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Obama Camp Wants Petition Signatures to Get Romney to Release Tax Returns

Campaign manager Jim Messina has vowed to get off Romney's back about the returns if five years of documents are produced.

Dream Team: The 10 Best Conservative Columnists

With Charles Krauthammer as team captain of the Right's intellectual Olympians.


Ryan: 'Medicare Shouldn't Be a Piggybank for ObamaCare'

A choice of two visions for Medicare reform.

Campaign 101: Obama Wants $25 Billion to Prevent Teacher Layoffs

And with this morning's report, the campaign opens a new education front and attack strategy against Paul Ryan's budget.

When Will the Palestinians Make 'Painful Concessions' for Peace?

The one way street of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

Admin to Continue 'Essential' Palestinian Aid Despite Next Statehood Bid

The last congressional freeze was lifted by Obama for "national security" reasons on a Friday night.

The Wall-to-Wall Macho Violence of The Expendables 2

The movie is content to play to its audience of tough guy 40-plus men, with nary a sighting of Kirsten Dunst.


Why Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, and Truman Capote All Failed to Write the Great American Novel

It's not a coincidence all three befriended murderers.

Paul Ryan, Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Oh noes! The MSM discovers that a Catholic Congressman has an affinity for the economic philosophy of one of the 20th century’s best-known atheists.

MSNBC's Toure: Romney Is Engaging in 'Niggerization' of Obama (Updated)

Race troll.

NBC and Tom Brokaw's Olympic Tribute to the Battle of Britain

We occasionally need to be reminded of the horrors of, and sometimes, the necessity for war.

Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail #2: The Week of the Dumb Democrats

And plenty of loathing as well, as Ryan Derangement Syndrome is everywhere. Update: Video of Roger's Thursday night appearance on CNBC's Kudlow Report along with David Limbaugh now online at the Tatler.

Introducing Dr. Kimball’s Self-Help Program for Disillusioned Liberals

Like AA for that group Harold Rosenberg memorably denominated "the herd of independent minds."

Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies

While properly expressing concern, the media presents solutions that have no basis in reality.

Tax-Funded Sterilizations for Teenagers (No Parental Consent Required?)

In Oregon, a 15-year-old cannot obtain a driver's license or legally drink alcohol, but she can ask a doctor to make her infertile.

An FAQ on Christianity for the Unbeliever

A helpful guide for those who find it impossible to understand the religion thing.

United Church of Canada to Consider Israel Boycott

The BDS movement returns at the UCC triennial meeting.

'Why Is There No Liberal Ayn Rand?'

Always the last to know: A Yale history professor inadvertently stumbles into a topic explored in depth four years ago in Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism.

5 Differences Between Boys and Real Men

Being 18 and male doesn't make you a man.

The Ideology of the Left: Gnostics of Our Time

The “revolutionary mysticism” of the Left takes its toll.

The Creepiest Thing About the Joe Soptic Ad

The horror.

Remove the Media from the Debates

I thought back to the primary campaign when Newt Gingrich proposed Lincoln-Douglas style debates sans moderators. It was a good idea then and a good idea now.

Middle East Chaos Makes Israeli Iran Strike More Likely

Right now, the timing seems as favorable as it is ever likely to be.

Wasserman Schultz: What Delights 'Severely Conservative Extreme Republicans' Won't Work in Florida

Dems will stress to seniors in the swing state that Ryan's Medicare plan would make them choose "between health care and paying their rent and literally surviving."

The UN File: Let Us Now Thank Sudan

The genocidal country, now looking like a shoe-in for the "reformed" Human Rights Council, is providing us with a certain amount of truth in advertising.

I'm Laurence Harvey and I Approve This Message

INSERT NAME OF REPUBLICAN HERE is the worst, vilest, sexist, homophobic, God-worshiping, Second Amendment-supporting, budget cutting, evilest human being I've ever known in my life.

The Waiting for 'Superman' of the New Atheists

David Webster's delightful polemic against "spiritual but not religious" hits the mark but doesn't go far enough with its own politically incorrect realizations.

Flashback: Paul Ryan vs. Barack Obama, February 2010

America's comeback team is in place.

The Pros and Cons of the Future of the Electric Guitar

One guitar, two boxes, unlimited sounds.

Obama Hosts Iftar Dinner, Notes Thomas Jefferson's Koran

Obama uses Ramadan dinner address to thank, defend "good friend Huma Abedin."

The Comeback Team

Romney's choice of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as a running mate makes me even more confident that he will trounce Mr. Hope ’n Change.

Bad Writing, Universities, and Zionism

A left-wing professor writing about Zionism unintentionally scores in the "Bad Writing Competition."

Why I Detest the Olympics

A doctor surveys the tangled relationship between his profession and the sporting event.

Get Shorty

A down-on-his-luck former Obama friend is a poster boy for the failure of the administration's stimulus bill.

More 'Reset' Failure: Did Russian Nuclear Sub Travel Undetected in Gulf?

What we do know: the White House does not want anyone noticing the enemy Russia has become. (More from Bridget Johnson: Why Was a Russian Attack Sub Lurking in the Gulf of Mexico?)

Does Total Recall Violate the Unwritten Remake Rule?

Or is it a perfect candidate for a do-over?

Now Could We Please Refuse Ahmadinejad a Visa?

Just say no.

Huma Abedin's Muslim Minority Affairs: Not Just a Journal

Abedin spent 12 years working at a journal intended to aid Islamic domination of the West.

Wasserman Schultz, Party Girl

Who is Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and how did she get to be such a transparent party hack?

Mitt's Mea Culpa & Obama's Waterloo

And people wonder why I predict Romney/Ryan will win by a landslide.

Poll Analysis: Paul Ryan Pick a Big Winner

A shifting landscape.

Troubling Questions About al-Awlaki, Fort Hood after 'Misleading' FBI Testimony

The chairman of an Appropriations subcommittee wants answers from the FBI director on "potentially misleading, uninformed or incomplete" statements.

The Biggest D.C. Spy Scandal You Haven't Heard About (Part Two)

The Pakistani spy who went undetected in D.C. for 20 years was deeply involved with U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

Black Caucus Chairman: Biden's Chains Remark Was Just 'Little Throwaway Line'

"I've been black all my life so that comment I can tell you would have no impact on me."

A Graduate of My 'Commie' High School Goes to Cuba and Sees Paradise

How one's education can warp you for life.

See No Jihad: U.S. Still Treating Fort Hood Jihadis as Criminals

Determined to ignore reality.

Illegal Immigration Stakes Out Lower Rung on Campaign Trail

The DREAM Act-inspired deferment order of President Obama went into effect today, but was largely ignored save for some congressional Dems.

The Islamization of Knowledge in the New Egypt

Building the "Islamic epistemological framework” — in both the Middle East and America.

Breaking: Family Research Council Attacked, Gunman Taken into Custody (Updated: MSNBC Reports!)

ABC's Brian Ross reportedly Googling up a storm.

Obama's Casualties

If we apply his supporters' "standards."

The Pitfalls of Private Investing in the Obama Era

Obama created a high-risk, low-reward environment, yet the left wonders why companies aren't investing.

Voter ID in PA Survives

Judicial smackdown of the NAACP.

Paul Ryan: From Behind the Beltway Curtain to National Scene

Opponents will be blaming Ryan for the actions of the Republican caucus as a whole, but the GOP could use the spotlight to showcase their efforts on the Hill.

Ryan Speaks in Colorado

I can't remember when I've seen a candidate address a mass audience at such a high level. Update: Photo added.

The Biggest D.C. Spy Scandal You Haven't Heard About (Part One)

Why has the story of a 20-year illegal infiltration of D.C. on behalf of Pakistani intelligence gone unnoticed?

Karl Marx vs. the Zeitgeist

Or the concept of momentum applied to politics.

The Israel/Iran War Game

Will they (the Israelis) or won't they? And if so, when? I know the answers, but you're not going to like them.

Nurse Ratched, My Hero: 4 Female Movie Villains I Love

What do my favorite film femme fatales have in common?

'Fast and Furious' Lawsuit Challenges Obama's Executive Privilege Assertion

The House Oversight Committee filed a civil suit today to force Eric Holder to turn over subpoenaed documents.

Real Jobs or Government Cheese?

Romney-Ryan versus Beltway conventional wisdom.

Obama Calls Ryan 'Ideological Leader of Republicans in Congress'

At one of his five Chicago fundraisers today, the president made his first remarks about his budgetary arch-nemesis.