All students have the right to a safe campus, free of sexual violence. SAFER empowers students to hold their universities accountable for having strong campus sexual assault policies and programming. We’re here to help you organize for change. Read More

Search for your school  in our national Campus Sexual Assault Policy Database.  Not there?  Submit an analysis of your school's policy using our student-friendly step-by-step process, the Campus Accountability Project.

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Our free online library of organizing resources for stronger sexual assault policies, including an intro to sexual assault activism, policy analysis, and how to be a better organizer. NEW in March 2012: Campus Policy: Down to Details

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SAFER offers one-day teach-ins to facilitate campus-wide dialogue, weekend trainings for students only, and a mentoring program for student organizers. Contact us to schedule a training, and we will send one of our experienced organizers to YOU!

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Student Stories

  • Dan Wald

    Ithaca College

    In February of 2008, three reported campus rapes prompted the creation of a Sexual Assault Workgroup to reform the school's policy. Dan was part of that group, and describes the process of re-writing the policy.

  • Jerin Alam and Elischia Fludd

    CUNY (John Jay and Hunter Collge)

    Jerin and Elischia began a campaign to implement a sexual assault policy throughout the entire City University of New York system, which covers over 450,000 students. They have a number of organizing tips for students just starting out.

  • Erin Burrows

    Sarah Lawrence College

    Erin was part of a successful campaign to completely revise Sarah Lawrence College's sexual assault policies and programming. SLC students got creative with protests and zines, and after three years of hard work their new policy was adopted in fall 2009.

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