God on Trial - The Logic of Atheism

God on Trial:

The Case Against Religion

A thorough exploration of the case against the existence of God. The author takes us step-by-step through the logical arguments for and against God’s existence. Leaving us, the jury, to decide for ourselves whether or not religion should be retained as-is or discarded for a more science-based belief-system.


God on Trial: The Case Against Religion the Atheist’s argument against the existence of God.

The prosecution rests their case, and now it’s up to the defense to chip away at the prosecution’s flimsy, circumstantial and often non-existent evidence. Only this isn’t your normal courtroom, and this isn’t your normal trial: This time, the whole idea of God is on trial! The defense takes you step by step through the arguments for and against God’s existence, then moves on to other, more likely, explanations for the universe and the meaning of life. You’re the jury, and it’s up to you to decide! Does God go to the gas chamber? Does science lose out to faith? Let the trial begin!

NOTE: You’ll probably want to read the following sections in the following order to best enjoy the experience, when you’re done with each section, just come back here/home and click on the next section you want to read.

Opening Arguments

The Arguments for God’s Existence:

  1. The Ontological Argument for the existence of God
  2. The Teleological Argument for the existence of God
  3. The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God
  4. The Anthropic Argument for the existence of God
  5. The Argument from Morality for the existence of God
  6. The Transcendental Argument for the existence of God
  7. The Argument from Ignorance for the existence of God
  8. The Argument from Popularity for the existence of God
  9. The Argument from Coercion for the existence of God
  10. The Argument from Authority for the existence of God
  11. The Argument from Personal Experience for the existence of God
  12. The Argument from Improbability for the existence of God
  13. Pascal’s Wager


  1. part 1 - Navel Oranges and Atheism
  2. part 2 - The Evolution of Purring
  3. part 3 - Bacteria Evolving in Front of our Eyes
  4. part 4 - Religion as Evolutionary Process and the Evolution of Sex
  5. part 5 - Dreams of the Neanderthals
  6. part 6 - Modern Religion is Evolving
  7. part 7 - Design Problems
  8. part 8 - The God Helmet
  9. part 9 - More Proof of Evolution


  1. part 1 - Science and Atheism/Agnosticism
  2. part 2 - Civilization and Religion
  3. part 3 - The True Efficacy of Prayer
  4. part 4 - The Creationist Science Fair

The Universe

  1. part 1 - It’s all Relative
  2. part 2 - The Mysteries of Light
  3. part 3 - The Universe Explained
  4. part 4 - History of the Earth
  5. part 5 - Just How Big is This Universe of Ours?…

The Bible

  1. part 1 - The Bible
  2. part 2 - Errors and Criticism
  3. part 3 - Accuracy of the Bible
  4. part 4 - The Dead Sea Scrolls
  5. part 5 - The Virgin Birth and 72 Raisins
  6. part 6 - Duelling Messiahs
  7. part 7 - Horus Sits Down for Easter Dinner
  8. part 8 - Heaven is Crowded

Just Where is this God of Yours Anyways?…

Bicameralism - How psychology and evolution explain religion

The Unknown

Closing Arguments

  1. part 1 - Closing Arguments in the Case Against God
  2. part 2 - The Case Against Religion, Closing Arguments cont.

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