Math Modeling & Disease Dynamics - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Math Modeling & Disease Dynamics - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professors Patrick Nelson, Kerry Landman, and Avner Friedman, graduate student Irina Kareva, and several other speakers outlined various aspects of mathematical modeling in studying biological processes, and hence analyzing disease progression and dynamics. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Diversity of Applied Math - an overview from ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 29 Sep 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Diversity of Applied Math - an overview from ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The Congress took place at the state-of-the-art Vancouver Convention Centre on the waterfront in the heart of the city. ICIAM 2011 highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. It covered wide-ranging areas such as the financial crisis, disease modeling, environmental science, and human and animal dynamics. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Applying Mathematics to Oil Spills - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 25 Aug 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Applying Mathematics to Oil Spills - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The Congress took place at the state-of-the-art Vancouver Convention Centre on the waterfront in the heart of the city. ICIAM 2011 highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas. Dr. Andrea Bertozzi highlighted one of many timely topics in her invited lecture, Particle Laden Viscous Fluids and the Gulf of Mexico Oilspill, addressing modeling and mathematical challenges associated with the settling of particles in particle-oil mixtures caused by crude oil washing up on beaches. Created by WebsEdge
Computational Science for Image & Shape Analysis - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 09 Nov 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Computational Science for Image & Shape Analysis - ICIAM 2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professor Ron Kimmel of Technion Israel Institute of Technology explained how treating geometric objects as metric spaces allows us to measure, compare and define non-rigid objects, such as faces under expressions, or our body at different poses Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
ICIAM 2011 on Global TV BC - July 18, 2011
published: 21 Jul 2011
Author: DiscoverMITACS
ICIAM 2011 on Global TV BC - July 18, 2011
ICIAM 2011 on Omni TV, July 18, 2011
published: 21 Jul 2011
Author: DiscoverMITACS
ICIAM 2011 on Omni TV, July 18, 2011
ICIAM 2011: Closing Ceremony
It all ends with the closing ceremony. One of the most amazing events I have been into .. ...
published: 24 Jul 2011
Author: iamamitster
ICIAM 2011: Closing Ceremony
It all ends with the closing ceremony. One of the most amazing events I have been into .. My first ever International Congress and what a way to have it in the Water front. Thank you Jo Anne Rockwood | Dr. Arvind Gupta | Megan Airton Cindric | Amanda | Paul | Josh | Dunkan | Christina - for making it my most memorable congress ever. Thanks for the efforts made by the team from MITACS, CAIMS and SIAM.
Dr. Maeve McCarthy Attending the ICIAM Confrence
Renee Finster is part of a cutting edge research that allowed Murray State to attend the I...
published: 06 Apr 2012
Author: roundaboutudotcom
Dr. Maeve McCarthy Attending the ICIAM Confrence
Renee Finster is part of a cutting edge research that allowed Murray State to attend the International Congress for the Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference in Canada. Dr. Maeve McCarthy was one professor who proudly represented Murray State University at this year's conference.
ICIAM 2015 - Welcome to Beijing
Beijing welcomes all to the ICIAM 2015 and there is a showcase of all the facilities at th...
published: 24 Jul 2011
Author: iamamitster
ICIAM 2015 - Welcome to Beijing
Beijing welcomes all to the ICIAM 2015 and there is a showcase of all the facilities at the capital city. This video covers some of the glimpses of the 8 min video about Beijing.
Math Matters - Emmanuel Candès
Emmanuel Candès, a former student of the Ecole polytechnique, is teaching as a full...
published: 23 Jul 2011
Author: cgfvancouver
Math Matters - Emmanuel Candès
Emmanuel Candès, a former student of the Ecole polytechnique, is teaching as a full professor in mathematics and statistics at Stanford University. He was awarded the 2011 ICIAM Collaz Prize, which provides international recognition to individual scientists under 42 years of age for outstanding work on industrial and applied mathematics. Applied mathemics is a specialty of mathematical science focusing on practical problems, typically on the short to medium term, while pure mathematics tackle theoretical issues that could lead to potential applications on the longer term. Applied mathematics generate mathematical models which are used in a variety of fields such as science, industry, engineering and business. For more information: www.info.consulfrance-vancouver.org
Mathematical Biology - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 02 Dec 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Mathematical Biology - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professors Maeve McCarthy, Benoit Perthame, Gerda de Vries and several other speakers outlined various aspects of mathematical modeling in studying biological processes such as evolution, ecology, and human and animal behavior. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Math in and out of the Zoo - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 09 Sep 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Math in and out of the Zoo - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The Congress took place at the state-of-the-art Vancouver Convention Centre on the waterfront in the heart of the city. ICIAM 2011 highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Dr. Chris Budd's lecture, Math In and Out of the Zoo, encouraged public appreciation for the excitement and vitality of math. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Math modeling of Oil Spills - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 17 Oct 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Math modeling of Oil Spills - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professor Andrea Bertozzi illustrated the dynamics of particle-oil mixtures in spills such as the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and demonstrated how mathematical modeling can help speed up the process of cleanups. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Why present a poster?
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 20 Oct 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Why present a poster?
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. The poster session at ICIAM 2011 showcased over 500 research posters by students, academics and industrial researchers, spanning a wide range of areas in applied mathematics from drug discovery, wave propagation, nanoscience, and imaging techniques to dynamical systems. Video created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Vimeo results:
Des mathématiciens... très appliqués - Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon dirige l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), une fond...
published: 22 Jul 2011
Author: Consulat de France à Vancouver
Des mathématiciens... très appliqués - Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Jean-Pierre Bourguignon dirige l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), une fondation dont la mission est d'encourager la collaboration entre mathématiciens du monde entier.
Les mathématiques appliquées ont pour finalité la résolution de problèmes concrets, habituellement sur le court ou moyen terme, alors que les mathématiques pures s'intéressent aux questions théoriques pouvant aboutir à des applications pratiques sur le long terme. Les mathématiques appliquées permettent de créer des modèles utilisés dans les domaines de la science, de l'industrie, de l'engineering et des affaires.
Pour plus d'info: http://www.info.consulfrance-vancouver.org/des-mathematiciens-tres-appliques
Math Matters - Emmanuel Candès
Emmanuel Candès, a former student of the Ecole polytechnique, is teaching as a full profes...
published: 22 Jul 2011
Author: Consulat de France à Vancouver
Math Matters - Emmanuel Candès
Emmanuel Candès, a former student of the Ecole polytechnique, is teaching as a full professor in mathematics and statistics at Stanford University. He was awarded the 2011 ICIAM Collaz Prize, which provides international recognition to individual scientists under 42 years of age for outstanding work on industrial and applied mathematics.
Applied mathemics is a specialty of mathematical science focusing on practical problems, typically on the short to medium term, while pure mathematics tackle theoretical issues that could lead to potential applications on the longer term. Applied mathematics generate mathematical models which are used in a variety of fields such as science, industry, engineering and business.
For more information: http://www.info.consulfrance-vancouver.org/math-matters
Des mathématiciens... très appliqués - Maria Esteban
Maria Esteban, présidente la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) ,...
published: 22 Jul 2011
Author: Consulat de France à Vancouver
Des mathématiciens... très appliqués - Maria Esteban
Maria Esteban, présidente la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) , partage ses réflexions sur les défis auxquels seront confrontés à l'avenir les mathématiciens appliqués.
Les mathématiques appliquées ont pour finalité la résolution de problèmes concrets, habituellement sur le court ou moyen terme, alors que les mathématiques pures s'intéressent aux questions théoriques pouvant aboutir à des applications pratiques sur le long terme. Les mathématiques appliquées permettent de créer des modèles utilisés dans les domaines de la science, de l'industrie, de l'engineering et des affaires.
Pour plus d'info: http://www.info.consulfrance-vancouver.org/des-mathematiciens-tres-appliques
LTM 48. týždeň, 29. 11. 2010
1. Poslanci predchádzajúceho volebného obdobia sa poslednýkrát stretli 22.novembra na sláv...
published: 30 Nov 2010
Author: LTM
LTM 48. týždeň, 29. 11. 2010
1. Poslanci predchádzajúceho volebného obdobia sa poslednýkrát stretli 22.novembra na slávnostnom MZ
2. Boj o primátorské kreslo vyhral staronový primátor Miroslav Vilkovský. Účasť v sobotňajších komunálnych voľbách bola 43,73 percenta.
3.Centrum prvého kontaktu v Levoči usporiadalo úvodnú hodinu pre účastníkov kurzu, ktorý je zameraný na celoživotné vzdelávanie ľudí po 50-tke.
4. Mliečny expres zavítal aj do Levoče. Obyvatelia si tak budú môcť kúpiť kvalitné čerstvé kravské mlieko.
5. V Levoči sa uskutočnil komorný koncert pod názvom Stretnutia s hudbou – Pentapolitana, ktorý bol adresovaný najmä mladým študentom.
6. Mestská knižnica v Levoči usporiadala besedu so známou spisovateľkou Janou Pronskou
7-8. Posledná novembrová sobota patrila basketbalu. Najprv kadeti nastúpili proti Prešovu a veľké divadlo predviedli muži proti Košiciam.
Youtube results:
Applied mathematics at Cornell
Cornell's Center for Applied Mathematics was one of ten graduate programs worldwide to...
published: 23 Sep 2011
Author: CornellUniversity
Applied mathematics at Cornell
Cornell's Center for Applied Mathematics was one of ten graduate programs worldwide to be profiled at the 2011 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM). Faculty and students in the program are using math in unexpected ways to address societal problems, advancing knowledge in such areas as sustainability, biomechanics and education theory.
Modelica - Math Modeling & Programming Language - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 24 Oct 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Modelica - Math Modeling & Programming Language - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professor Peter Fritzson of Linköping University, Sweden, spoke about Modelica, a strongly typed, declarative, equation-based, object-oriented (EOO) programming language for mathematical modeling and simulation of complex systems. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Traffic Flow & Crowd Dynamics - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Can...
published: 02 Nov 2011
Author: SIAMConnects
Traffic Flow & Crowd Dynamics - ICIAM2011
In July 2011, mathematical scientists from around the world gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for the 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics - ICIAM 2011. The meeting highlighted the most recent advances in the discipline and demonstrated their applicability to science, engineering and industry, emphasizing industrial applications and computational science in new and emerging topic areas identified by panels of top international scientists. Professors Benedetto Piccoli, Gerda de Vries, Chris Budd and several other speakers outlined various aspects of mathematical modeling in road traffic, crowd dynamics, animal groups, animal movement etc. Created by Adam Bauser of Bauser Media Group
Trip to Vancouver
My trip to Vancouver in July 2011 for the ICIAM conference. Here only the tourism aspects....
published: 14 Aug 2011
Author: kshitijkulshreshtha
Trip to Vancouver
My trip to Vancouver in July 2011 for the ICIAM conference. Here only the tourism aspects.