
Hey guys, am back. I’M SO SORRY!!!!! I like completly ditched Carmen’s Place and yeah…..Its just been really busy and I’ve gotten caught up with other things. Ok well just wanted to apologize and let you know that I’ll try and make at least 2 posts a week and let me know if theres anything that you think would be a good idea for a post or something you’d like to know about me. Thanks again for understanding….see ya!!






Bye-Bye 2011

2011 has been a great year for me. I got the dog I had been gambling for, got some clothes, some shoes and of course the usual like playing outside untill its pitch dark and staying up way later than you should and sleeping ’till 12:00 the next day. Now here are 15 things that made 2011 so great……………

1. My Dog, Lester (I asked for a dog for 4 years) 

2. Selena Gomez (She’s probably my favourite singer, and I finally got to go to one of her concerts)

3. Carmen’s Place (I know that I just started the blog on Dec. 10. 2011, but its been a lot of fun.)

4. Acting (I didn’t start the classes yet, but it’s really become a part of me this year.)

5. New York (I got to go to New York with my mom for 3 days and it was a lot of heavenly shopping.)

6. Sleepovers With Close Friends (I’ve had so many this year and it makes us even closer because whats said at the sleepover, stays at the sleepover. We can tell each other anything now.)

7.  School (It’s been amazing this year. So many weird, but amazing teachers as well as friends and trips and everything in between.)

8. Different Foods (I tried so many different foods. Italian, Indian I don’t know where they were from, all I know is they weren’t from Canada.  )

9. Elaine (I just met her in September and she is so awesome. We are great friends even though when I first met her I hated her. You Rock Elaine!)

10. Petsmart Dog Training (I had so much fun training my dog there. We trained there for 5 months with our trainer, Julian and had a lot of fun doing the games with other people and their dogs.) 

11. Changing My Personality (I used to be shy and I didn’t like to share my thoughts. I let people walk right over me. Now, I’ve changed. I participate a lot more and you best not try to walk over me!!!!)

12. Playstation 3 (We got the PS3 in the summer and I thought I wouldn’t like it and I wanted a Wii, but it’s actually pretty fun. Especially Little Big Planet and Just Dance 3.)

13. Mars Food (It’s a little diner that me and my dad and my brother go to when ever we go downtown. It’s really awesome and has a million plaques on the wall from reviewers that say “Best Greasy Spoon” and stuff like that. The best thing on the menu, grilled cheese on white bread with a side of fries and a glass of milk, oh yeah baby.)

14. Big Bang Theory (Yeah I’m probably a little too young to be watching it but girl, its hilarious!)

15. Crushes (I have had crushes. Everybody has. I love the feeling of talking to a guy and getting all fluttery inside when he asks you a question or tells you your good at drawing. The best part is when you like somebody and they like you back.)

Well that’s that. I’ll make a list for 2012 when the time comes, as long as the world hasn’t ended yet :) Hope you had a great 2011, Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

                                                               – Carmen

Shoe Lover

Ahhhhhh…shoe shopping. When ever anybody asks me if I would like to go shoe shopping my immediate answer is yes. I don’t know why but I just love to accessorize my outfits with the perfect pair of shoes, I must have over 10 pairs. I am craving a new pair of Moccasins, a pair of  Uggs and some ankle boot things I saw at a store. I used to borrow my mom’s but they soon became to small for my fast growing feet. At first shoes were meant to keep your feet warm or protect them from stepping on rocks or glass. Shoes are still meant to protect your feet, but a lot of people (myself included) don’t really think of how shoes will protect their feet, but think more of how the shoes would look on themselves. Well I guess that’s what the world is now, full of shoe lovers and fashionistas.

                                                                                             - Carmen


Just last night, I played monopoly for the first time in my life. Suprising isn’t it, most people played monopoly when they were like two or something, but I just  did last night. Man, was it a game. My brother was packing heat man! We didn’t end up finishing the game last night, but we will! I played as the Scottie dog, my brother was the antique car and my dad was the hat who was out in the first ten minutes. Over the holiday break, I’m taking the game to my Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Hopefully I will beat somebody there.  I don’t think I have hope beating my brother. Ahh well, there’s always next time!

                                                                                         – Carmen

Hello World!

Hi. My name is Carmen Jials and this is the very first blog I’ve ever had. Basicly I am going to be writing about fashion, clothes, stores, movies, T.V. shows and fun stuff going on in my life. In my free time I enjoy sketching and being outside with my dog and my friends. I am also in love with acting. I live with my mom and dad as well as my dog, Lester and my younger brother. That’s just a little bit about me, hope you decide to follow my blog!

                                                                                        – Carmen