Thank you!
May 28, 2012 – 2:30 pm | Comments Off

The collective would like to thank everyone who supports the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair: cabaret performers, artists, translators, all of our volunteers,  including everyone who posters and helps publicize the event, CÉDA, the Georges-Vanier Cultural Center …

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Festival of Anarchy (May 1-31, 2012)
May 28, 2012 – 3:18 pm | Comments Off



Ni dieu ni maître! Ni patron ni frontière!
 No gods, no masters; no bosses, no borders!

Le Festival de l’Anarchie prendra place au mois de mai, avec des événements reliés à l’anarchisme, dans plusieurs lieux publics de Montréal. Le Festival de l’anarchie, dans le cadre du Salon du livre anarchiste de Montréal (19-20 mai) est l’un des plus importants événements du genre en Amérique du Nord. info:

The entire month of May in Montreal is part of the Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues all over the island of Montreal. The Festival of Anarchy is organized as part of the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair (May 19-20). info: Read the full story »

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May 28, 2012 – 3:12 pm | Comments Off

The proceeds from the 2012 Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will support: i) the DIRA Anarchist Library (Montreal); ii) the Anarchist Bookfair Accessibility Fund; iii) the Solidarity Across Borders Support Work Fund. More info below:

DIRA ANARCHIST LIBRARY (MONTRÉAL): The DIRA is a space for the promotion of anarchist ideas as well as alternatives to the ideas promoted by the mass media and dominant power. At the DIRA, you can borrow or consult hundreds of books, newspapers, zines, archival materials and more. We function on the basis of a non-hierarchical, equal and anti-authoritarian structure, and we distribute information for free so that it’s accessible to everyone: because ideas are not for sale, they are to be shared! INFO: Read the full story »

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What Happens at the Anarchist Bookfair?
May 17, 2012 – 8:50 am | Comments Off

The Anarchist Bookfair takes place in two buildings, which are across from each other: i)the Georges-Vanier Cultural Center (CCGV) (2450 Workman) and ii) the CÉDA (2515 rue Delisle), an adult education and community center based in Little Burgundy/St-Henri, across from the CCGV. Both are just a few minutes from Lionel-Groulx métro.

In the two Bookfair Auditoriums at both CCGV & CÉDA there are over 100 booksellers, zinesters, distributors and groups from all over Montreal, Quebec, North America and beyond, sharing their publications and materials, most of which are hard or impossible to find at mainstream book stores. Many materials are available for free, and much is published specifically to be available at the Bookfair. Read the full story »

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GAMMA: United we win!
May 3, 2012 – 3:39 pm | Comments Off

The creation of a new (?) task force within the Montreal police department (SPVM), specifically targeting anarchists and ‘marginal people’ demands our attention. The existence of a political police in Quebec and in Canada is nothing new. Whether it be under Duplessis, Trudeau or Charest, police development comes with surveillance, harassment, and repression of groups and individuals for whom the status quo means institutionalised injustice. Read the full story »

GAMMA: United we win!
May 3, 2012 – 3:39 pm | Comments Off
GAMMA: United we win!