
Bliss Yoga Retreat with Swami Ramananda-- Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas
Contact swamiramananda1@gmail.com for upcoming retreats or to order his books: 'Bliss ...
published: 08 Apr 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Bliss Yoga Retreat with Swami Ramananda-- Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas
Contact swamiramananda1@gmail.com for upcoming retreats or to order his books: 'Bliss Now' and 'From India With Love.'

Swami Kriya Ramananda - Song Of The Golden Lotus (Part 1)
Song Of The Golden Lotus (1978)...
published: 27 Dec 2010
Author: archibaldodelacruz1
Swami Kriya Ramananda - Song Of The Golden Lotus (Part 1)
Song Of The Golden Lotus (1978)

published: 04 Jan 2011
Author: Srila BV Narayan Maharaja

Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 1 of 3
Dr. Swami Ramananda appears in this rare intimate interview for Yoga Television sharing hi...
published: 07 May 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 1 of 3
Dr. Swami Ramananda appears in this rare intimate interview for Yoga Television sharing his life and experience having served and lived with the most Beloved Sri Anandamayi Ma. Total interview 31 minutes; see Parts 1-3. To order Swamiji's Books and CD's contact Swamiramananda1@gmail.com

Yoga with Dr Swami Ramananda KTNV ABC, Las Vegas
Yoga Classes with Swamiji: contact The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, City Center, Las Vegas. T...
published: 09 Apr 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Yoga with Dr Swami Ramananda KTNV ABC, Las Vegas
Yoga Classes with Swamiji: contact The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, City Center, Las Vegas. To order Swamiji's books 'Bliss Now' and 'From India With Love' contact swamiramananda1@gmail.com

Swami Ramananda - Sharing of Sri Anandamayi Ma Temple and Murti
Swami Ramananda brings to you this rare sharing and divine Darshan of Sri Anandamayi Ma...
published: 26 Apr 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Swami Ramananda - Sharing of Sri Anandamayi Ma Temple and Murti
Swami Ramananda brings to you this rare sharing and divine Darshan of Sri Anandamayi Ma's Murti. Jai Ma! To contact Swami Ramananda email Swamiramananda@gmail.com

Swami Ramananda Yoga at Caesars Palace
Swami Ramananda teaches Yoga to his students in the beautiful outdoor setting of Caesars P...
published: 28 May 2011
Author: swamiramananda108
Swami Ramananda Yoga at Caesars Palace
Swami Ramananda teaches Yoga to his students in the beautiful outdoor setting of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. Join Swamiji for this inspiring and uplifting experience of Yoga: Las Vegas style. Contact swamiramananda1@gmail.com for more information on classes, or to order his CD's and books.

Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of 3: Dr. Swami Ramananda continues this rare intimate interview for Yoga Televisio...
published: 07 May 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of 3: Dr. Swami Ramananda continues this rare intimate interview for Yoga Television sharing his books 'BLISS NOW' and 'FROM INDIA WITH LOVE' and speaking of his life and experiences living in India while serving Sri Anandamayi Ma. Total interview 31 minutes; see Parts 1-3. To order Swamiji's Books and CD's contact Swamiramananda1@gmail.com

Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 3 of 3
Dr. Swami Ramananda concludes this rare interview for Yoga Television sharing Yoga posture...
published: 07 May 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Swami Ramananda- Interview for Yoga Television Part 3 of 3
Dr. Swami Ramananda concludes this rare interview for Yoga Television sharing Yoga postures and discussing incorporating Yoga into daily life in our modern world. Total interview 31 minutes; see Parts 1-3. To order Swamiji's Books and CD's contact Swamiramananda1@gmail.com

Swami Ramananda -- Day on the Ganges with Jordania Goldberg, MA
Dr. Swami Ramananda and Jordania Goldberg, MA present holistic services and SANKAYA produc...
published: 06 May 2010
Author: swamiramananda1008
Swami Ramananda -- Day on the Ganges with Jordania Goldberg, MA
Dr. Swami Ramananda and Jordania Goldberg, MA present holistic services and SANKAYA products at Day on the Ganges. Qua Baths & Spa. Las Vegas.

Bhajan - KulimeLA Day 1 - Ramananda das (8/11)
Ramananda das singing bhajans at KulimeLA Day 1. Los Angeles, CA 2009-07-30...
published: 27 Aug 2009
Author: rupagopi
Bhajan - KulimeLA Day 1 - Ramananda das (8/11)
Ramananda das singing bhajans at KulimeLA Day 1. Los Angeles, CA 2009-07-30

Swami Kriya Ramananda - Song Of The Golden Lotus (Part 2)
Song Of The Golden Lotus (1978)...
published: 27 Dec 2010
Author: archibaldodelacruz1
Swami Kriya Ramananda - Song Of The Golden Lotus (Part 2)
Song Of The Golden Lotus (1978)

Swami Ramananda Trailer.mp4
Swami Ramananda, President of the Intergral Yoga Institute of NYC...
published: 08 Dec 2010
Author: ParavedaFoundation
Swami Ramananda Trailer.mp4
Swami Ramananda, President of the Intergral Yoga Institute of NYC

2005.04.28 Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Ramananda-samvad Murwillumbah.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja speaks on Ramananda-samvad in Murwillumbah, 28 April...
published: 03 May 2012
Author: Scott McRae Collingwood
2005.04.28 Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Ramananda-samvad Murwillumbah.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja speaks on Ramananda-samvad in Murwillumbah, 28 April 2005. Jagadish Pandit prabhu glorifies his spiritual master, Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja Then Srila Bhaktivedanta Nayaran Maharaja glorifies him, relating his qualities and acheivements, and of course his membership in isKcon, focusing on the positives. Then, Srila Maharaja speaks on the words of Ramanada Raya, 14th century Vicceroy of Emperor Gajapati Sri Prataparudra Dev, in his conversation with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. cameraman: Mahaprabhu das cameraman/sound: Subal Sakha das sound: Microcosmique
Youtube results:

Swami Ramananda
Swami Ramananda speaking at the Global Peace Mala in 2008. Check out www.Paraveda.Org for ...
published: 30 Jul 2010
Author: ParavedaFoundation
Swami Ramananda
Swami Ramananda speaking at the Global Peace Mala in 2008. Check out www.Paraveda.Org for more videos like this.

2005.04.29 Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Mahraja, Ramananda-samvad, Murwillumbah
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja: Ramananda-samvad: 29 April 05, Murwillumbah. camera...
published: 03 May 2012
Author: Scott McRae Collingwood
2005.04.29 Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Mahraja, Ramananda-samvad, Murwillumbah
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja: Ramananda-samvad: 29 April 05, Murwillumbah. cameraman: Mahaprabhu das cameraman: Subal Sakha das

Swami Ramananda at Brooklyn Yoga School
We were so honored to host Swami Ramananda, president of Integral Yoga Institute, at BYS o...
published: 16 Nov 2011
Author: BrooklynYogaSchool
Swami Ramananda at Brooklyn Yoga School
We were so honored to host Swami Ramananda, president of Integral Yoga Institute, at BYS on Sept 1, 2010. He taught an inspiring workshop, reconnecting us all to the importance of practice, as a means to open to the spiritual Self. Enjoy!

SWAMI RAMANANDA SARASWATHI - Thani avarthanam Part 1 - M2U00977.MPG
An unique experience of thani avarthanam in Namasankeerthanam on the Jayanthi Day of Swami...
published: 11 Jun 2012
Author: manamaduraivenkat
SWAMI RAMANANDA SARASWATHI - Thani avarthanam Part 1 - M2U00977.MPG
An unique experience of thani avarthanam in Namasankeerthanam on the Jayanthi Day of Swami Ramananda Saraswathi at Madurai, led by him and followed by three stalwarts Messrs. Manikantan, Erode Cheenu and Harisundar