Mark Roeder ODOACER
Mark Roeder who plays the Hedonistic and Psychopatic Megaloman Barbarian chief Odoacer in ...
published: 24 Sep 2010
author: Pavletic111
Mark Roeder ODOACER
Mark Roeder who plays the Hedonistic and Psychopatic Megaloman Barbarian chief Odoacer in 476 AD The Leader of the Ostrogoths, who after centuries of wars between Germanic tribes and Romans, finally takes over ROME on September 4th 476 AD Officially Ending the Western Roman Empire, by deposing of the Last Roman Caesar Romulus Augustulus.
The Last Legion
Rome, 476 AD. The Roman Empire is being threatened. A mighty force for almost 500 years, (...
published: 09 Aug 2007
author: TheWeinsteinCompany
The Last Legion
Rome, 476 AD. The Roman Empire is being threatened. A mighty force for almost 500 years, (at its height, Rome's power spread from Mesopotamia in the east to the Iberian peninsula in the west, from the Rhine and Danube in the north to Egypt in the south), this story follows the gripping capture of young Romulus Augustus (THOMAS SANGSTER). On the eve of twelve-year-old Romulus Augustus' crowning ceremony to become the new emperor, Barbarian general Odoacer (PETER MULLAN) arrives in Rome to make a deal with Orestes (IAIN GLEN). Odoacer makes demands of the Roman Empire in fair exchange for his decade-long support of the Roman legions in the east. But Orestes refuses. On Coronation day, as all of Rome gathers to watch the proceedings, Ambrosinus (SIR BEN KINGSLEY), the shaman who is a mentor and tutor to Romulus, predicts danger. Orestes is worried about his son's safety and appoints Aurelius (COLIN FIRTH) of the fourth legion to be his personal guard. That night, Aurelius and his legionnaires confront danger—Odoacer and his army have returned to Rome. With a deafening roar, the Barbarian army storms the city. A battle ensues, the brutal invaders show no mercy and blood flows through the streets. With Orestes slaughtered, Romulus is captured along with Ambrosinus and taken to the island fortress of Capri. There, Romulus finds the mythical sword of Caesar that holds the prophecy, "One edge to defend, one to defeat; ...to fit the hand of he...who is destined to rule." But, not <b>...</b>
Mount & Blade: Before the Siege
King George of the Black Cathedral attempts to destroy the attacking Calradian Army, lead ...
published: 08 Jul 2010
author: azile0
Mount & Blade: Before the Siege
King George of the Black Cathedral attempts to destroy the attacking Calradian Army, lead by Regent Alex, before they can siege the walls of Odoacer. The Cathedral army is destroyed, and George captured. The walls of Odoacer are left to its garrison. ____________________________________________________________ Game: Mount & Blade Mod: Wedding Dance 1.92 I love Wedding Dance. Tons of new crap. Like new village quests, where you have to stand on a raft and shoot at river bandits as you float down. The reward for that quest is this badass bow I'm using. 35p, 115 speed. Add on 66 arrows, and I'm one mean mulching machine. And I have 16 companions, including Prince Sven.
On the set of 476 AD
Scene: Odoacer and his son before the final Battle with the Romans....
published: 05 Oct 2010
author: Pavletic111
On the set of 476 AD
Scene: Odoacer and his son before the final Battle with the Romans.
Taking Odoacer for myself. Mount & Blade 1.011, Wedding Dance 1.92 mod....
published: 08 Jul 2010
author: azile0
Taking Odoacer for myself. Mount & Blade 1.011, Wedding Dance 1.92 mod.
Revelation - Part 15 The Forth Trumpet Judgment by Bill Sanford
John's REV 8:12 states "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the S...
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: Photoguy7
Revelation - Part 15 The Forth Trumpet Judgment by Bill Sanford
John's REV 8:12 states "And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the SUN was smitten, and the third part of the MOON, and the third part of the STARS; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it and the night likewise." Now what will be the final judgment the forth trumpet sounds darkening of the SUN, MOON and STARS, which is the symbolism of the ruling powers and authorities, denotes the FINAL END of the last ONE THIRD of the WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE, which was eclipsed by Odoacer ruler of the Heruli who after defeating and capturing Rome banished the last Western Emperor, 12 year old Romulus-Augustus on September 4, 476 AD who had only ruled Rome as Emperor for 10 months and retired forever the Imperial title "Emperor" in the west. Odoacer became the First King of France in 476 AD. Thus the sun, moon and stars of the rulers of the mighty Western Empire were extinguished into oblivion in 476 AD and brought the 1200 year reign of the Western Empire to an end taking just under 100 years of 4 divine trumpet judgments. WHSanford@aol.com Bill Sanford
476 AD Official (Trailer)
A Historic Epic Feature, about the very End of Roman Empire. Since the last Roman Victorio...
published: 01 Feb 2011
author: EosPowProductionsllc
476 AD Official (Trailer)
A Historic Epic Feature, about the very End of Roman Empire. Since the last Roman Victorious Campaign, against Attila The Hun, led by General Flavius Aetius in 451 AD Rome had endured two decades of turmoil, and had reached it's very end. Flavius' son, Aetius Patrius Majorian, now as the Commander of all the Roman Armies, gathers the Last and the Best of all the Roman Centurions, for the Final Battle for Rome. After 12 centuries of power, Rome has reached it's very end, the eve of September 3rd, 476 AD The last day of the Mighty Rome, that once Ruled all the Known World, from the borders of Scotland, to the Deserts of Arabia. It is the Eve of an Ancient Age, and Donning of the New Dark Ages. As the Last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, sits on his throne in Rome, the Barbarian Ostrogoths, under their leader Odoacer, sack the City of Ravenna, the last stronghold North of Rome. Nevertheless, contrary to the warning of General Aetius Patrius Majorian, it is the popular belief, of Rome Lasting Forever, that stands in the way of evacuating the city. Although the end is nearing, it's the Roman tradition of holding Barbarians in contempt, as well as constant preaching by the Roman Senate of "Ethernal Rome", which makes the possibility of Rome falling seem practically unimaginable. However, with the City of Ravenna fallen, North of Rome becomes completely unprotected, hence the Ostrogoths finally reach the Gates of Rome, ready to fulfill their long awaited dream after centuries <b>...</b>
476 AD Official Theatrical Trailer HD
476Ad-TheMovie.com Since the last Roman Victorious Campaign, against Attila The Hun, led b...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: 476ADTheMovie
476 AD Official Theatrical Trailer HD
476Ad-TheMovie.com Since the last Roman Victorious Campaign, against Attila The Hun, led by General Flavius Aetius in 451 AD Rome had endured two decades of turmoil, and had reached it's very end. Flavius' son, Aetius Patrius Majorian, now as the Commander of all the Roman Armies, gathers the Last and the Best of all the Roman Centurions, for the Final Battle for Rome. After 12 centuries of power, Rome has reached it's very end, the eve of September 3rd, 476 AD The last day of the Mighty Rome, that once Ruled all the Known World, from the borders of Scotland, to the Deserts of Arabia. It is the Eve of an Ancient Age, and Donning of the New Dark Ages. As the Last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, sits on his throne in Rome, the Barbarian Ostrogoths, under their leader Odoacer, sack the City of Ravenna, the last stronghold North of Rome. Nevertheless, contrary to the warning of General Aetius Patrius Majorian, it is the popular belief, of Rome Lasting Forever, that stands in the way of evacuating the city. Although the end is nearing, it's the Roman tradition of holding Barbarians in contempt, as well as constant preaching by the Roman Senate of "Ethernal Rome", which makes the possibility of Rome falling seem practically unimaginable. However, with the City of Ravenna fallen, North of Rome becomes completely unprotected, hence the Ostrogoths finally reach the Gates of Rome, ready to fulfill their long awaited dream after centuries of wars. Crushing the City of Rome, once <b>...</b>
La leyenda de Excalibur: El Comienzo
Año 476 DC; el Imperio Romano está amenazado por los bárbaros. En la ...
published: 16 Feb 2011
author: canalgolden
La leyenda de Excalibur: El Comienzo
Año 476 DC; el Imperio Romano está amenazado por los bárbaros. En la víspera de la ceremonia de coronación que convertirá al joven de doce años Romulus Augustus en emperador, su padre Orestes se niega a aceptar las peticiones del general bárbaro Odoacer, protector de Roma. Orestes, preocupado por la seguridad de su hijo, nombra a Aurelius su guardia personal. Esa noche, Aurelius y sus legionarios se enfrentan al peligro, pues Odoacer y su ejército bárbaro traicionan a Roma y toman la ciudad. Así, con la ayuda de los valerosos hombres de Aurelius, el joven César escapa de la ciudad para pedir ayuda a la última legión que todavía es fiel a Roma; la novena legión en Bretaña.
Ostrogothic Kingdom: Germanic Conquest
The Ostrogothic Kingdom established by the Ostrogoths in Italy and neighbouring areas last...
published: 12 Jul 2009
author: pamle1
Ostrogothic Kingdom: Germanic Conquest
The Ostrogothic Kingdom established by the Ostrogoths in Italy and neighbouring areas lasted from 493 to 553. In Italy the Ostrogoths replaced Odoacer, the de facto ruler of Italy who had deposed the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire in 476. The Gothic kingdom reached its zenith under the rule of its first king, Theodoric the Great. Most of the social institutions in the late Western Roman Empire were preserved during his rule. OSTROGOTHIC KINGDOM en.wikipedia.org Theodoric the Great (454 - August 30, 526) was king of the Ostrogoths (471 - 526), ruler of Italy (493 - 526), and regent of the Visigoths (511526). He became a hero of Germanic legend as Þeodric in English legends, Dietrich von Bern in German legends, and as Þjóðrekr and Þiðrekr in Norse mythology. THEODORIC THE GREAT en.wikipedia.org The Ostrogoths were a branch of the Goths, an East Germanic tribe that played a major role in the political events of the late Roman Empire. The other branch was the Visigoths. The Ostrogoths established a relatively short-lived successor state of Rome in Italy and the Balkans, even briefly incorporating most of Hispania and southern Gaul. They reached their zenith under their Romanised king Theodoric the Great, who patronised such late Roman figures as Boethius and Cassiodorus, in the first quarter of the sixth century. By mid-century, however, they had been conquered by Rome in the Gothic War (535 - 554), a war with devastating consequences for Italy. OSTROGOTHS en <b>...</b>
The Roman Emperors
The rulers of the Roman Empire (west) starting with Julius Caesar whose adopted heir Octav...
published: 28 Aug 2009
author: MadMonarchist
The Roman Emperors
The rulers of the Roman Empire (west) starting with Julius Caesar whose adopted heir Octavian became the first Roman Emperor as Augustus Caesar. The original line ruled until the suicide of the infamous Emperor Nero. The Roman Empire reached its peak in terms of size under the Emperor Trajan after which all prayers for the Emperor included the phrase, "may he be luckier than Augustus and greater than Trajan". The Severan dynasty was the next great house, descending from Septimus Severus. East and West were reunited by Emperor Constantine the Great who was also the first Christian emperor. Paganism was suppressed by Emperor Theodosius the Great but barbarian tribes ate away at the frontiers of Rome. The Huns of Attila ravaged much of the west during the reign of Valentinian III and Rome itself was sacked during the reign of Honorius. In 476 AD the Roman Empire in the west officially came to an end with the overthrow of the young Emperor Romulus Augustulus at the hands of Odoacer.
Barbarians: The Vandals
See how the Vandals really vandalized the Western Roman Empire. KEY: Vandals = Red West Ro...
published: 19 Sep 2010
author: EmperorTigerstar
Barbarians: The Vandals
See how the Vandals really vandalized the Western Roman Empire. KEY: Vandals = Red West Rome = Green East Rome = Pink Visigoths = Black Alans = Brown Suevi = Orange Odoacer = Tan Ostrogoths = Yellow
Revelation-Part 11-The Seventh Seal - by Bill Sanford
The Seventh Seal is unique, in that it is sub-divided into Seven Trumpets, and the LAST th...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Photoguy7
Revelation-Part 11-The Seventh Seal - by Bill Sanford
The Seventh Seal is unique, in that it is sub-divided into Seven Trumpets, and the LAST three of these Trumpets are described as Three WOES. The first 6 Seals, as we have seen, clearly described rise and fall of the Pagan Roman Empire as judgment for the slaughter of millions of Torah observant Nazarenes. Now we will see that the opening of the 7th Seal by Y'shua actually releases the 7 angels who will blow the 7 trumpets. Again, this continues to show the order in which the prophecies were written, is the order the judgments will be fulfilled on the earth against the governments and people that make up the Babylonian Harlot system who persecute and murder Fathers chosen covenant people, Israel. We will now begin to see that the FIRST 4 TRUMPETS of the 7th Seal will describe the judgments against the Western Roman Empire by the 4 great invasions of the Visigoths, the Vandals, the Huns, and finally Odoacer, king of the Heruli and the Western Goths, who finally conquered Rome in 476 AD and brought the 1200 year reign of the Western Empire of Rome to an end. This was the area from which the future Ten Kingdoms, symbolized in Daniel's visions as Ten Horns on the Beast and Ten Toes on the feet of the Metallic Image would emerge. These first 4 trumpet judgments range from approximately 395 to 476 AD. Bill Sanford
The Last Legion Official Trailer
Roma, anul 476 dupa Hristos. Imperiul Roman, o forta de temut timp de 500 de ani se afla s...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: 073959
The Last Legion Official Trailer
Roma, anul 476 dupa Hristos. Imperiul Roman, o forta de temut timp de 500 de ani se afla sub amenintare. In ajunul incoronarii tanarului Romulus Augustus, in varsta de doar 12 ani, generalul barbar Odoacer ajunge in capitala Imperiului pentru a negocia cu Orestes. Chiar daca cererile lui Odoacer sunt rezonabile avand in vedere ca trupele sale au sprijinit vreme de 10 ani fortele romane din est, Orestes il refuza.
Suggestiva Toscana (charming Tuscany) Lucca
Lucca is a city in Tuscany, central Italy, situated on the river Serchio in a fertile plai...
published: 09 Sep 2009
author: forever57
Suggestiva Toscana (charming Tuscany) Lucca
Lucca is a city in Tuscany, central Italy, situated on the river Serchio in a fertile plain near (but not on) the Ligurian Sea. It is the capital city of the Province of Lucca. Among other reasons, it is famous for its intact Renaissance-era city walls History Ancient and medieval city Lucca was founded by the Etruscans (there are traces of a pre-existing Ligurian settlement) and became a Roman colony in 180 BC. The rectangular grid of its historical centre preserves the Roman street plan, and the Piazza San Michele occupies the site of the ancient forum. Traces of the amphitheatre can still be seen in the Piazza dell'Anfiteatro. Lucca was the site of a conference in 56 BC which reaffirmed the superiority of the Roman First Triumvirate. Piazza Anfiteatro and Basilica di San Frediano.Frediano, an Irish monk, was bishop of Lucca in the early 5th century.[1] At one point, Lucca was plundered by Odoacer, the first Germanic King of Italy. Lucca was an important city and fortress even in the 6th century, when Narses besieged it for several months in 553. Under the Lombards, it was the seat of a duke who minted his own coins. The Holy Face of Lucca (or Volto Santo), a major relic supposedly carved by Nicodemus, arrived in 742. It became prosperous through the silk trade that began in the 11th century, and came to rival the silks of Byzantium. During the 10-11th centuries Lucca was the capital of the feudal margravate of Tuscany, more or less independent but owing nominal <b>...</b>
Roman Timeline
Roman Timeline from 753 BC to 1453 AD The Roman Empire was the post-Republican phase of th...
published: 19 Dec 2008
author: dovlex
Roman Timeline
Roman Timeline from 753 BC to 1453 AD The Roman Empire was the post-Republican phase of the ancient Roman civilization, characterised by an autocratic form of government and large territorial holdings in Europe and around the Mediterranean. The term is used to describe the Roman state during and after the time of the first emperor, Augustus. The 500-year-old Roman Republic, which preceded it, had been weakened by several civil wars [5]. Several events are commonly proposed to mark the transition from Republic to Empire, including Julius Caesar's appointment as perpetual dictator (44 BC), the victory of Octavian at the Battle of Actium (2 September 31 BC), and the Roman Senate's granting to Octavian the honorific Augustus. (16 January 27 BC) [6]. The Latin term Imperium Romanum (Roman Empire), probably the best-known Latin expression where the word imperium denotes a territory, indicates the part of the world under Roman rule. Roman expansion began in the days of the Republic, but reached its zenith under Emperor Trajan. At this territorial peak, the Roman Empire controlled approximately 5900000 km² (2300000 sq mi) of land surface. Because of the Empire's vast extent and long endurance, Roman influence upon the language, religion, architecture, philosophy, law, and government of nations around the world lasts to this day. In the late 3rd century AD, Diocletian established the practice of dividing authority between two emperors, one in the western part of the empire and one <b>...</b>
The Day of the East Wind.asf
Isaiah 27:8 In measure, when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it: he stayeth his r...
published: 09 Feb 2012
author: EscapeForYourLife
The Day of the East Wind.asf
Isaiah 27:8 In measure, when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it: he stayeth his rough wind in the day of the east wind. THE 7 Trumpets: 1st-4th Revelation 8-9: 321 The first Sunday Law 330 Constantine moves his Capitol from Rome to Constantinople 395 Aleric arrives (1st Trumpet) 428 Genseric arrives (2nd Trumpet) 433 Attila the Hun arrives (3rd Trumpet) 476 Odoacer brings final demise to Western Rome (4th Trumpet) These four scourges effectively brought down the Western Roman Empire. 538 Papal Rome begins to rule 627 December 27th the Battle of Nineveh opens the way for Islam(5th Trumpet) 1299 Ottoman Empire established (1st Woe) Islam: Arabia—Mohamed THE KEY: Empowered after war between East and West that ended at the Battle of Niniveh: Mode of warfare: strike suddenly and unexpectedly Focus of warfare: the armies of Rome Directed by their tails: The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. Isaiah 9:15. Providential force that tormented (HURTS) the armies of Rome History: From Mohamed to July 27, 1299 and then until July 27, 1449 Hurt not those who have the Seal of GOD www.TheLatterRainSealingMessage.com After the death of Mohammad, he was succeeded in the command by Abu-bekr in AD632, who commanded:"when you fight the battle of the lord,...Destroy no palm trees, nor burn any fields of corn. Cut down no fruit-trees, nor do any mischief to cattle. Only such as you kill to eat... As you go on, you will find some <b>...</b>
General Flavius Aetius 451 AD COCA-COLA Commercial
Taking a break on the Film Set of "476 AD"....
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: Pavletic111
General Flavius Aetius 451 AD COCA-COLA Commercial
Taking a break on the Film Set of "476 AD".
BABYLONYUS - the Fall of the Roman Empire of America
sites.google.com Historical similarities between the Roman Empire and the United States. P...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: parodiedessiecles
BABYLONYUS - the Fall of the Roman Empire of America
sites.google.com Historical similarities between the Roman Empire and the United States. Parallèles historiques entre l'Empire Romain et les Etats-Unis. Babylo-NY-US = Babylon + New York (NY) + United States (US)
Anthony Cubba plays the Last Roman Caesar. The young Romulus Augustulus, who was deposed o...
published: 25 Sep 2010
author: Pavletic111
Anthony Cubba plays the Last Roman Caesar. The young Romulus Augustulus, who was deposed of on September 4th 476 AD by the Ostrogoth Chief Odoacer. Officially ending the Western Roman Empire.
Mabruks Farewell - Gemshorn
Fall on deaf ear...
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: MabruksFarewell
Mabruks Farewell - Gemshorn
Fall on deaf ear