
Many of the body's most basic functions are regulated by the endocrine system—ei...
published: 18 Oct 2007
author: chichin85
Many of the body's most basic functions are regulated by the endocrine system—eight different glands located throughout the body. The endocrine system constantly and quietly does its work—secreting liquid chemical messengers called hormones. These chemicals manage muscle growth and digestion, as well as energy, reproduction, and more. Here in the pancreas, a hormone called insulin is produced and secreted into the blood. When levels of blood glucose —or sugar— become too high, the pancreas increases production of insulin. Chemicals in the insulin cause body cells to open up, allowing more glucose from the blood to enter cells—stabilizing the amount of glucose in the blood and maintaining adequate energy in the cells. This is just one example of how the endocrine system regulates a number of important body functions.

Newhalf 1 Year on Hormones Male to Female Transition
published: 29 Jan 2011
author: MACJunkie88
Newhalf 1 Year on Hormones Male to Female Transition

Pituitary Hormones
A short video about the hormones released from the pituitary gland...
published: 24 May 2011
author: 33ryman
Pituitary Hormones
A short video about the hormones released from the pituitary gland

Medical Mondays: What are hormones and how do they work in our bodies?
Dr. Jennifer Landa, Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD, discusses what hormones are, how...
published: 20 Jun 2011
author: BodyLogicMD
Medical Mondays: What are hormones and how do they work in our bodies?
Dr. Jennifer Landa, Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD, discusses what hormones are, how they;re made and how they function in the human body. www.bodylogicmd.com

9 Months Hormones "TRANSGENDER" HRT
This is a video of the effects of 9 months on HRT...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: EiselyNiandra
9 Months Hormones "TRANSGENDER" HRT
This is a video of the effects of 9 months on HRT

HGH Human Growth Hormone
Visit our website here: www.HGH1-HumanGrowthHormone.com HGH (human growth hormone) has man...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: 67donjuan
HGH Human Growth Hormone
Visit our website here: www.HGH1-HumanGrowthHormone.com HGH (human growth hormone) has many benefits. This growth hormone has anti-aging properties. This anti-aging supplement helps diminish wrinkles and increase physical stamina. An hgh supplement releaser can help with weight loss by increasing metabolism, while also increasing your sex drive! Also, build lean muscle mass. Great for bodybuilding!

7 Months Hormones "Transgender" HRT
I promise I'll get better at making these video blogs haha...
published: 24 Jan 2012
author: EiselyNiandra
7 Months Hormones "Transgender" HRT
I promise I'll get better at making these video blogs haha

Dr. Hotze - Hormonal Imbalance
www.DrHotze.com Do you suffer from mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, headac...
published: 12 Nov 2008
author: HotzeHealth
Dr. Hotze - Hormonal Imbalance
www.DrHotze.com Do you suffer from mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, headaches, fatiue, or weight gain? Antidepressants are NOT the answer - listen to Dr. Hotze tell you how to get rid of these symptoms NATURALLY!

The Endocrine System
Paul Andersen explains the major elements in the endocrine system. He explains how glands ...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: bozemanbiology
The Endocrine System
Paul Andersen explains the major elements in the endocrine system. He explains how glands produce hormones which target cells. He differentiates between water soluble and lipid soluble hormones. He then describes the hormones and actions of ten glands; pineal, anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, testes and ovaries.

Growth Hormone
Growth Hormone...
published: 28 Oct 2006
author: dfuivhefihis
Growth Hormone
Growth Hormone

Raging Hormones
viewster.com - watch MORE free movies on http College-bound Peter Broadhurst is quickly ta...
published: 05 Jul 2011
author: ViewsterTV
Raging Hormones
viewster.com - watch MORE free movies on http College-bound Peter Broadhurst is quickly taken off course when his beautiful sex-crazed neighbor decides to use him as her personal sex toy. Peter thinks he's landed in the most amazing fantasy a teen could ever imagine until his mother catches him and all hell breaks loose.

Body Hair After Hormones/HRT MtF
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com This is how body hair changes after taking hormone replacement ...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: nataliesweetwine
Body Hair After Hormones/HRT MtF
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com This is how body hair changes after taking hormone replacement therapy. Thetransbrothers - www.youtube.com

8 Month Hormone Effects (before and after)
June 3rd 2012 - Follow my new FaceBook page - www.facebook.com This is a video demonstrati...
published: 05 Feb 2010
author: VannaSiamese
8 Month Hormone Effects (before and after)
June 3rd 2012 - Follow my new FaceBook page - www.facebook.com This is a video demonstrating the effects I've had with hormones over the last 8 months. The piano piece is an original improvisation to the slideshow. Feel free to be critical of the pictures, but please not the piano... I started playing in August 2009 and know little of the instrument. If interested, please check my other hormone effect videos for additional pictures.

6 Weeks on HORMONES Part 1: Breast & HAIR!!!
I am a transgender woman and this is an update video of how the past 6 weeks on hormones h...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: avacakes87
6 Weeks on HORMONES Part 1: Breast & HAIR!!!
I am a transgender woman and this is an update video of how the past 6 weeks on hormones have been for me. This is Part 1 of a 2 Part video. This video focuses on hair. Facial hair, body hair, and the hair on my head. The Weird Show Interview will be linked in this video... Its been public, but has only gotten 2 more views so I'll be linking it in this one and the next Transgender Journey video. I love you guys. www.avalisagallo.com www.facebook.com/AVALISAgallo www.twitter.com/ava_galllo

Transgender Hormones therapy.
published: 25 Sep 2011
author: wabuuic
Transgender Hormones therapy.
I HAVE BEEN TAKING HORMONES FOR 2 WEEKS AND THIS IS RESULT. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for transgender and transsexual people changes the balance of sex hormones in their bodies. Some intersex people also receive HRT, either starting in childhood to confirm the gender they were assigned, or later, if this assignment has proven to be incorrect. Some cisgendered men may use HRT to have a hair-free body, as a result of less testosterone in their bodies.[citation needed]. Its purpose is to cause the development of the secondary sex characteristics of the desired gender. It cannot undo the changes produced by the first natural occurring puberty, which necessitates sexual reassignment surgery and epilation by either electrolysis and/or laser hair removal. The effects of hormonal therapy are often much more satisfying to trans men than trans women, as it is easier to produce secondary male sexual characteristics with androgens than it is to rid trans women of those established characteristics.

HORMONES a Blazing!
Hey guys! I started my day in a funky mood- but then ShayCarl came a cheered me up! Ok thi...
published: 15 Dec 2010
author: lisa
HORMONES a Blazing!
Hey guys! I started my day in a funky mood- but then ShayCarl came a cheered me up! Ok this is 4 days in a row, don't I get a prize? Love, Lisa Watch when we surprise my mom! www.youtube.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK FRIEND??? www.facebook.com DAILYBOOTH: dailybooth.com

Bio-Identical Hormones and Synthetic Hormones - Suzanne Somers Breaking Through
Suzanne Somers talks to her gynecologist Dr. Prudence Hall, and Dr. Abe Morgentaler [autho...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: CafeMomStudios
Bio-Identical Hormones and Synthetic Hormones - Suzanne Somers Breaking Through
Suzanne Somers talks to her gynecologist Dr. Prudence Hall, and Dr. Abe Morgentaler [author of 'Testosterone for Life'] about synthetic hormones, bio-identical hormones, and how these hormones affect our bodies in different ways. Bio-identical hormones can be incredibly helpful in treating, and potentially eliminating, the many side effects of menopause. Find out more in this episode, and don't forget to subscribe to see a new episode of Suzanne Somers Breaking Through every Thursday!

Women's Health, Hormones, Sun & Postpartum Depression
Be My Friend - www.myspace.com Women's Health, Hormones, Sun & Postpartum Depressi...
published: 01 Apr 2008
author: psychetruth
Women's Health, Hormones, Sun & Postpartum Depression
Be My Friend - www.myspace.com Women's Health, Hormones, Sun & Postpartum Depression Dr.Vincent Bellonzi is a chiropractor and is certified in Clinical Nutrition. He has been in practice for over 12 years. He received his Doctorate from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1991. Since 1998, Dr. Bellonzi has practiced in the Austin area. He works with athletes at every level to provide sports conditioning and rehabilitation. Visit Dr. Bellonzi's website at www.austinwellnessclinic.com This video was produced by Psychetruth www.myspace.com www.youtube.com PsycheTruth is empowered by TubeMogul www.tubemogul.com © Copyright 2008 Austin Wellness Institute. All Rights Reserved.

Steroid Hormone
Gene Control...
published: 20 Oct 2006
author: ppornelubio
Steroid Hormone
Gene Control

How Hormones Work
How Hormones Work Hormones act as chemical messengers and are secreted into the bloodstrea...
published: 03 Aug 2007
author: dizzo95
How Hormones Work
How Hormones Work Hormones act as chemical messengers and are secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine glands for distribution around the body. Each hormone acts only upon specific types of cells---those bearing the correct membrane receptor sites. These are the "target cells" for the hormone. Within the bloodstream there are many different hormones. When specific receptor sites are not filled, cells remain "turned off". As hormones attach to receptor sites, they initiate a "switch on" reaction in the cell cytoplasm---this reaction is usually the production of the chemical cyclic adenosine mnophosphate or cyclic AMP from ATP. Cyclic AMP acts as a messenger--within the cell-- to activate the cell's production lines. The activity in the bloodstream of some hormones, such as adrenaline, may last for only ten minutes. Others, including some sex hormones, have a longer life. Hormones may be inactivated by the target cells or by the liver, and the breakdown products, when their actions have been completed, are either excreted or reused in the further manufacture of hormones.

Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy What's the difference between sy...
published: 20 Apr 2009
author: psychetruth
Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy What's the difference between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones? How does hormone therapy work? How are hormone imbalances tested? How do hormones affect women's health?

L-Arginine Boosts HGH Growth Hormone Naturally If You Use It Right
Arginine enhances human growth hormone (HGH) levels naturally when taken in the right dose...
published: 19 Nov 2009
author: DrDennisClark
L-Arginine Boosts HGH Growth Hormone Naturally If You Use It Right
Arginine enhances human growth hormone (HGH) levels naturally when taken in the right dose and with the right complementary amino acids. Supplementation with arginine leads to HGH enhancement benefits such as anti aging, bodybuilding, weight loss, sexual performance, and much more. Here is how to achieve good results.