
Paradise in Palau
February 1996 Green mounds only a few metres apart rise out of the glassy, blue sea. Under...
published: 11 Sep 2007
author: journeymanpictures
Paradise in Palau
February 1996 Green mounds only a few metres apart rise out of the glassy, blue sea. Under the water, fluorescent fish dart through strands of orange corral. The island of Palau is a paradise on earth. It has been voted number one wonder of the underwater world. But all this beauty faces the threat of rampant tourism. Since independence in 1994, the people of Palau are seeking to rePlace US funding with revenue from an ever expanding tourist trade. Although, such economic growth will generate jobs, there is great concern for the environment. Palau's second industry, fishing, is also making an impact. As giant tunas are lifted by cranes from the fishing boats, conservationist Noah Idechong is acting to safeguard fishing stock. He has persuaded local chiefs to reinstate the "bul", an ancient law which bans fishing in major breeding grounds. In revitalising traditional customs, he has the support of Palau's vice president, Tommy Remengesau. There is hope that this young nation will mature with its environment and its cultural identity in tact. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

PALAU: A Taste of Paradise
Visit enchanting islands and coral reefs as part of Palau's best eco-tourism experienc...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: BluePlanetUnited
PALAU: A Taste of Paradise
Visit enchanting islands and coral reefs as part of Palau's best eco-tourism experience: Dolphin Bay Resort and Peleliu Divers. Explore stunning coral kingdoms with Peleliu Divers, then relax back at Dolphin Bay, watching magnificent sunsets across the calm waters of the lagoon. Blue Planet United salutes this kind of eco-adventure opportunity as part of its mission to sustain people and wild places. This film celebrates Palau's leading example of sustainable tourism.

Palau and Japan
I watched the Pacific and I decided to share a behind story of the Battle of Peleliu. the ...
published: 05 Sep 2010
author: Steadie Saneyoshi
Palau and Japan
I watched the Pacific and I decided to share a behind story of the Battle of Peleliu. the population before the western colonization was about 60000 instead of 600000. I uploaded the fixed version as well.

Beautiful Island of PALAU!!!...
published: 30 Nov 2008
author: chickas16
Beautiful Island of PALAU!!!

Diving Palau
Just me doing some diving in Palau during Feb of 2009. Saw lots of fun sharks, turtles, an...
published: 19 Feb 2009
author: JoshuaZimmerman
Diving Palau
Just me doing some diving in Palau during Feb of 2009. Saw lots of fun sharks, turtles, and manta rays.

Uighurs in Paradise - Palau
December 2009 For the six Uighurs temporarily settled in Palau following their release fro...
published: 14 Dec 2009
author: journeymanpictures
Uighurs in Paradise - Palau
December 2009 For the six Uighurs temporarily settled in Palau following their release from Guantanamo, it is far from paradise. Trapped there, they wait anxiously for the worlds superpowers to determine their fate. Caught up in the post-9/11 round-up of suspected terrorists, these six men were wrongfully captured by bounty hunters, and sent to Guantanamo. The life in Guantanamo was one of the darkest chapters in our lives. Officially cleared of terrorism charges, they are still forbidden to make phone calls. On their arrival in Palau, the local paper described them as, six bearded Muslim terrorists in shackles. One of the men, Adel, states simply, "I am not dangerous." China is now demanding their return, in order to face charges of separatism. If Australia continues to refuse the US plea to offer them refuge, they may have a dark fate ahead of them. Their lawyer explains, The truth is, they are caught between the US and China - and that's not a place you want to be. Produced by SBS, distributed by Journeyman Pictures

Palau island
one of the most beautiful place in the world.....
published: 18 May 2008
author: omelatk4
Palau island
one of the most beautiful place in the world..

Palau Coral Bleaching Case Study
Local leaders discuss the 1998 bleaching event in Palau....
published: 09 Nov 2009
author: reefresilience
Palau Coral Bleaching Case Study
Local leaders discuss the 1998 bleaching event in Palau.

Jellyfish Lake, Palau Rock Island by Asiatrave.com
Download Free $120 cash vouchers at www.asiatravel.com to offset payment at www.asiatravel...
published: 04 Nov 2009
author: AsiaTravelTV
Jellyfish Lake, Palau Rock Island by Asiatrave.com
Download Free $120 cash vouchers at www.asiatravel.com to offset payment at www.asiatravel.com For Bookings www.asiatravel.com For More Video: book.asiatravel.com Jellyfish Lake (Ongeim'l Tketau is the Palauan name) is a marine lake located on Eil Malk island in Palau. Eil Malk is part of the Rock Islands, a group of small, rocky, mostly uninhabited islands in Palau's Southern Lagoon, between Koror and Peleliu. There are about 70 other marine lakes located throughout the Rock Islands. Jellyfish Lake is one of Palau's most famous dive (snorkeling only) sites. It is notable for the millions of golden jellyfish which migrate across its surface daily. Jellyfish Lake is connected to the ocean through fissures and tunnels. However the lake is sufficiently isolated and the conditions are different enough that the diversity of species in the lake is greatly reduced from the nearby lagoon. The golden jellyfish and possibly other species in the lake have evolved to be substantially different from their close relatives living in the nearby lagoons. Two species of scyphozoan jellyfish live in Jellyfish Lake, moon jellyfish (Aurelia sp.) and the golden jellyfish (Mastigias sp.). [edit] Golden jellyfish The golden jellyfish are most closely related to the spotted jellyfish (Mastigias papua) that inhabit the nearby lagoons[5]. They are similar to the spotted jellyfish in that they derive part of their nutrition from symbiotic algae (Zooxanthella) that live in their tissues and part of <b>...</b>

Herbert Nitsch - PALAU 2010 PART I
Palau 2010 Part I is the first episode of a 5 part video diary series, which I hope you...
published: 10 Apr 2010
author: nitschherbert
Herbert Nitsch - PALAU 2010 PART I
Palau 2010 Part I is the first episode of a 5 part video diary series, which I hope you'll enjoy. The clips were filmed during my recent stay in Palau (Micronesia), a beautiful archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. We travelled around the islands on the liveaboard Ocean Hunter III. The footage was filmed with Canon EOS 5D MarkII and a Subal housing. The music is from the album Funkungfusion. Great stuff! I love the album and strongly recommend it. The song in part I is 'The Lie-in King' by The Irresistible Force

Blue Corner Palau
Hanging out at the Blue Corner...
published: 14 Dec 2006
author: chinadan73
Blue Corner Palau
Hanging out at the Blue Corner

Palau - Jellyfish Lake and Mermaid - underwater australasia
There is one jellyfish lake in Palau that you can visit - all others are protected. The ex...
published: 06 Dec 2007
author: underwatercomau
Palau - Jellyfish Lake and Mermaid - underwater australasia
There is one jellyfish lake in Palau that you can visit - all others are protected. The experience to swim amongst millions of jellies is something you won't forget. This clip is part of a Palau article on underwater australasia - check it out on www.underwater.com.au

Music Video of our trip to Palau, Micronesia...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Grandizer8989
Music Video of our trip to Palau, Micronesia

Watersports in Palau Help Make It The Trip of a Lifetime
Bea Broda takes you on a tour of the Micronesian island of Palau that involve the surround...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: travelvideotv
Watersports in Palau Help Make It The Trip of a Lifetime
Bea Broda takes you on a tour of the Micronesian island of Palau that involve the surrounding reefs, known for the extraordinary diving experiences they have to offer. Not enough people have heard about Palau, a divers' paradise located 500 miles east of the Philippines. This clip shows some of the beautiful reasons watersports enthusiasts travel long distances to get there! For more travel information updated every week day, go to www.travelvideo.tv
Vimeo results:

Palau is a special place. Thousands of years ago these jellyfish became trapped in a natur...
published: 30 Apr 2011
author: Sarosh Jacob
Palau is a special place. Thousands of years ago these jellyfish became trapped in a natural basin on the island when the ocean receded. Over time they evolved into a new species that lost most of their stinging ability.
Film / Edit: Sarosh Jacob http://www.saroshjacob.com
Equipment: Canon 5D Mark II, Sigma 15mm Fisheye Lens and Aquatica Housing
Music: Radiohead "Nude" http://radiohead.com
Follow me Facebook: http://on.fb.me/MiiaFV
Jellyfish Lake was featured in the new Microsoft IE9 Internet Explorer 9 TV Commercial "a more beautiful web" See here: http://vimeo.com/45522018
Special thanks to Keith Rivers Films, Vimeo, and the Micorsoft IE9 team!
Special thanks to MSNBC Today's Dara Brown for the feature: http://overheadbin.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/05/25/6718227-photographer-swims-with-jellyfish

"The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."
-Jacques Coust...
published: 19 Jun 2011
author: Sarosh Jacob
"The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."
-Jacques Cousteau
With global-warming, over-fishing and pollution, our seas are in a real state of crisis these days. I hope this film reminds people of the magnificent beauty within our ocean and the importance of protecting it. The footage was shot on dives made in Bonaire and Palau during 2011. Thank you for watching.
Film / Edit: Sarosh Jacob www.saroshjacob.com
Equipment: Canon 5D Mark II, Sigma 15mm Fisheye Lens and Aquatica Housing
Music: "Time" Hans Zimmer http://www.hans-zimmer.com
To follow my work on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/MiiaFV

Casa Básica / Basic House
Casa Básica
Volumen habitable de prestaciones básicas; plegable, hinchable, reversible (P...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: Martin Azua
Casa Básica / Basic House
Casa Básica
Volumen habitable de prestaciones básicas; plegable, hinchable, reversible (Prototipo experimental en poliéster metalizado). Colección del museo MoMA de Nueva York.
Nuestro hábitat se ha convertido en un escenario para el consumo, en el que un ilimitado número de productos satisfacen una serie de necesidades creadas a partir de unas relaciones complejas y difícilmente controlables. Culturas que guardan una relación más directa con su entorno nos demuestran que el hábitat puede ser entendido de una manera más esencial y razonable. Aprendiendo de estas actitudes y utilizando la más avanzada tecnología, propongo una casa casi inmaterial que se hincha a partir del calor de nuestro propio cuerpo o del sol, tan versátil que dándole la vuelta nos protege del frío o del calor, tan ligera que flota y que, además, se puede plegar y llevar en un bolsillo. Una vida en tránsito sin ataduras materiales. Tenerlo todo sin tener apenas nada. Martín Azúa 1999, Fotografías Daniel Riera.
Exposiciones: Safe (MOMA, Nueva York 2005), Living in Motion (Vitra Design Museum, Alemania 2002), Futur compost (Palau Virreina, Barcelona, 1999)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Basic House
A basic inhabitable volume; foldable, inflatable and reversible. (Experimental prototype made from metalized polyester). MoMA collection New York.
Our habitat has turned into a space of consumption in which an unlimited number of products satisfy a series of needs created by complex systems and relations that are difficult to control. Cultures that maintain a more direct interaction with their environment show us that the idea of habitat can be understood in more essential and reasonable terms. Influenced by these ideas and using the most advanced technology, I came up with an almost immaterial house that self inflates with body heat or from the heat of the sun; so simple and versatile that it protects us from the cold and from the heat when reversed; so light that it floats; and moreover, it folds up and fits into your pocket. Ideal for a life on the move without material ties. Having everything without having almost anything. Martín Azúa 1999 / Photographs Daniel Riera.
Exhibitions: Safe (MoMA, New York 2005), Living in Motion (Vitra Design Museum, Germany 2002), Futur compost (Palau Virreina, Barcelona, 1999)

Desde TUFF FIGHTER colaboramos con FIRMMIRF en la tercera edición de FIGHT 4 LIFE con este...
published: 20 Sep 2011
author: tufffighter
Desde TUFF FIGHTER colaboramos con FIRMMIRF en la tercera edición de FIGHT 4 LIFE con este video promo. El día a día en la vida de un luchador. Ahora prepararos para el 15 de octubre en el Palau Olimpic Vall d'Hebron.
Derek Pedrós
Oscar González "Hove"
+ info.
Youtube results:

Adventure Girl in Palau / Jellyfish Lake
Adventure Girl, Stefanie Michaels in Palau. Adventure 1: Swimming with the jellyfish at Je...
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: adventuregirl
Adventure Girl in Palau / Jellyfish Lake
Adventure Girl, Stefanie Michaels in Palau. Adventure 1: Swimming with the jellyfish at Jellyfish lake.

Sorry this has taken me so long to upload. This video was just too difficult for me to edi...
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: himynameismiwa
Sorry this has taken me so long to upload. This video was just too difficult for me to edit without being emotional. We visited Koror, Palau to see my uncle who lives there and works as a scuba diving instructor and a marine photographer. I wound up bonding with him much more than I thought I would and grown to deeply admire him. The tan one with the blonde hair is him. We went fishing and skin diving (I didn't because of female dilemmas.) What you'll see a lot of fish, ocean, and rock islands. There are so many pieces of interesting biology and archaeology all over the place it's amazing. I love this place and I love my Uncle H.

Shark Alarm - Palau
March 2010 The tiny pacific nation of Palau has declared itself the worlds first national ...
published: 01 Mar 2010
author: journeymanpictures
Shark Alarm - Palau
March 2010 The tiny pacific nation of Palau has declared itself the worlds first national shark sanctuary. A large proportion of the 100 million sharks killed each year, are hunted in its territorial waters. This carnage is being fuelled by Asias rapidly growing appetite for shark fin soup. The sharks are captured, have their fins hacked off and are then thrown overboard to die. If you are a guest of honour they give you a bowl of shark fin soup, says Johnson Toribiong, Palaus president, sometimes they catch sharks illegally, sometimes they catch tuna illegally. This tiny island has warned the world it will protect its natural resources, but with only one patrol boat, can the shark sanctuary ever be enforced? Shark activist Dermott Keane believes they cant do it alone; Palau needs assistance in enforcing this sanctuary.

palau dolphins
Palau is ranked as one of the number one undersea wonder of the world; this jewel of an is...
published: 22 Feb 2009
author: roverchen
palau dolphins
Palau is ranked as one of the number one undersea wonder of the world; this jewel of an island is now home to our new project "Dolphin Bay". Our natural park is the largest of it's kind in the world. Dolphin Bay is nestled amongst the beautiful rock islands just minutes via boat ride from the main town of Koror. Dolphins Pacific was chartered as a non-profit corporation in January 2000, and we contracted with International Bridge Corp. of Guam to build this massive $2.5 million dollar facility in the middle of nowhere. Fourteen months and one typhoon later the facility is in operation and offers a unique experience to both visitors and locals alike. A non-profit organization has been set up in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Palau. In addition to the pools we built a 2 two-story building. The first floor is our offices, diet preparation, restrooms, showers, conference room, class rooms, h2o makers (reverse osmosis water system) generators, transportable sewage storage tanks and veterinarian office. We hired a really talented local artist to decorate the exterior of both buildings with Palauan Story Boards.