
BG "My Hood" feat. Mannie Fresh & Gar director's cut / Too Hood 2 Be Hollywood In Stores 12.8.09
BG "My Hood" feat. Mannie Fresh & Gar director's cut Too Hood 2 Be Holly...
published: 16 Nov 2009
BG "My Hood" feat. Mannie Fresh & Gar director's cut / Too Hood 2 Be Hollywood In Stores 12.8.09
BG "My Hood" feat. Mannie Fresh & Gar director's cut Too Hood 2 Be Hollywood In Stores 12.8.09

BG - Cash Money is a Army
BG's first Music Video Vist BG's & chopper city's offical message board z6...
published: 28 Mar 2006
Author: Jumpman3
BG - Cash Money is a Army
BG's first Music Video Vist BG's & chopper city's offical message board z6.invisionfree.com

BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
check out www.atlvibe.com for current events and social networking BG - Guilty By Associat...
published: 29 Oct 2010
Author: hackteck
BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
check out www.atlvibe.com for current events and social networking BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO) BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO) BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO) BG - Guilty By Association (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

BG "Back To The Money" feat. Magnolia Slim / Album In Stores & Online Now
BG "Back To The Money" feat. Magnolia Slim / Album In Stores & Online Now...
published: 09 Feb 2010
BG "Back To The Money" feat. Magnolia Slim / Album In Stores & Online Now
BG "Back To The Money" feat. Magnolia Slim / Album In Stores & Online Now

Thisis50 Interview With BG "I Regret Using Dope When I Was 15"
Thisis50 Sat With BG He talks about how he became street oriented, speaks on his past drug...
published: 08 Dec 2009
Author: Thisis50Interviews
Thisis50 Interview With BG "I Regret Using Dope When I Was 15"
Thisis50 Sat With BG He talks about how he became street oriented, speaks on his past drug use, how he became a rapper, Cash Money album, how he got signed, New Orleans, when he realized he made it & much much more! www.thisis50.com

BG Move Around
Hot BG Video New Heart Of Tha Streetz Vol. 2...
published: 15 Feb 2006
Author: ThaGenius
BG Move Around
Hot BG Video New Heart Of Tha Streetz Vol. 2

BG - I Ain't Tellin (2011)
BG - I Ain't Tellin (2011) Free Turk...
published: 02 Apr 2011
Author: hustletv
BG - I Ain't Tellin (2011)
BG - I Ain't Tellin (2011) Free Turk

BG-Don't Talk To Me
Music Video,BGNo Reppa 4 Life or dont talk to me...
published: 29 May 2007
Author: daoridinalganstapimp
BG-Don't Talk To Me
Music Video,BGNo Reppa 4 Life or dont talk to me

BG-Clean Up Man
From the album its all on u volume 2 courtesy of Cash Money Records. I do not in part or w...
published: 01 Aug 2008
Author: SouljaSmooth55
BG-Clean Up Man
From the album its all on u volume 2 courtesy of Cash Money Records. I do not in part or whole own this media.

Mel-Low - BG Thang
Music video by Mel-Low performing BG Thang. (C) 1994 Def Jam/RAL...
published: 09 Oct 2009
Author: MelLowVEVO
Mel-Low - BG Thang
Music video by Mel-Low performing BG Thang. (C) 1994 Def Jam/RAL

C-Murder (Feat. BG)- Y'all Heard Of Me (REAL VIDEO)
C-Murder (Feat. BG)- Y'all Heard Of Me (REAL VIDEO)...
published: 07 Jul 2007
Author: Screamer31
C-Murder (Feat. BG)- Y'all Heard Of Me (REAL VIDEO)
C-Murder (Feat. BG)- Y'all Heard Of Me (REAL VIDEO)

BG Talks Bout Cash Money(Baby)
published: 01 Apr 2010
Author: MrTJ85
BG Talks Bout Cash Money(Baby)

BG - Bling Bling
Artists: BG, Lil' Wayne, Mannie Fresh, Juvenile, & Baby Song: Bling Bling Album: C...
published: 19 May 2007
Author: QuietTruth
BG - Bling Bling
Artists: BG, Lil' Wayne, Mannie Fresh, Juvenile, & Baby Song: Bling Bling Album: Chopper City In The Ghetto

bg-if i want it
b.gizzle da hottest of da hot!origanal hot boy...
published: 01 May 2007
Author: webbiebadazz
bg-if i want it
b.gizzle da hottest of da hot!origanal hot boy
Vimeo results:

This is a short movie made for fun at Vaya Studio.
Music and sound FX by Highass.org
published: 30 May 2012
Author: Vaya
This is a short movie made for fun at Vaya Studio.
Music and sound FX by Highass.org
CGArchitect AWARD Nomination

Disneyland Paris - Tilt Shift
Official Disneyland Paris Link : youtube.com/watch?v=WhieInBgTq8
Could there is a better...
published: 16 Mar 2011
Author: Céranne Gantzer
Disneyland Paris - Tilt Shift
Official Disneyland Paris Link : youtube.com/watch?v=WhieInBgTq8
Could there is a better way to illustrate the tilt-shift technique but by photographing a theme park ?
With its various settings, numerous parades and constant excitement, Disneyland Paris was only waiting for the Audiovisual Service to meet a team willing to apply the tilt-shift technique and reduce the park to its original model look.
Director, Céranne Gantzer
Director of photography , Daniel Meyer et Christian Van Hanja
Quel sujet pouvait aussi bien se prêter à la technique du tilt-shift qu'un parc d'attractions?
Avec sa variété de décors, ses nombreuses parades et sa constante animation, Disneyland Paris n'attendait plus qu'une envie commune entre le service Audiovisuel du parc et une équipe désireuse d'exploiter la technique du tilt-shift pour être réduit à l'échelle d'une maquette.
Réalisateur, Céranne Gantzer
Directeurs photo, Daniel Meyer et Christian Van Hanja

True Reverse Perspective
This is the final proof-of-concept video from 2009, made to illustrate True Reverse Perspe...
published: 12 Jun 2010
Author: JMS
True Reverse Perspective
This is the final proof-of-concept video from 2009, made to illustrate True Reverse Perspective. The scene was modelled and rendered in a camera-hacked version of AoI [ http://www.artofillusion.org ], Peter Eastman's open source, java-based 3D package.
In Reverse Perspective the expected visual rules are inverted, so close objects are small and far objects are big. This is not only true for whole objects, but their structure as well. So the near points of an object are closer together, relative to its far points, which gives the flared-out look of the buildings, and the scene as a whole.
Essentially, the positions of the vanishing-point and the focal-point are swapped. So now we are at the vanishing-point, where geometry shrinks to nothingness, and the focal-point lies some distance ahead, beyond which objects scale to infinity.
The effect is achieved entirely in-camera. The scene and models themselves have no unusual scaling, they're laid out in a normal / perpendicular fashion; the way the camera 'sees' the scene is altered to create the effect. Perspective is truly reversed.
[ Updated below ] As simple a concept as this is, it seems to not have been attempted before in CG, certainly with the intent of making a consistent, explorable Reverse Perspective environment*.
There are precedents however; painted Russian Orthodox Icons sometimes featured what is called Byzantine-perspective in the buildings and backgrounds - as a way of describing God looking out at the world, through the painting. It's a beautiful concept; a God's perspective.
Further, an artist named Patrick Hughes sculpts in what he describes as Reverspective. His work is optical-illusion, and based on reversing parallax and precession, rather than actually altering perspective.
I have some more videos, including various test videos and a silhouette-effect demo. And I will add more, documenting my recent work on implementing the RP effect in Maya via the API.
- Links to the original (informal) paper on implementing TRP, in two parts (PDF):
1. http://bit.ly/aLalaT 2. http://bit.ly/bgQLM6
- Link to a more recent paper on implementing TRP in the Maya API, has some good background info on Reverse Perspective and is more technical (PDF): http://bit.ly/cixZuU
* Further research notes that Viktor Massalogin made a screensaver that rotates simple geometry in RP mode, in 2003. That said, [see below for updated info] I am unaware of anyone attempting a full environment in RP on purpose, but I can't imagine it hasn't happened, at the very least accidently, when people were developing computer-visualization algorithms and writing game-engines.
David R. Belmonte has contacted me below with links to his Perspectiva Inversa work (both CG and paint). He has done excellent work in exploring this effect, and predates this project by some 10 years! I hope he'll return to this area of CG in the future and help show off the potential of the technique.
Here's some links to his work (also check David's second comment below, for links to more RP inspired work by different artists):
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=firtdcnLnIs
• http://davidrbelmonte.blogspot.com/2010/03/perspectiva-inversa.html
Scott Grodesky has also worked in RP (paint) and contacted me. More fantastic work linked:
• http://www.zachfeuer.com/images/artists/scottgrodesky/2003/SG-citymidtown03.html
• http://hortongallery.com/exhibition/46
RP with real optics:
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bba4rD00S-M
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KieBdX3oBF8
• http://bntr.livejournal.com/50306.html (Russian)
• http://bit.ly/cYkNv7 (English translation from Russian)
Daniel Piker
• http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/category/inversion/
• http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/category/inversion/page/2/
Youtube results:

Z-Ro - Face Real Heavy (Feat. BG)
New Z-Ro - Face Real Heavy feat. BG...
published: 13 Jun 2011
Author: ScrewedUp4Life1116
Z-Ro - Face Real Heavy (Feat. BG)
New Z-Ro - Face Real Heavy feat. BG

BG-Bout My Paper
From the album Chopper City In The Ghetto. Courtesy of Cash Money Records. I do not in par...
published: 10 Aug 2008
Author: SouljaSmooth55
BG-Bout My Paper
From the album Chopper City In The Ghetto. Courtesy of Cash Money Records. I do not in part or whole own this media.

My Hood BG feat Mannie Fresh NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO bgizzle 2009
My Hood BG feat Mannie Fresh NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO bgizzle 2009...
published: 15 Nov 2009
Author: iBlogCrap
My Hood BG feat Mannie Fresh NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO bgizzle 2009
My Hood BG feat Mannie Fresh NEW OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO bgizzle 2009

BG - For A Minute [Feat. TI] (video)
© 2008 WMG For A Minute [Feat. TI] (video)...
published: 27 Oct 2009
Author: AtlanticVideos
BG - For A Minute [Feat. TI] (video)
© 2008 WMG For A Minute [Feat. TI] (video)