
NCAA Football 13 Individual Player Ratings
Tradition Sports Online presents live from E3, the long awaited individual player ratings ...
published: 06 Jun 2012
Author: TraditionSports1
NCAA Football 13 Individual Player Ratings
Tradition Sports Online presents live from E3, the long awaited individual player ratings for all 120 college teams. Take a look and tell us what you think about your teams ratings? Teams: Air Force to Texas State.

Madden 13 - COMPLETE Ratings & Attributes For All 113 Quarterbacks!
Madden NFL 13 Complete QB Ratings - www.easports.com ... Click the link and find the Excel...
published: 03 Aug 2012
Author: MrHurriicane
Madden 13 - COMPLETE Ratings & Attributes For All 113 Quarterbacks!
Madden NFL 13 Complete QB Ratings - www.easports.com ... Click the link and find the Excel Spreadsheet link that will give you complete ratings. I'll be bringing more Madden 13 news and analysis soon! Stay tuned.

Madden NFL 13: NFL Rookies Review and Predict Their Player Ratings, Are Way Off
NFL Rookies review their in-game ratings and are way off! A few weeks back, we asked a bun...
published: 24 Aug 2012
Author: sbnation
Madden NFL 13: NFL Rookies Review and Predict Their Player Ratings, Are Way Off
NFL Rookies review their in-game ratings and are way off! A few weeks back, we asked a bunch of top rookies across the league what their ratings SHOULD be, and it's no surprise they gave themselves a little more credit than the good folks at EA Sports. Who do you think should be rated higher? Who isn't worth what they got? Tell is in comments! Read our review of Madden '13: www.theverge.com Subscribe to our channel for more sports videos! Click here: www.youtube.com Check us out on Facebook (Facebook.com/SBNation) and follow us on Twitter (@SBNStudios)! SB Nation: Pro Quality, Fan Perspective www.sbnation.com

Madden 13 - Complete Ratings For All WRs and TEs in Madden NFL 13
Madden 13 ratings for all wide receivers and tight ends. Link to the ratings... www.easpor...
published: 20 Aug 2012
Author: MrHurriicane
Madden 13 - Complete Ratings For All WRs and TEs in Madden NFL 13
Madden 13 ratings for all wide receivers and tight ends. Link to the ratings... www.easports.com Spreadsheet link... web-vassets.ea.com

FIFA 13 Official BPL Player Ratings (Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham etc.)
Please give it a LIKE! :) All BPL Teams Starting 11 Player Ratings + Transfer Budget and W...
published: 06 Sep 2012
Author: xboxmedien
FIFA 13 Official BPL Player Ratings (Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham etc.)
Please give it a LIKE! :) All BPL Teams Starting 11 Player Ratings + Transfer Budget and Weekly Wadges! Fullham is missing in the video but here's they're stats: GK Schwarzer 80 RB Riether 75 RCB Hughes 74 LCB Hangeland 82 LB Briggs 65 CDM Diarra 77 RM Duff 78 RCM Dembele 79 LCM Ruiz 82 LM Kacaniklic 66 ST Petric 78 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Music: Noisestorm - Renegade Electro www.youtube.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I used footage to make this video from Calfreezy. Check him out and be sure to subscribe him :) www.youtube.com

JESS3 x ESPN - TV Ratings 101
Behind the Scenes Video: www.youtube.com Created by JESS3: ESPN was looking for a way to m...
published: 14 Sep 2011
Author: jessesaves
JESS3 x ESPN - TV Ratings 101
Behind the Scenes Video: www.youtube.com Created by JESS3: ESPN was looking for a way to make the explanation of how the TV ratings systems works simple and interesting—at least engaging enough to keep the audience awake. With direction to create something reminiscent of "School House Rock," meets "Sesame Street," JESS3 created a five-minute animation with an old-school, 1970's ESPN SportsCenter vibe to walk viewers through the television ratings process.

Madden 13 - No Potential Rating in Franchise Mode! (Connected Careers)
Hit that like button for this wonderful news! I have been complaining about the potential ...
published: 05 Jun 2012
Author: MrHurriicane
Madden 13 - No Potential Rating in Franchise Mode! (Connected Careers)
Hit that like button for this wonderful news! I have been complaining about the potential rating for a long time and to see that Madden 13 will not have it is awesome. Ratings will now chance based on how the players actually play and I couldn't be happier with the news. This will improve the franchise aspect of Connected Careers and I can't wait to have a true progression system and not the dumb potential system! Check out my channel for more awesome content DAILY! www.youtube.com Follow me on the social networks to be a part of my livestreams and to know when ALL my videos are uploaded Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com Follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com Check out more of my awesome series! Madden 12 Vikings Franchise www.youtube.com Madden 12 Ultimate Team www.youtube.com Flash Jackson Road to the Show www.youtube.com NFL Offseason 2012 (Offseason Talk About All Teams!) www.youtube.com Jack Hammer (MLB) Road to Glory www.youtube.com Tank Tucker (RB) Road to Glory/Madden Superstar www.youtube.com All Pro Football 2k8 Goats Season www.youtube.com Starhawk Campaign Walkthrough/Let's Play www.youtube.com WWE 12 Universe Mode www.youtube.com Madden NFL 13 - Madden 13 - No Potential Rating in Franchise Mode! (Connected Careers) TAGS "Madden 13" "Madden NFL 13" "Madden NFL 13" "Madden 13 Connected Careers" "Madden 13 talk" "Madden 13 preview" "Madden gameplay" gameplay commentary NFL Football "Madden 2013" "Madden NFL" "NFL Madden" "NFL 2012" MrHurriicane Sports Gaming <b>...</b>

WWE '13 News: Attitude Era Objectives, Ratings, Minitrons & More!
You can check out footage of some of the features I mentioned in the videos below: Attitud...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: Smacktalks
WWE '13 News: Attitude Era Objectives, Ratings, Minitrons & More!
You can check out footage of some of the features I mentioned in the videos below: Attitude Era Mode Footage: Stone Cold vs. Road Dogg www.youtube.com TPMG at Fan Expo: www.youtube.com Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

FIFA 13 - Manchester United - Squad Ratings - Max's Premier League Predictions [EP8]
Max gives an insight into the potential FIFA 13 Ratings for Manchester United FC , Going o...
published: 29 Aug 2012
Author: ArsenalGiantsPs3
FIFA 13 - Manchester United - Squad Ratings - Max's Premier League Predictions [EP8]
Max gives an insight into the potential FIFA 13 Ratings for Manchester United FC , Going off Statistics/Fan Insight/ His Knowledge! (This is not actual FIFA 13 Ratings! Just Predicted!)

FIFA 13 Upgraded Players And Downgraded Players Rating Speculation Episode 9
twitter.com www.facebook.com A video where I speculate which players should be upgraded pl...
published: 28 Aug 2012
Author: PokemonITANI
FIFA 13 Upgraded Players And Downgraded Players Rating Speculation Episode 9
twitter.com www.facebook.com A video where I speculate which players should be upgraded players in FIFA 13 and which should be downgraded players. I also talk about EA Season Ticket. No information about FIFA 13 Ultimate Team has been revealed as of yet. This video does not show footage from FIFA 13 but from FIFA 12. FIFA 13 is only talked about over the FIFA 12 footage.

How to make YouTube better: Preview video ratings
**August 1st: If ratings aren't visible, make sure you are using YTShowRating version ...
published: 25 Nov 2011
Author: billsnitzer
How to make YouTube better: Preview video ratings
**August 1st: If ratings aren't visible, make sure you are using YTShowRating version 1.0.7** Choose your browser to download the extension: Google Chrome: billsnitzer.com Safari: billsnitzer.com Firefox: billsnitzer.com Internet Explorer: Nope. Firefox 9 should now be supported. Safari users: I highly recommend turning on automatic extension updates located here: Preferences » Extensions » Updates. The other two browsers have auto update on by default. This keeps the extension working in case YouTube makes a change that breaks it. Follow me on Twitter to hear of other cool things I make when I make them: twitter.com Channel featured in this video: youtube.com

Elderly man menaced by JDL ( ratings enabled)
please go and sub this decent fellow on his own site Mahmoud El-Yousseph www.youtube.com t...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Author: thisisyourwakeup
Elderly man menaced by JDL ( ratings enabled)
please go and sub this decent fellow on his own site Mahmoud El-Yousseph www.youtube.com they are good at data mining as I have found to my cost. they can even masquerade as truth seekers while pretending to be Chinese, Greek Irish, female you name it. This polite elderly man getting anonymous phone calls from people who are almost certainly not entitled to his private number The UK accent is interesting. Its now well known that the UK ( also known as NWO airstrip one) is one of the safest locations for perps to operate. from their luxury cubicles in Mayfair the highly trained monkeys at SCL are on duty for their masters 24/7 . They do not care a jot for the truth, just as long as they get paid they can make phone calls, ( heavy breathing training is provided) at best its just an annoyance but apart from wondering what unpleasantness they plan next .its a lot of work dealing with it as the recent absurd gay ' coming out channel' shows many people believe anything its not as if they even have to work for it, its as if they have a sign pointing to a derelict building saying free ice lollies some of my ex subs would think hey thats a nice offer I am going to get my free lolly when i was tricked it was in response to a need i had myself and it took a hell of a lot of work to achieve and I only ended up harming myself. I think I should be even more careful when my actions hurt others. the worst part of all this is these psyops just makes it very hard to trust people. in <b>...</b>

BETA RATINGS! HIPSTER BETA! (Funny Facebook Statuses and YouTube comments) (HD)
Let's hit 1000 LIKES on this episode! "ARE UA BETA? Ep.1": www.youtube.com &...
published: 31 Aug 2012
Author: lolitsthad
BETA RATINGS! HIPSTER BETA! (Funny Facebook Statuses and YouTube comments) (HD)
Let's hit 1000 LIKES on this episode! "ARE UA BETA? Ep.1": www.youtube.com "ARE UA BETA? Ep.2: Fake Facebook Girls Say Yes!": www.youtube.com "ARE UA BETA? Ep.3: Creepiest Beta Ever!": www.youtube.com Thad's Dating Advice playlist if you need advice on not being a beta!: www.youtube.com Submit your beta pics on my Facebook: facebook.com

WoW PvP - Vanguards 6 - 3000+ Rating Ret Paladin Arena Matches
www.skill-capped.com - 33% discount to learn the secrets of WoW PvP from the best players ...
published: 28 Apr 2012
Author: SkillCappedDotNet
WoW PvP - Vanguards 6 - 3000+ Rating Ret Paladin Arena Matches
www.skill-capped.com - 33% discount to learn the secrets of WoW PvP from the best players in the world! Please subscribe to our channel to watch the very best players dominate in WoW PvP! ---Vanguard's BIO--- Hi everyone! This video is based on multiple 3v3 arena comps I ran throughout this season. It includes some of the NAO Ret Dk Priest "Vanguards Cleave" combination, Ret Hunter Druid, and Ret Ret Priest. At the point of this video's creation, I have a ret that's rank 1 at 2643 on BG9, and a ret that's getting rank 1 on another BG with a ratio of 86-2. I wanted to say I sincerely appreciate all of the support I've gotten as a gamer. As some of you know, I've started playing WoW in season 7 and had some pretty rocky times. It has been an interesting experience from barely being able to achieve a title, failing a title with an orange weapon, having an entire server against me, getting world's highest ratings, to being one of the few of my specs to represent in a tournament. Thanks to you guys: EUpaladin (helped / supported me since my first post on a wow forum!), narf, Sunstrikecc, Ryitar, Exedore (mr. cool pessimist), Paladinwtf, Marrymesam (on my stream no matter what server I'm at), my teammates, all my facebook.com/samk920 likers, my stream viewers, the people who has messaged or commented encouraging words, and so much more that I'll never get to fit in this description. It has been fun; and I hope you'll enjoy Vanguards 6 as much as I did. I would like to thank my <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprec...
published: 05 Jan 2012
Author: House of Radon
The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities.
But does democratized culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the digital era. www.presspauseplay.com @presspauseplay Facebook: http://on.fb.me/y4gEK1
If you like the film you can support us by rating it on IMDB - http://imdb.to/jUqhFn. Thanks!
We're a creative agency based in Stockholm, Sweden.
If you want to know more about us and our other work, check out our website:

The Cyclotrope
Music- Jherek Bischofff
Song- Kule Kule (Orchestra Version) from "Tradi-Mods Vs. Rockers" ...
published: 14 Mar 2011
Author: tim Wheatley
The Cyclotrope
Music- Jherek Bischofff
Song- Kule Kule (Orchestra Version) from "Tradi-Mods Vs. Rockers" Alternative takes on Congotronics (Crammed Discs)
The Cyclotrope
Created and animated by tim wheatley
The cyclotrope is a cycle of 18 images that is spun at a certan speed so that the frame rate of the camera filming it gives the illusion of animation.
This film is my first experiment with the cyclotrope and i intend to work with it more.
watch another experiment here
follow my project here
and visit my website

"Whale Song" for Modest Mouse
View Production Stills on Flickr:
published: 06 Oct 2009
Author: Bent Image Lab
"Whale Song" for Modest Mouse
View Production Stills on Flickr:
The indie rock band Modest Mouse is getting the royal treatment from Bent Image Lab’s new director/partner Nando Costa. Just completed, the band’s new music video is a dark and expressive piece of film-making. Heavily rooted in live-action, the impressive six-minute video includes intense moments of stop motion, visual effects, and motion graphics techniques, all brought to life within the studio’s walls.
The visuals follow an artist who enters his personal sanctuary where he is presented with a hand-crafted drawing tool that assists him in materializing his mental impressions. Through drawing circular patterns, the machine discharges an endless web of yarn that guides him through his visual representations of his memories. The story progresses to reveal that he is divided between two worlds, one of dull reality and the second of warped memories. In the process of finding a way out of his consciousness, he is trapped between the two competing spaces, which eventually inflict lethal damage, acting as metaphors to self-destruction.
This lyrical and moving piece was conceived by Nando Costa working closely with lead singer/guitarist Isaac Brock to polish some of the film's intricacies. Featuring a seamless combination of live-action and stop motion that alternates between stage shots of Modest Mouse and a spiraling dream-like world of ever-shifting landscapes, Whale Song is a stunning representation of the combined capabilities of Nando and Bent. The variety and execution of the VFX portions of the video – from yarn reeling into complex patterns to a guitar that plays with no musician attached – strongly evoke the confused and surreal patterns of one's warped memories. Additional creative touches such as animated and intricate photographic collages and giant CG snails sliding across the band's stage – add variety and depth to the surreal world.
“This new video is the perfect showcase for the benefits of the collaboration between myself and Bent,” noted Costa. “I typically wouldn't have created a film with this much live-action or stop motion, and Bent also wouldn't normally approach a project with such a strong motion graphics influence, which is what I have long specialized in. With such well integrated in-house teams, I can’t imagine that there’s a project out there that we couldn’t pull off.”
One of the challenges in Whale Song was to recreate the contours of an ever changing, disorienting and intriguing series of landscapes. Costa shot the majority of the piece with Bent’s RED One cameras, which came in handy for their 4K capabilities when adding camera movement in post. In order to create the feeling that lead singer/guitarist Isaac Brock was being split up between two competing scenarios of pure reality and his imagination, for example, Costa mounted two of the RED cameras side by side on a custom plate, each with identical lenses set at an angle to simulate a stereoscopic effect.
In another instance, band members that appeared to be standing on the ground were actually hoisted aloft and secured to a fake ground plane, which meant that the stage floor was perpendicular to the ground. This situation intentionally restrained their flexibility and shifted the gravity, adding oddness to their movements.
Costa used a variety of frame rates, ranging from time-lapses at 6 frames per second, to 1000 fps shots from a Phantom camera to give the feeling of variety of speed in the character's memories. Blue screen stages were used extensively to place Isaac against the varying landscapes of mountains, dense forest valleys, and deserts. Bent's CG department was also responsible for creating significant portions of the video's landscapes and scenic elements.
During production, Nando and his team relied solely on a very detailed script containing technical and creative notes, live-action and animation guidelines, with specifications for composting and stop motion, which were all previously defined and polished by the director. “From what I’ve learned, producing a project at Bent is a wonderfully self-contained experience,” noted Costa. “From building intricate props to figuring out complex CG shots, Bent has specialists in all fields. I’ll walk over to the stage for live-action, then back to compositing, load the footage and work from there. It makes the whole process immeasurably easier, and creatively freeing.”
“Seeing this video makes me feel good about what we’ve done here at Bent”, stated Bent EP Ray Di Carlo”. We set out to establish a creative clubhouse atmosphere where talented people like Nando could come to work. I’ve always admired directors who can hold a project’s final vision in their minds eye and are able to let the talents around them do their respective jobs for a pr

Aerial video with helivideo.com Our legacy video.
For rate information contact eric@helivideo.com
published: 31 Mar 2010
Author: Heli Video Productions LLC
Aerial video with helivideo.com Our legacy video.
For rate information contact eric@helivideo.com
Youtube results:

FIFA 13 Demo | Juventus Ratings | HD
Juventus player ratings + review of their team. AC Milan Ratings - www.youtube.com Watch i...
published: 13 Sep 2012
Author: FootyManagerTv
FIFA 13 Demo | Juventus Ratings | HD
Juventus player ratings + review of their team. AC Milan Ratings - www.youtube.com Watch in HD!

FIFA 13: New Design for Player Ratings & Stats!
Yes I realised I missed Shot, Finishing and PK/FK accuracy! Jesus xD If you enjoyed the wh...
published: 30 May 2012
Author: Playstation3GamingHD
FIFA 13: New Design for Player Ratings & Stats!
Yes I realised I missed Shot, Finishing and PK/FK accuracy! Jesus xD If you enjoyed the whole video, I'd appreciate a thumbs up!

Downgrade: Illinois' credit downgraded by S&P;
On August 17, 2012 the Illinois General Assembly ended its special session, having failed ...
published: 18 Sep 2012
Author: SenatorKirk
Downgrade: Illinois' credit downgraded by S&P;
On August 17, 2012 the Illinois General Assembly ended its special session, having failed to pass comprehensive reforms to the state's pension system, which S&P has cited as one reason for its downgrade of the state's general obligation debt from A+ to A with a negative outlook. Ratings downgrades can increase interest costs on bonds, resulting in higher expenses for state infrastructure projects including schools, highways and other improvements.

Reforms will buoy markets; chances of rollback still alive: Moody's
After the announcements of some big bang reforms last week, there are already some positiv...
published: 17 Sep 2012
Author: ndtv
Reforms will buoy markets; chances of rollback still alive: Moody's
After the announcements of some big bang reforms last week, there are already some positive feelers from global ratings agencies. Moody's says that the reforms will buoy market sentiment, boosting markets more than what a rating change could have done. However, it still warns that political headwinds remain with the chance of a diesel price rollback very much alive.