Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Manifest Destiny of Artificial Intelligence

"The Manifest Destiny of Artificial Intelligence"

The Never-Ending Argument

"Star Trek v. Star Wars: A comparison in comics format"

What Happens to Stolen Bicycles?

"What Happens to Stolen Bicycles?"

Apple Genius Training

"How To Be a Genius: This Is Apple’s Secret Employee Training Manual".

I was fascinated by how much was shrewd (some might say manipulative) use of applied psychology as opposed to simply technical issues.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Debate over MRI Lie Detector in MD Murder Trial

"Debate on brain scans as lie detectors highlighted in Maryland murder trial".

The judge heard testimony about the technology, but ultimately decided not to allow it for the trial.

Smart Sutures That Detect Infections

"Smart Sutures That Detect Infections"

How Encyption Works Between Two Computers

Video: "How encyption works between two computers"

The Woman Who Needed to Be Upside-Down

If a giant man ever walks into the ER holding a tiny woman upside-down by her feet, you'll be damned glad you read this article. (Via Dr. David Solsberg.)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Sunsets Are Blue On Mars

Sarcastic Rover explains why sunsets are blue on Mars.

The 'Anternet'

"Stanford biologist and computer scientist discover the 'Anternet'". (Via Radley Balko.)

String Tangling

The physics of string tangling. (Via @debbywitt.)

The Origins of "D'oh!"

The Origins of "D'oh!"

Tidbit: In the actual scripts, it's always written as "annoyed grunt", rather than "D'oh".

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

[Off-Topic] Hsieh OpEd in Forbes on Human Progress and Wealth

[OFF TOPIC]  My latest OpEd was published in yesterday's Forbes, "If You Want Human Progress To Stop, Institute A Maximum Income".

Theme: Honestly-earned wealth should be defended on moral (as well as economic) grounds.

Wiki Weapon Project

"'Wiki Weapon Project' Aims To Create A Gun Anyone Can 3D-Print At Home".

It will be very interesting if this goes anywhere technically. And what sort of legal measures are proposed in response:

Your Piece Of The Berlin Wall Is Not Special

Your piece of the Berlin Wall is not special

Forgotten Tech

"Our favorite 'forgotten tech' -- from BeOS to Zip Drives"

What Makes Teflon Stick To The Pan

What makes Teflon stick to the pan.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Video of the day: "Hover 'Bike' Flies on Pilot's Intuition".

(Via @supatrey.)

Deep, Deep, Storage

"For one cent a month, Amazon Glacier stores your data for centuries".

However, retrieval can be slow and potentially costly.

Passive Surveillance With Subject's WiFi

Bruce Scheier notes: "A new technology uses the radiation given off by wi-fi devices to sense the positions of people through a one-foot-thick brick wall."

Restaurant Offers Discount for Surrendering Your Phone Before Meal

"Restaurant Offers Discount for Surrendering Your Phone Before Meal". (Via Mark Perry.)