How Appealing

Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Working 9 to 12: 'How Much Is Enough?' by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky." Seventh Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner has this review in tomorrow's Sunday Book Review section of The New York Times.
Posted at 07:42 PM by Howard Bashman

"I made Clarence Thomas laugh: It's not easy being a Supreme Court clerk; We ate pizza with Scalia and battled to sneak funny words into rulings." Law professor Jay Wexler has this essay online today at Salon.
Posted at 07:34 PM by Howard Bashman

"Federal appeals court upholds law allowing Louisiana to shut down abortion clinics": The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has this report.

And The Associated Press reports that "Appeals court upholds La. abortion law."

You can access yesterday's ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit at this link.
Posted at 02:50 PM by Howard Bashman

"Lawyers of Big Tobacco Lawsuits Take Aim at Food Industry": This article will appear Sunday in The New York Times.
Posted at 02:40 PM by Howard Bashman

"Judicial pay fight may reach high court again; Federal Circuit to hear case claiming Congress unconstitutionally withholds judges' cost-of-living pay adjustments": Marcia Coyle of The National Law Journal has this report.
Posted at 01:08 PM by Howard Bashman

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Obama Lags on Judicial Picks, Limiting His Mark on Courts": Charlie Savage will have this article Saturday in The New York Times.
Posted at 10:05 PM by Howard Bashman

That's a clown iPad, bro: The San Jose Mercury News has an update headlined "Steve Jobs' stolen iPad unwittingly used by 'Kenny the Clown' after burglary."

And The Associated Press reports that "Clown had iPad stolen from Steve Jobs' home."
Posted at 06:20 PM by Howard Bashman

"Fresh off Supreme Court win, legal group girds for more battles with EPA": Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has this report.
Posted at 04:28 PM by Howard Bashman

"Gene patent ruling highlights tension between SCOTUS, Fed Circuit": Alison Frankel's "On the Case" from Thomson Reuters News & Insight has this report.
Posted at 03:50 PM by Howard Bashman

"Appeals court overturns W.Va. flying squirrel decision": The Charleston Gazette has this news update reporting on a ruling that a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued today.
Posted at 03:48 PM by Howard Bashman

"On Visits to Wounded Warriors, The Supreme Court Answers Back; A simple question about the justices and military hospitals provokes a worthy and fruitful conversation": Andrew Cohen has this essay online today at The Atlantic.
Posted at 02:36 PM by Howard Bashman

"U.S. automakers, refiners lose challenge to ethanol mix": Reuters has this report.

And Bloomberg News reports that "EPA Defeats Challenge To Higher Ethanol Levels In Fuel."

You can access today's ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit at this link.
Posted at 01:38 PM by Howard Bashman

"Ruling on juvenile killers reopens wounds for victims' families; A Supreme Court decision that juvenile murderers with life sentences should have a chance at parole stirs old memories for relatives of victims; Some are preparing to fight back": The Los Angeles Times contains this article today.
Posted at 01:27 PM by Howard Bashman

"Easton Area School District's 'I Heart Boobies' appeal to be heard before full circuit": This article appears today in The Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania.

And at the "School Law" blog of Education Week, Mark Walsh has a post titled "Full Appeals Court to Rule on Students' 'Boobies' Bracelets."

My earlier coverage of yesterday's Third Circuit order appears at this link.
Posted at 11:04 AM by Howard Bashman

"Utah's Myriad wins another round in gene-patent case; Appeals court backs the Utah company in high-profile dispute": The Salt Lake Tribune contains this article today.

At, Daniel Fisher has a blog post titled "D.C. Court Upholds Myriad Breast-Cancer Patents, Snubbing Supreme Court."

And The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that "Appeals Court Upholds U. of Utah's Controversial Breast-Cancer Gene Patents."

My earlier coverage of yesterday's Federal Circuit ruling appears at this link.
Posted at 10:58 AM by Howard Bashman

"Experts debate legality of plan to apply eminent domain to mortgages": This front page article appears today in The Sacramento Bee.
Posted at 10:54 AM by Howard Bashman

"Safeco Field hosts first ever Supreme Court in honor of Felix's perfect game": The Seattle Mariners issued this news release yesterday.
Posted at 10:52 AM by Howard Bashman

"Louisiana Supreme Court chief justice controversy argued before federal judge": The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has this report.

And Reuters reports that "Louisiana debates whether black justice should head high court."
Posted at 10:50 AM by Howard Bashman

"25-year sentence reversed in drug case": The Pacific Daily News of Guam has a news update that begins, "The conviction of a suspected drug dealer has been overturned because a panel of federal judges said it was improper for a Guam court to accept written testimony from a police officer who died before trial."

You can access yesterday's ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
Posted at 08:35 AM by Howard Bashman

Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Hazleton seeks to resurrect its crackdown on illegal immigrants": Joseph A. Slobodzian has this article today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

The Standard Speaker of Hazleton, Pennsylvania reports today that "Federal judge rehears case against Hazleton's immigration law."

And The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania has an article headlined "Hazleton law: Where to draw line?"

You can access the audio of yesterday's oral argument before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit via this link (36.7 MB Windows Media Audio file).
Posted at 11:58 PM by Howard Bashman

"Bonds' lawyers file reply brief in appeal": The Associated Press has a report that begins, "Barry Bonds' lawyers filed their reply brief Thursday in their appeal of his obstruction of justice conviction, arguing it should be overturned."

You can access the reply brief at this link.
Posted at 11:34 PM by Howard Bashman

"The Price Of Child Porn: Making Collectors Pay For Victims' Therapy." City Weekly -- a publication that describes itself as Salt Lake City's only free alternative newsweekly -- has an article that begins, "The gavel has always come down hard on child pornographers, giving lengthy jail sentences to those who produce and profit from the exploitation of children. But for former Utah federal Judge Paul Cassell, the justice system has failed victims by focusing mainly on jail sentences."

Recently, I had this post linking to a related law review article calling into question this use of restitution.
Posted at 06:15 PM by Howard Bashman

"Police must honor ambiguous requests for a lawyer: 9th Circuit." Terry Baynes has this report on an en banc ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued today.
Posted at 06:12 PM by Howard Bashman

"Hustler loses appeal over news-anchor photo": Terry Baynes of Reuters has a report that begins, "Hustler Inc had no right to publish the photograph of an Ohio TV news anchor dancing in a wet T-shirt contest without her permission, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday."

And The Cleveland Plain Dealer has a news update headlined "Hustler shouldn't have used wet T-shirt contest photos of TV newswoman Catherine Bosley, court says."

My earlier coverage of today's Sixth Circuit ruling appears at this link.
Posted at 05:38 PM by Howard Bashman

"Pregnancy Center Case To Go Before Full Appeals Court": Bloomberg News has a report that begins, "The full U.S. Appeals Court in Richmond, Virginia, agreed to rehear a case involving a law that requires anti-abortion pregnancy centers to post an advisory encouraging their clients to consult with medical professionals."
Posted at 02:33 PM by Howard Bashman

"Court partially rejects Myriad gene patent claims": Reuters has a report that begins, "A federal appeals court on Thursday partially ruled against Myriad Genetics Inc over the biotechnology company's effort to patent two genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer."

And at the "Patently-O" blog, Dennis Crouch has a post titled "Gene Patent Debate Continues: Federal Circuit Finds Isolated Human Genes Patentable."

You can access today's ruling of a partially divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit at this link.

The case was back at the Federal Circuit on GVR from the U.S. Supreme Court for reconsideration in light of the high court's ruling in Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc.

Update: In other coverage, Reuters reports that "Myriad wins gene patent ruling from US appeals court."
Posted at 02:30 PM by Howard Bashman

"Easton 'Boobies' case to be heard before entire Third Circuit Court of Appeals; School district's appeal of lower court ruling goes before full, 14-judge panel": The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania has a news update that begins, "The Easton Area School District's appeal of a federal court ruling to allow 'I (heart) Boobies' bracelets to be worn by students at school will heard by the entire Third Circuit Court of Appeals."

You can access today's order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit granting rehearing en banc at this link.

The case was argued before a three-judge Third Circuit panel in April 2012, but no ruling has yet issued. You can access the audio of that oral argument via this link (54.6 MB Windows Media Audio file).
Posted at 02:09 PM by Howard Bashman

"Ruling could compromise U.S. administrative judges' autonomy": Reuters has a report that begins, "Administrative judges, the adjudicators of regulatory law at U.S. government agencies, may face a threat to their independence from political influence under a recent court ruling. A federal appeals court ruled in July that the Copyright Royalty Board, a panel of administrative judges who set the rate broadcasters pay for copyright licenses, was unconstitutional because of the way its panelists are appointed and the job protections they are given."
Posted at 02:05 PM by Howard Bashman

"In March 2003, Bosley was a 37-year-old news anchor for a CBS television affiliate in Ohio. While on vacation in Florida, Bosley entered a 'wet t-shirt' contest at a bar and ultimately danced nude." Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued its ruling in Balsley v. LFP. LFP stands for Larry Flynt Publications, the publisher of Hustler magazine.

In earlier news coverage, The Associated Press reported that "Hustler fights lawsuit over news-anchor photo."
Posted at 01:40 PM by Howard Bashman

"Does a sentence of 110 years to life for a juvenile convicted of committing non-homicide offenses constitute cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment on the ground it is the functional equivalent of a life sentence without the possibility of parole?" The Supreme Court of California answered "yes" in a ruling issued today.
Posted at 01:34 PM by Howard Bashman

"Experts Discuss Privacy Protection in the Internet Age": The Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit yesterday posted online a news release that begins, "Privacy experts addressing the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Tuesday said neither Congress nor the federal courts may be able to control commercial use of the wealth of personal data now found on the Internet."
Posted at 12:10 PM by Howard Bashman

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"11th Circuit Court blocks removal of 10 Commandments monument from Florida courthouse": The Huntsville Times has this news update.

And The Associated Press reports that "Fight over Dixie monument sent back to lower court."

You can access today's ruling of a partially divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit at this link.
Posted at 10:40 PM by Howard Bashman

"Panel denies hearing for 'Norfolk Four' convict": The Virginian-Pilot has this news update.

And The Associated Press reports that "'Norfolk 4' member loses bid for new hearing."

You can access today's ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit at this link.
Posted at 10:32 PM by Howard Bashman

"Impersonating a cop vs. pretending to be a war hero": Ken Paulson has this essay online at the First Amendment Center.
Posted at 10:09 PM by Howard Bashman

"Supreme Court should have 4 women says retiring justice; Deschamps leaving top court after 10 'intense' years": CBC News has a report that begins, "The federal government should ensure there are at least four women on the Supreme Court of Canada's bench, according to retiring Justice Marie Deschamps, but she doesn't think appointees have to be bilingual on day one of the job."
Posted at 10:06 PM by Howard Bashman

"SF cop fights suspension over nude photos": Today in The San Francisco Chronicle, Henry K. Lee has an article that begins, "A San Francisco police officer whose hobby is photographing naked women has filed a federal civil rights suit against the city, saying he was wrongfully suspended twice because of his off-duty pastime."
Posted at 01:56 PM by Howard Bashman

"Pop Star's Photos Aren't Fair Game, Divided Panel Concludes": Scott Graham of The Recorder has this report.

And at, Tal Kopan has a blog post titled "Court: Mag violated copyright by printing wedding photos."

My earlier coverage of yesterday's Ninth Circuit ruling appears at this link.
Posted at 01:52 PM by Howard Bashman

"D.C. Joins Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Affirmative Action Case": Zoe Tillman has this post today at "The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times."
Posted at 01:50 PM by Howard Bashman

"From Casinos To Carpenters, Watching Houseboat Case At Supreme Court": At, Daniel Fisher has this blog post.
Posted at 09:25 AM by Howard Bashman

"Kamala Harris on race, college admission": In today's edition of The San Francisco Chronicle, Bob Egelko has an article that begins, "California Attorney General Kamala Harris has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to let public colleges in other states keep their authority to consider a student's race in admissions decisions, saying California's ban on affirmative action has made schools less diverse and harmed students of all races."
Posted at 09:14 AM by Howard Bashman

"Louisiana Supreme Court chief justice dispute should be settled by state, Gov. Bobby Jindal says": The Associated Press has this report.
Posted at 09:10 AM by Howard Bashman

"What kind of conservative is Ted Cruz?" Columnist Dana Milbank has this op-ed today in The Washington Post.
Posted at 09:06 AM by Howard Bashman

"Panel to decide on Orie Melvin's pay; Judge Manning expected to decide whether to separate sisters' cases": Laura Olson and Paula Reed Ward have this article today in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Posted at 08:55 AM by Howard Bashman

"Aging Justices Give New Life To High Court As Campaign Issue": Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News has this report.
Posted at 08:53 AM by Howard Bashman

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"In effect, the jury both convicted and acquitted Mr. Shippley of the charged conspiracy. What to do? In this appeal we wrestle with the question as the district court did before us." Circuit Judge Neil M. Gorsuch issued this interesting opinion today on behalf of a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.
Posted at 07:50 PM by Howard Bashman

"Gossip magazine's celebrity wedding photos broke law, court says": Maura Dolan of The Los Angeles Times has a blog post that begins, "A federal appeals court decided Tuesday that a gossip magazine violated copyright law by publishing photographs of a secret celebrity wedding."

And Courthouse News Service reports that "9th Circuit Rejects Tabloid's Fair-Use Claim."

You can access today's ruling of a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit at this link.
Posted at 07:16 PM by Howard Bashman

"Asian-American rift over Supreme Court affirmative action case": Terry Baynes of Reuters has this report.
Posted at 05:33 PM by Howard Bashman

"Justice Kennedy Stands by Circuit Conference": Today. the Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a news release that begins, "Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy stood by the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference Monday, saying that the gathering here of the federal bench and bar from the western states was 'a prudent and a proper exercise of the judicial function.'"

The Ninth Circuit has also posted the prepared text of Justice Kennedy's remarks today at the judicial conference in Maui.
Posted at 05:32 PM by Howard Bashman

"Falsely identifying oneself as a policeman in order to get out of a speeding ticket is simply not the kind of expressive conduct the Framers of our first and one of our greatest amendments had in mind." So holds the majority on a divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in a decision issued today.
Posted at 05:28 PM by Howard Bashman

"Appeals Court OKs Warrantless, Real-Time Mobile Phone Tracking": At's "Threat Level" blog, David Kravets has this post reporting on a ruling that a partially divided three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued today.
Posted at 05:26 PM by Howard Bashman

"Houseboat case may be moot": Lyle Denniston has this post at "SCOTUSblog."
Posted at 03:30 PM by Howard Bashman

"Why Don't the Justices Ever Visit Military Hospitals?" Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
Posted at 12:16 PM by Howard Bashman

"Circuit Conference Opens with Supreme Court Review": The Public Information Office of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued this news release yesterday.
Posted at 11:17 AM by Howard Bashman

"Senate should not invoke 'Thurmond Rule' to block Kayatta nomination": Law professor Carl Tobias has this blog post online at The Hill.
Posted at 11:15 AM by Howard Bashman

"Judges for Sale": Jeffrey Toobin has this post online today at The New Yorker.
Posted at 09:50 AM by Howard Bashman

"Obama administration urges justices to uphold affirmative action; In October, the Supreme Court will hear an appeal on the issue, over which it has been closely split for decades": David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times has this report.

And The Boston Globe reports today that "Harvard, MIT file brief in affirmative action suit."
Posted at 09:02 AM by Howard Bashman

"Justice race no easy win for GOP; Democrats' rare advantage: Candidate is an incumbent." Today in The Cincinnati Enquirer, Dan Horn has an article that begins, "Sharon Kennedy had one big advantage last year when she launched her campaign to become the first Butler County resident elected to the Ohio Supreme Court in almost 150 years. She's a Republican. A GOP majority has dominated the court for more than a decade, and no Democrat has been elected since 2000. This time around, though, party affiliation alone might not be enough."
Posted at 08:59 AM by Howard Bashman

"Retired Supreme Court justice to visit Anchorage; Sandra Day O'Connor will promote online civics program": The Associated Press has this report.
Posted at 08:55 AM by Howard Bashman

"Gov. Bobby Jindal, at last minute, enters legal battle over Louisiana Supreme Court": This article appears today in The Times-Picayune of New Orleans.

And today's broadcast of NPR's "Morning Edition" contained an audio segment entitled "La. Court In Racially Charged Power Struggle, Again."
Posted at 08:54 AM by Howard Bashman

"State Supreme Court has been downsized. That's a problem." The Philadelphia Daily News contains this editorial today.
Posted at 08:52 AM by Howard Bashman

"Democrats could oust chief justice candidate; Lyon under fire over comments, 'bizarre behavior'": This article appears today in The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser.
Posted at 08:50 AM by Howard Bashman

"Sanders, McCloud advance in Supreme Court race": The Associated Press has a report that begins, "Former Washington Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders has a chance to get his old job back."
Posted at 08:45 AM by Howard Bashman

Monday, August 13, 2012

"Big Business Taking over State Supreme Courts: How Campaign Contributions to Judges Tip the Scales Against Individuals." The Center for American Progress issued this news release in connection with a report that the organization issued today.
Posted at 10:40 PM by Howard Bashman

"Administration urges justices to continue college affirmative action admissions": Robert Barnes will have this article Tuesday in The Washington Post.

Greg Stohr of Bloomberg News reports that "Obama Lawyers Urge High Court To Back Affirmative Action."

At, Josh Gerstein has a blog post titled "White House backs affirmative action in higher ed."

The Texas Tribune reports that "Friends of the Court Support UT Admission Practices."

And The Daily Californian has a news update headlined "UC files brief in support of race-based admissions policies."

You can access the amicus briefs via this link.
Posted at 10:28 PM by Howard Bashman

"Justice Department opposes illegal immigrant's bid to practice law; Justice Department says federal law prohibits giving a public benefit, such as a bar license, to an 'unlawfully present alien' -- in this case, Sergio C. Garcia of California": Maura Dolan has this article today in The Los Angeles Times.
Posted at 09:34 PM by Howard Bashman

"Government backs Texas U. on use of race": At "SCOTUSblog," Lyle Denniston has a post that begins, "The Obama Administration urged the Supreme Court on Monday to uphold the University of Texas' use of race in selecting its incoming class of students, arguing that the university needed to add that factor to assure that more minorities are enrolled."

Update: At the "School Law" blog of Education Week, Mark Walsh has a post titled "Obama Backs University of Texas on Race in Admissions."

And Jesse J. Holland of The Associated Press has a report headlined "Justice: UT affirmative action policy legal."
Posted at 04:07 PM by Howard Bashman

"Industry groups seek court rehearing over GHG regulations": Lawrence Hurley of Greenwire has this report.
Posted at 03:38 PM by Howard Bashman

"None of the Supreme Court Justices Has Battle Experience": Andrew Cohen has this essay online at The Atlantic.
Posted at 03:05 PM by Howard Bashman

"Hawaii at a time like this? Judges' trip to Maui raises eyebrows." This article appeared Saturday in The Los Angeles Times.
Posted at 03:02 PM by Howard Bashman

"Supreme Court to hear international child custody dispute": Jonathan Stempel and Terry Baynes of Reuters have this report.

And at "SCOTUSblog," Lyle Denniston has a post titled "Court grants one new case."

You can access today's Order List of the U.S. Supreme Court at this link.
Posted at 02:50 PM by Howard Bashman

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"California unlikely to meet prison crowding reduction requirement; An early plunge in the prison population to address a court order has leveled off; Federal jurists have asked the state to come up with an early release plan or other ideas to reduce its prison population": This article will appear Monday in The Los Angeles Times.
Posted at 11:28 PM by Howard Bashman

"When is a campaign contribution a bribe?" Robert Barnes will have this article Monday in The Washington Post.
Posted at 11:22 PM by Howard Bashman

"Supreme Court ruling leaves Jefferson County capital murder cases in limbo": The Birmingham News today has an article that begins, "The Jefferson County capital murder trial of an Ensley teen charged at age 16 has been delayed as Alabama courts grapple with the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that banned mandatory no-parole sentences for juvenile killers."
Posted at 09:23 PM by Howard Bashman

"Kansas, Nebraska head to court over years-old water dispute": The Wichita Eagle has an article that begins, "Kansas and Nebraska are continuing their fight for water in the Republican River Basin. On Monday, the two states will begin a trial in Portland, Maine, before a special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court."
Posted at 09:18 PM by Howard Bashman

"High court case looks at affirmative action at universities": Melanie Eversley will have this article in Monday's edition of USA Today.
Posted at 09:14 PM by Howard Bashman

"Iowa Supreme Court's Wiggins must go, too, foes say; Bid begins to oust another who found marriage law illegal": Today's edition of The Des Moines Register contains an article that begins, "A socially conservative political rally at a Waukee church Saturday served as the kickoff for a renewed effort to throw out the Iowa Supreme Court justices who made same-sex marriage legal."

And The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier reports today that "Vander Plaats launches effort to oust another Supreme Court justice."
Posted at 08:32 AM by Howard Bashman

"A chief justice's time to eschew partisanship?" Columnist Michael Smerconish has this op-ed today in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Posted at 08:30 AM by Howard Bashman

"Public faces barriers in accessing Canadian courts, chief justice says": The Globe and Mail of Toronto has an article that begins, "The chief justice of Canada's Supreme Court says the legal system risks a loss of public faith unless barriers to public access to the courts, especially for civil matters, are lowered."
Posted at 08:27 AM by Howard Bashman

"Illegal immigration battle heads back to court": Today's edition of The Citizens' Voice of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania contains an article that begins, "Lawyers on both sides of an immigration battle that propelled Hazleton into the national spotlight nearly six years ago will base testimony on court rulings from related disputes in Arizona and Farmers Branch, Texas, when the case resumes Wednesday in federal appeals court."
Posted at 08:25 AM by Howard Bashman

"Tribes want new powers to prosecute non-Indians": Rob Hotakainen of McClatchy Newspapers has this report.
Posted at 08:24 AM by Howard Bashman

"Under the U.S. Supreme Court: Drones in the sky over America." Michael Kirkland of UPI has this report.
Posted at 08:22 AM by Howard Bashman

Saturday, August 11, 2012

"Supreme Court To Decide Whether Floating House Is Really A Boat": Daniel Fisher has this blog post at
Posted at 01:48 PM by Howard Bashman

"GOVERNINGWorks Interviews: Tom Goldstein." You can access online the first four parts of an interview with the publisher of "SCOTUSblog." The segments are titled "That Guy With the Web Site"; "SCOTUSblog--Without Papers"; "Courting Media"; and "To Your Health." Part five of the interview is scheduled to appear next Tuesday.
Posted at 01:46 PM by Howard Bashman

"Child Pornography and the Restitution Revolution": Cortney Lollar has posted this article online at SSRN (via "Sentencing Law and Policy").
Posted at 01:36 PM by Howard Bashman

"Judge Susie Morgan tells lawyers trying to thwart Bernette Johnson suit that they don't represent 'the State'": The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has an article that begins, "U.S District Court Judge Susie Morgan ruled Friday that it does not appear to her that the New Orleans lawyers seeking to intervene on behalf of the state in the matter of Supreme Court Justice Bernette Johnson's claim to be the next chief justice do, in fact, represent the state."
Posted at 01:30 PM by Howard Bashman

"Sanders holding on to 2nd place in state Supreme Court race": The Associated Press has a report that begins, "Former Justice Richard Sanders' bid to return to the Washington Supreme Court is still alive."
Posted at 01:28 PM by Howard Bashman

Friday, August 10, 2012

"Judge blocks same-sex marriages": At "SCOTUSblog," Lyle Denniston has a post that begins, "Ruling that the Supreme Court settled the issue forty years ago, a federal judge in Hawaii has declared that same-sex couples do not have a constitutional right to get married."
Posted at 03:51 PM by Howard Bashman

"Ex-Judges, Prosecutors Join Fight Over Prosecutorial Misconduct": At "The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times," Mike Scarcella has a post that begins, "More than 50 former federal judges and prosecutors are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a dispute over alleged government misconduct, taking a position in the case against the Justice Department."

You can view the amicus brief at this link.
Posted at 01:33 PM by Howard Bashman

"Test ahead for U.S. law limiting gun-seller liability": Andrew Longstreth of Reuters has an article which reports that "A 2005 law that protects the gun industry from certain lawsuits has been challenged in Alaska in case that may give gun-control activists their next chance to test the law before the U.S. Supreme Court."
Posted at 09:38 AM by Howard Bashman

"Justice Scalia Writes How-to Read Guide for Interpreting the Law": This interview with Justice Antonin Scalia appeared on yesterday evening's broadcast of The PBS NewsHour.
Posted at 09:37 AM by Howard Bashman

"Court defies Congress, heads to Hawaiian junket": The Washington (D.C.) Examiner has this report.

You can view the schedule for the conference at this link.
Posted at 09:30 AM by Howard Bashman

"African hair braider gets federal court win; Centerville woman says she's ready to get back to work": In today's edition of The Salt Lake Tribune, Brooke Adams has an article that begins, "A federal judge said Wednesday the state's demand that an African hair braider get a cosmetology license was unconstitutional since most of the training required is 'irrelevant' to her home-based service. In ruling in favor of Jestina Clayton, U.S. District Court Judge David Sam cited a 1915 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that held the right to work for a living in common, community-based occupations is the 'very essence of the personal freedom and opportunity' protected by the U.S. Constitution."

And today's edition of The Deseret News contains an article headlined "Court ruling: Centerville woman has a right to braid hair without a cosmetology license."

You can access Wednesday's ruling of the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah at this link.
Posted at 09:22 AM by Howard Bashman

"Parnell appoints Anchorage lawyer to state Supreme Court; Anchorage's Maassen selected to fill slot on Alaska top bench": The Associated Press has a report that begins, "Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell has appointed an Anchorage lawyer to the state Supreme Court to replace a justice recently named to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals."

You can access the news release announcing the appointment at this link.
Posted at 09:08 AM by Howard Bashman

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Halligan's nomination for DC Circuit blocked again": Reuters has this report.
Posted at 09:00 PM by Howard Bashman

"Jane Roberts, Chief Justice John Roberts' Spouse, Breaks The Mold Of Supreme Court Wives": Christina Wilkie of The Huffington Post has this report.
Posted at 06:20 PM by Howard Bashman

"Racial Preference in Austin: The University of Texas goes to great lengths to disguise the role of race in admissions." John S. Rosenberg has this essay today at National Review Online.
Posted at 06:14 PM by Howard Bashman

"Wal-Mart beats janitors' appeal on immigration, lockups": Reuters has this report on a ruling that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued today.
Posted at 06:12 PM by Howard Bashman

"Mass. high court: What judges think is protected by state and federal constitution." John R. Ellement of The Boston Globe has a news update that begins, "The state's highest court said today that judges cannot be forced to disclose to ethics investigators what they were thinking when they made their rulings, a decision that creates a 'judicial deliberative privilege' in Massachusetts for the first time."

You can access today's ruling of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts at this link.
Posted at 03:33 PM by Howard Bashman

"New Study Finds Obama Had Some Success with Circuit Court Nominees": Todd Ruger has this post today at "The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times."

My earlier coverage of the study can be accessed here.
Posted at 12:05 PM by Howard Bashman

"Supreme court throws out million-dollar award over Gophers job; Coach candidate not entitled to protection under law, justices say; The ruling vacates the jury award to Jimmy Williams, saying the U owed no duty of care": The Minneapolis Star Tribune contains this article today.

And Minnesota Daily reports that "Supreme Court overturns $1 million award to Williams."

You can access yesterday's ruling of the Supreme Court of Minnesota at this link.
Posted at 09:06 AM by Howard Bashman

"Judge rejects lawsuit attempting to remove justices from ballot; An attempt by a conservative legal group to get three justices thrown off the ballot, and the court, gets halted when a circuit judge rejects the lawsuit": This article appears today in The Miami Herald.

The Palm Beach Post reports today that "Judge dismisses lawsuit trying to throw 3 Florida Supreme Court justices off ballot."

And The Associated Press reports that "Suit to kick Florida justices off ballot dismissed."
Posted at 08:56 AM by Howard Bashman

"U.S. will not challenge computer fraud case to high court": Reuters has a report that begins, "The government has decided not to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review a divided appeals court ruling in a criminal case that drew attention to a 28-year-old computer hacking law that critics argue is being used too broadly."

And c|net News reports that "Justice Dept. won't appeal computer fraud dismissal; Appellate court ruled in April that prosecutors were too broadly interpreting a decades-old anti-hacking law to prosecute a man charged with misappropriating trade secrets."
Posted at 08:50 AM by Howard Bashman

"Race to replace Justice Chambers remains tight": The Associated Press has a report that begins, "The race to replace retiring Washington Supreme Court Justice Tom Chambers is tightening."
Posted at 08:46 AM by Howard Bashman

"Attorneys seek separate trials for Orie sisters": Today's edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette contains an article that begins, "Attorneys representing suspended state Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin asked today that her trial not be combined with one for her sister, Janine Orie, who is also charged with using the justice's staff, as well as the legislative staff of another sister, to campaign for the high court."

And today's edition of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports that "Accused Supreme Court justice argues to keep her trial separate from sister's."
Posted at 08:42 AM by Howard Bashman

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"The Court at the Olympics": Linda Greenhouse has this post at the "Opinionator" blog of The New York Times.
Posted at 09:44 PM by Howard Bashman

"Exclusive: Justice Ginsburg shrugs off rib injury." Joan Biskupic of Reuters has this report.
Posted at 09:25 PM by Howard Bashman

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