

The ACLU AIDS Project uses impact litigation, public education and advocacy at the state and federal level to fight discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS. The overall goal of the Project is to work to create a world in which discrimination based on HIV status has ended, people with HIV have control over their medical information and care, and where the government’s HIV policy promotes public health and respect and compassion for people living with HIV and AIDS.

If you've been mistreated or harassed based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status, the ACLU wants to hear about it
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The ACLU works in four core areas: discrimination, privacy and medical decisions, government HIV policy and improving access to HIV medical care. In these areas, we work to:

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Your support helps the ACLU fight AIDS discrimination and defend a broad range of civil liberties.

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• Ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS (“PLWHA”) are not denied the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of society because of stereotypes, prejudice or misinformation about HIV, and ensure that HIV status is taken into account only when justified by a genuine medical necessity.

• Protect the ability of individuals to control the confidentiality of their HIV status and other inherently personal information, and ensure that people have the ability to make informed decisions about HIV testing and treatment, free from government coercion or abuse by private actors.

• Ensure that the government meets its obligation to provide an adequate and equitable response to HIV that is based on scientific principles and evidence.

• Insure that the government fulfills its obligation to provide adequate medical care to those in its custody and does not erect arbitrary barriers that prevent people from accessing life-saving care.

Additional Resources

HIV & Your Civil Rights: Know Your Rights in the Workplace (2009 brochure)

HIV and Civil Rights [Report] (2003 PDF)

ACLU And Human Rights Watch Report Calls On South Carolina And Alabama To Stop Segregating Prisoners With HIV (2010 press release)

Blood Donation Ban for Gay and Bisexual Men Under Review by HHS (2011 blog)

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