
Trailer: Home (2009)
Home is a 2009 documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The film is entirely composed of aeria...
published: 06 Jun 2009
author: 2OthCenturyFox
Trailer: Home (2009)
Home is a 2009 documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The film is entirely composed of aerial shots of various places around Earth. It shows the diversity of life on Earth and how humanity is threatening the ecological balance of the planet. The movie was released simultaneously on June 5th in cinemas all over the world, on DVD and on YouTube. Released on the same date in 50 countries is a world record for any film release in history. The film is 100% free, and no profits will be made from its release or future showings.

Last House On The Left (2009) - Official Trailer
After kidnapping and brutally assaulting two young women, a gang led by a prison escapee u...
published: 12 Feb 2011
author: horrornymphs
Last House On The Left (2009) - Official Trailer
After kidnapping and brutally assaulting two young women, a gang led by a prison escapee unknowingly finds refuge at a vacation home belonging the parents of one of the victims -- a mother and father who devise an increasingly gruesome series of revenge tactics. A remake to a 1972 original movie by Wes Craven (Scream series and loads other horror thrillers) Released on 2009 Starring: Sara Paxton, Garret Dillahunt, Monica Potter, Riki Lindhome, Tony Goldwyn, Martha MacIsaac, Spencer Treat Clark

HOME (Kino-Trailer)
In den 200.000 Jahren seiner Existenz hat der Mensch ein Gleichgewicht gestört, das s...
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: homeprojectDE
HOME (Kino-Trailer)
In den 200.000 Jahren seiner Existenz hat der Mensch ein Gleichgewicht gestört, das sich in 4 Milliarden Jahren entwickelt hat. Der Preis dafür ist hoch, doch es ist zu spät, um sich Pessimismus leisten zu können. Es bleiben der Menschheit kaum noch 10 Jahre, um den Trend umzukehren: Wir müssen Schluss machen mit der maßlosen Ausbeutung der Reichtümer dieser Erde und müssen unsere Konsumgewohnheiten ändern. HOME ist ein Spielfilm von Yann Arthus-Bertrand in Koproduktion mit EuropaCorp (Unternehmen von Luc Besson) und Elzévir Films mit der Unterstützung durch PPR. HOME besteht aus Luftbildaufnahmen, die die großen ökologischen Fragen behandeln und gleichzeitig zeigen, dass es Lösungen gibt. HOME erscheint am 5. Juni 2009 auf der ganzen Welt und in allen Medienformaten. Ziel ist es, möglichst viele Menschen zu erreichen und uns alle davon zu überzeugen, dass wir jede Verantwortung für diesen Planeten tragen. Am 5. Juni haben wir alle eine Verabredung mit dieser Erde! www.home-2009.com

The Uninvited (2009) - Official Trailer [HD]
In The Uninvited, Anna Rydell returns home to her sister (and best friend) Alex after a st...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: horrornymphs
The Uninvited (2009) - Official Trailer [HD]
In The Uninvited, Anna Rydell returns home to her sister (and best friend) Alex after a stint in a mental hospital, though her recovery is jeopardized thanks to her cruel stepmother, aloof father, and the presence of a ghost in their home. Starring: Emily Browning, Arielle Kebbel, Elizabeth Banks, Maya Massar, David Strathairn, Jesse Moss

Home - Trailer 2009
Existem momentos congelados sob vidro. Inga (Academia prêmio vencedor Marcia Gay Har...
published: 14 Apr 2009
author: BrazilTrailers
Home - Trailer 2009
Existem momentos congelados sob vidro. Inga (Academia prêmio vencedor Marcia Gay Harden) é um poeta. Ela quer comprar e restaurar uma casa que ela é desenhada para que ela lembra de sua infância casa, mas seu marido distante Hermann (Michael Gaston) vê-lo ou de pouco valor em muitas das coisas Inga ama. Inga percebe que muitas coisas em sua vida são próximos círculo completo. Seu casamento está desmoronando um forte contraste com o seu relacionamento com seus 8 anos de idade, filha, (Eulala Scheel, Ms. Harden da vida real filha) com quem ela partes esperanças, medos e pensamentos mais interiores, após a sua recuperação a partir de mama câncer. Por volta do dia as suas vidas parecem mágicos, cheio de nuvens assistindo, pipa voar e preguiçoso Verão unidades. Mas à noite, Inga é atormentada por seu casamento, a sua falta de intimidade e de seu medo de sua própria mortalidade. Ao tecer otimismo em sua vida é a história em sua própria escrita de que ela ouve o eco da sua mãe e as experiências da viagem a revelação de que ela permite a transformação.

HOME (Bande-annonce)
En 200 000 ans d'existence, l'homme a rompu un équilibre fait de prè...
published: 16 Apr 2009
author: homeprojectFR
HOME (Bande-annonce)
En 200 000 ans d'existence, l'homme a rompu un équilibre fait de près de 4 milliards d'années d'évolution de la Terre. Le prix à payer est lourd, mais il est trop tard pour être pessimiste: il reste à peine dix ans à l'humanité pour inverser la tendance, prendre conscience de son exploitation démesurée des richesses de la Terre, et changer son mode de consommation. Plus qu'un film, HOME sera un événement mondial : pour la première fois dans l'histoire, ce long-métrage sortira en même temps dans plus de 50 pays et sur tous les supports : cinéma, TV, DVD et Internet. C'est la date symbolique du 5 juin 2009 qui a été choisie pour cette sortie internationale. Nous avons tous rendez-vous avec la planète le 5 juin ! www.home-2009.com www.ppr.com

Sherlock Holmes
In a dynamic new portrayal of Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous characters, "Sherl...
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: warnervoduk
Sherlock Holmes
In a dynamic new portrayal of Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous characters, "Sherlock Holmes" sends Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) and his stalwart partner, Dr. Watson (Jude Law) on their latest challenge. The only woman ever to have bested Holmes, Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) again sparks her tempestuous relationship with the detective, while a mysterious new nemesis - Blackwood (Mark Strong) - constructs a deadly plot that could destroy the country. Revealing fighting skills as lethal as his legendary intellect, Holmes will battle as never before to bring down Blackwood and unravel his plan. MPAA Rating: PG-13 © 2009 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.

Attack on Leningrad
A soaring, action-packed journey of heroism and sacrifice as one crusading journalist desp...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: MetrodomeVOD
Attack on Leningrad
A soaring, action-packed journey of heroism and sacrifice as one crusading journalist desperately fights to uncover the horrors buried within the infamous Nazi siege of Leningrad in the savage winter of 1941. In the height of World War II, journalist Kate Davis becomes trapped within the devastated city of Leningrad. Separated from her lover, American writer Philip Parker, Kate is rescued by Nina Tsvetkova, a member of the Leningrad militia who provides refuge for those escaping those horrors of war that have come so close to home. © Kenn Management SA 2009. All rights reserved.

Home 2009 Trailer (Portugues Brasil)
Em algumas poucas décadas, a humanidade interferiu no equilíbrio do planeta ...
published: 30 May 2009
author: ckuck
Home 2009 Trailer (Portugues Brasil)
Em algumas poucas décadas, a humanidade interferiu no equilíbrio do planeta estabelecido há aproximadamente quatro bilhões de anos de evolução. O preço a pagar é alto, mas é tarde demais para ser pessimista. A humanidade tem somente dez anos para reverter essa situação, observar atentamente à extensão da destruição das riquezas da Terra e considerar mudanças em seus padrões de consumo. Ao longo de uma sequência única através de cinquenta países, toda filmada dos céus, Yann Arthus-Bertrand divide conosco sua admiração e preocupação com esse filme e finca a pedra fundamental para mostrar que, juntos, precisamos reconstruí-lo.

Sherlock Holmes
Fearsome monsters are terrorising London. Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. Watson mus...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: RevolverOnDemand
Sherlock Holmes
Fearsome monsters are terrorising London. Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. Watson must embark on their most dangerous case yet. The investigation

Wuthering Heights (2009- Heathcliff & Cathy)- new Kate Bush (link to HQ!)
PLEASE READ: I am totally speechless- over 600 likes?! 0_0 - Thank you- so much!!!!! You g...
published: 07 Jun 2009
author: honeyphan2
Wuthering Heights (2009- Heathcliff & Cathy)- new Kate Bush (link to HQ!)
PLEASE READ: I am totally speechless- over 600 likes?! 0_0 - Thank you- so much!!!!! You guys are awesome! :D Since this one is so popular, I'm considering redoing this one- making it better quality with same scenes and setup, just big screen/HD, clearer picture, etc- would anyone be interested in that? Let me know. Since this was my first on this channel, I didn't know as much about vidding then and quality really suffers (sorry about that)...I did try to do it in HQ- for a while YT picked it up as HQ- then it changed back to regular during one of their updates- but here's the link in case it does start working again as HQ: www.youtube.com After having this video stolen THREE different times by 3 different people (argh!), I've also decided to render it with my name (watermark) and put it on private on my other channel- so any would-be thieves reading this- just don't do it. If you do upload it and pass it off as yours, I'll make it public showing my watermark along with earlier date AND also have the one here with the 2009 date. I also have the older version (slightly different at end) on private on my other channel (and might do the same to all my other vids too). Just don't steal - It's not worth it. Thanks. :) The quality isn't as good as what I use now (sorry) but it is smoother than the one I had on my honeyphan channel :) ... Also, WMM wouldn't let me get rid of the title credit at end I wanted to, the edit feature mysteriously disappeared- so now there are two <b>...</b>

Restored 1962 Terry Vintage Trailer
This is my 1962 Terry 22' park model. With it's dramatic early 60's styling, f...
published: 23 Jan 2011
author: MisterHolidayhouse
Restored 1962 Terry Vintage Trailer
This is my 1962 Terry 22' park model. With it's dramatic early 60's styling, fabulous lines, huge panoramic windows, and 6'11" ceilings, this unusual coach has been described by well known collectors and enthusiasts as "the ultimate rally trailer". What you see, besides decor, wheels, etc., is 100% factory original, right down to the tiles on the floor, upholstery on the beds, and appliances. And yes, you are looking at the original paint job. I have hundreds of hours invested in making it just like the day it was built or better. We really enjoy traveling with it. This is my wife's personal favorite in our collection. Thanks for watching.

Screaming Skull
A newlywed couple arrives at the home of the husband's late wife, where the gardens ha...
published: 05 May 2009
author: drelbcom
Screaming Skull
A newlywed couple arrives at the home of the husband's late wife, where the gardens have been maintained by a gardener faithful to the dead woman's memory. Soon eerie events lead the new wife to think she is going out of her mind.

Birth Without Violence: Trailer
The trailer for the landmark film Birth Without Violence by Frederick Leboyer available fr...
published: 02 Mar 2009
author: newearthrecords
Birth Without Violence: Trailer
The trailer for the landmark film Birth Without Violence by Frederick Leboyer available from New Earth Records. This film received the Green Apple Award at the Green Lifestyle Film Festival, held in Los Angeles, CA in March 2009. www.newearthrecords.com Music by Deuter, Title: Atmospheres, Track: dieci #10 Album AVAILABLE at www.newearthrecords.com

Kraftur - The last ride (extended trailer)
An Icelandic documentary about Tóti and his extraordinary horse Kraftur. Tót...
published: 21 Dec 2009
author: mcemmi
Kraftur - The last ride (extended trailer)
An Icelandic documentary about Tóti and his extraordinary horse Kraftur. Tóti gets invited to the world championship in Holland. But, there is one catch. The Icelandic horse has been isolated for over 1100 years. To prevent diseases, horses that leave Iceland are never allowed to return home. A true dramatic story about the bond between a man and his horse.

Clint Mansell - Sacrifice (Moon OST)
Trailer version. Moon (2009) Original Soundtrack. A sci fi movie directed by Duncan Jones ...
published: 20 Jul 2009
author: goodandawesome
Clint Mansell - Sacrifice (Moon OST)
Trailer version. Moon (2009) Original Soundtrack. A sci fi movie directed by Duncan Jones depicts a story of a lonely Moon worker: Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) contracted to work for three years on a Moon base. Two weeks before his trip back home he discovers someone else on the Moon, someone who looks exactly like him. Sam Bell starts to lose his mind as he cannot understand any of this. I highly recommend watching this movie, it's a sci-fi piece which is something we've been waiting for a long time. A fascinating story of a lonely worker cut off from his family for 3 years just to support them. His final days on the Moon mining base turn into a maelstrom of confusion and questioning himself as he discovers someone who looks exactly like him.Clint Mansell's music score represents the movie beautifully. If you're looking for a movie which will blind you with CGI, you're in the wrong place. Moon is thought provoking, brilliant and a true sci-fi movie that all fans of the genre have been waiting for

INSIDE JOB Official Trailer in HD!
From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson ("No End In Sight"...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: SonyPicturesClassics
INSIDE JOB Official Trailer in HD!
From Academy Award® nominated filmmaker, Charles Ferguson ("No End In Sight"), comes INSIDE JOB, the first film to expose the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, INSIDE JOB traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia. Narrated by Academy Award® winner Matt Damon, INSIDE JOB was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China.

On their way home for Thanksgiving, five college kids run afoul of a homicidal turkey and ...
published: 11 May 2012
author: GravitasVOD
On their way home for Thanksgiving, five college kids run afoul of a homicidal turkey and must find a way to defeat the bird before they all die.

the Buried life |The Original Buried Life Trailer
the Buried life |The Original Buried Life Trailer Four regular guys on a mission to comple...
published: 22 Apr 2009
author: buriedlife
the Buried life |The Original Buried Life Trailer
the Buried life |The Original Buried Life Trailer Four regular guys on a mission to complete an epic list of "100 Things To Do Before You Die": www.theburiedlife.com Ben, Dave, Duncan and Jonnie left home in the summer of 2006 to complete an epic list of 100 things to do before you die. For every item they accomplish they help a stranger do something they have always dreamed of. This summer they'll be back on the road to kick some more ass. Join the adventure at www.theburiedlife.com Or on Facebook at www.facebook.com And share YOUR list at: buriedlife.ning.com

Batman Arkham City | OFFICIAL trailer (2011) Hugo Strange
from the press release Batman: Arkham City wird von Rocksteady Studios entwickelt und grei...
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: MovieManiacsDE
Batman Arkham City | OFFICIAL trailer (2011) Hugo Strange
from the press release Batman: Arkham City wird von Rocksteady Studios entwickelt und greift die dichte Atmosphäre von Batman: Arkham Asylum auf. Die Spieler werden in Arkham City abgesetzt, dem neuen Hochsicherheits-„Heim" für alle Gangster, Ganoven und wahnsinnigen Superverbrecher von Gotham City. Das Action-Adventure spielt innerhalb der verstärkten Festungsmauern dieses weitläufigen Bezirks im Herzen von Gotham City. Diese sehnlich erwartete Fortsetzung bietet eine vollkommen neue Geschichte mit einer Starbesetzung aus klassischen Figuren und blutrünstigen Bösewichten aus dem Batman-Universum. Darüber hinaus liefert das Spiel eine große Bandbreite an neuen und verbesserten Gameplay-Eigenschaften, die den Spielern eine unvergessliche Spielerfahrung als „Dunkler Ritter" bieten. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment today announced Batman: Arkham City as the title for its follow-up to the award-winning, critically acclaimed hit videogame Batman: Arkham Asylum . Batman: Arkham City will be available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Games for Windows PC and the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system in Autumn 2011. Developed by Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players soaring into Arkham City, the new maximum security "home" for all of Gotham City's thugs, gangsters and insane criminal masterminds. Set inside the heavily <b>...</b>

2009/2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour (North America)
The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, coming to a location near you, check out www....
published: 16 Dec 2009
author: TheBanffCentre
2009/2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour (North America)
The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, coming to a location near you, check out www.banffmountainfestivals.ca

"Spider-Man" (2002) Theatrical Trailer
"Spider-Man" is a 2002 Action Adventure film directed by Sam Raimi. Starring Tob...
published: 06 Feb 2009
"Spider-Man" (2002) Theatrical Trailer
"Spider-Man" is a 2002 Action Adventure film directed by Sam Raimi. Starring Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco, Rosemary Harris, Cliff Robertson, JK Simmons and Elizabeth Banks. When Midtown High geek Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically enhanced Spider, he aqcuires Spider-like powers of strength, agility, wall crawling and web spinning. After failing to stop the burglar who would then murder his Uncle, Peter becomes Spider-Man...defending New York city from crime, constantly protecting his true love Mary Jane Watson and doing battle with the malicious Green Goblin.