone, part1 of 2 (28Jun12)
UK Independence party leader Nigel Farage on Russia Today. P 1 of 2

Paul Krugman on Eurozone: "The Whole Thing Could Fall Apart in a Matter of Months"
DemocracyNow.org - The European economic crisis is expected to top the agenda at the G8 me...
published: 17 May 2012
Author: democracynow
Paul Krugman on Eurozone: "The Whole Thing Could Fall Apart in a Matter of Months"
DemocracyNow.org - The European economic crisis is expected to top the agenda at the G8 meeting tomorrow at Camp David. In Greece, voters will soon head to the polls for another round of elections which will be viewed by many as a referendum on the Euro. Our guest today, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, warns the current bank run in Greece could spiral into the end of the Eurozone. "It is really quite shocking," Krugman says. "I hate to sound apocalyptic." Meanwhile, France's new finance minister has reiterated that the country's new socialist government will not ratify the European Union's fiscal pact calling for greater austerity. Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for more information, visit www.democracynow.org FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Listen on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit www.democracynow.org
Vimeo results:

CATASTROIKA greek teaser trailer
Το νέο ντοκιμαντέρ του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου και της Κατερίνας Κιτίδη...
published: 28 Oct 2011
Author: ThePressProject
CATASTROIKA greek teaser trailer
Το νέο ντοκιμαντέρ του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου και της Κατερίνας Κιτίδη

CATASTROIKA english teaser trailer
The creators of Debtocracy, a documentary with two million views broadcasted from Japan to...
published: 30 Oct 2011
Author: ThePressProject
CATASTROIKA english teaser trailer
The creators of Debtocracy, a documentary with two million views broadcasted from Japan to Latin America, analyze the shifting of state assets to private hands. They travel round the world gathering data on privatization in developed countries and search for clues on the day after Greece’s massive privatization program.

another roadtrippin...
published: 28 Nov 2011
Author: Sundenburg
another roadtrippin
Youtube results:

EUROZONE COLLAPSE - Angela MERKEL Insists No DEBT sharing in Europe
EUROZONE COLLAPSE - Angela MERKEL Insists No DEBT sharing in Europe All eyes are on the la...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Author: Conspirafied0
EUROZONE COLLAPSE - Angela MERKEL Insists No DEBT sharing in Europe
EUROZONE COLLAPSE - Angela MERKEL Insists No DEBT sharing in Europe All eyes are on the latest EU summit starting in Brussels today with leaders gathered to agree on measures to boost growth in the region. But hopes for a breakthrough are fading away with Germany's refusal to back other countries' debts. European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso have already proposed creating a eurozone treasury to issue joint bonds to share the burden of debt troubled countries. The proposal has been repeatedly ruled out by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as she calls for creating a fiscal union before any further debt sharing. Experts say, Merkel is unlikely to change her position, as it reflects the widespread public view in Germany, which doesn't want to bailout other countries. "My feeling is that Mrs Merkel will stick to her point. She would not give the German credit card to other countries' without having a sufficient degree of control over what these and other countries are doing with expenditure and economic policy in general," Johan Van Overtveldt, editor-in-chief of the Trends magazine, told RT. The EU leaders are going to focus on creating banking union as a fundamental step towards fiscal integration. They propose to set up a single European banking supervisor as well as to work out a common deposit guarantee scheme and a single bank resolution fund to stabilize EU banking. Both Italy and Spain have been pressing other <b>...</b>

Breakingviews: Euro zone deal ticks the boxes
June 29 - Euro zone deal gives three big moves and big ground to be optimistic after marke...
published: 29 Jun 2012
Author: ReutersVideo
Breakingviews: Euro zone deal ticks the boxes
June 29 - Euro zone deal gives three big moves and big ground to be optimistic after markets had become so used to disappointment, says Reuters Breakingviews

Greece to meet creditors as euro zone exit looms
www.euronews.com Greece is moving back to centre stage of the euro zone crisis as Athens p...
published: 23 Jul 2012
Author: Euronews
Greece to meet creditors as euro zone exit looms
www.euronews.com Greece is moving back to centre stage of the euro zone crisis as Athens prepares to meet its troika of international lenders. The troika made up of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund will determine whether Greece has implemented enough reforms and budget cuts to get more help. EU Commission spokesperson Antoine Colombani hinted that Greece is failing to meet its commitments: "The decision on the next disbursement will only be taken once the ongoing review is completed. Over the last few months, significant delays in programme implementation have occurred." Greece has received two bail outs totalling 290 billion euros, but the country's economy remains swamped. New Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has called for more time to meet the conditions. Germany has no appetite for such a move and other euro zone states are reluctant to lend more cash. If the Greeks request more time the bill could go up by a further 40 to 50 billion euros. If Greece fails to get more bail out money it will default and possibly leave the euro. The unthinkable is creeping ever closer to reality. Find us on: Youtube bit.ly Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com

Euro zone on the brink..... Duhh
That is the plan. Support our partners in alt media Gabe Elton of Austin Coin and Bullion ...
published: 06 Jun 2012
Author: crabbydogtrix
Euro zone on the brink..... Duhh
That is the plan. Support our partners in alt media Gabe Elton of Austin Coin and Bullion 800 552 4109 www.washingtonpost.com www.usdebtclock.org