Flip's Twisted World is a platforming video game published by Majesco Entertainment and developed by Frozen North Productions for the Wii. The game was released on October 19, 2010 to the USA market, but has been delayed in Canada.
Flip's Twisted World is a 3D puzzle platforming game in which the player is able to use the Wii Remote to rotate the angle of the world, creating new pathways, turning ceilings and walls into floors, and allowing the player to creatively move around on all available surfaces.
The story of the game, follows the tale of a wizard's apprentice named Flip, who gets sucked into a distorted universe inside of a forbidden magic book. Flip, with the assistance of his cube companion Pivot, has to make his way through multiple worlds inside this universe and defeat a boss in each world to gain a Chapter Stone. Using the power of the Chapter Stones, Flip must defeat the evil, destructive mage Axel to save the universe and return home.
Flip's Twisted World is a platforming video game published by Majesco Entertainment and developed by Frozen North Productions for the Wii. The game was released on October 19, 2010 to the USA market, but has been delayed in Canada.
Flip's Twisted World is a 3D puzzle platforming game in which the player is able to use the Wii Remote to rotate the angle of the world, creating new pathways, turning ceilings and walls into floors, and allowing the player to creatively move around on all available surfaces.
The story of the game, follows the tale of a wizard's apprentice named Flip, who gets sucked into a distorted universe inside of a forbidden magic book. Flip, with the assistance of his cube companion Pivot, has to make his way through multiple worlds inside this universe and defeat a boss in each world to gain a Chapter Stone. Using the power of the Chapter Stones, Flip must defeat the evil, destructive mage Axel to save the universe and return home.
The Independent | 27 Nov 2020
WorldNews.com | 27 Nov 2020
The Independent | 27 Nov 2020
The Independent | 27 Nov 2020
The Los Angeles Times | 27 Nov 2020
The Jerusalem Post | 27 Nov 2020
The Guardian | 27 Nov 2020