
John Maynard Nothing

By Danny Hayward 5 August 2012

The name of Keynes and Keynesianism have been bandied about endlessly in the four years since the crisis of 2008. Danny Hayward examines the orthodoxi...


Ex Nihilo

By Michael Reid 1 August 2012

Quentin Meillassoux's new book revisits a rather well-worn modernist artefact, Stéphane Mallarmé's epic poem A Throw of Dice Will Never Abolish...


Lower, Less Barren Plateaus

By Stefan Szczelkun 24 July 2012

Can the rarefied writing of '80s art theorists offer anything to a reconsideration of the theory-shunning Brixton Artists Gallery of the same era? Ste...


The Gender Rift in Communisation

By P Valentine 17 July 2012

In a contested 'swerve' in debates around communisation, issues of gender, class and race are coming to the fore. Reviewing key texts in this debate, ...


Mute Vol. 3, No. 2 - Politics my arse

By mute 17 February 2012

'Well, the first thing I want to say is, politics my arse' Issue 2 includes: cover art by Johnny Spencer * Alberto Toscano on logistics and anarchi...


After Credit, Winter – The Progressive Art institution and the Crisis

By Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen 15 August 2012

A version of this text was published in Paletten issue 288, 2012   The global economy is collapsing and it seems as if we are heading ...

your posts

Novara: ‘The Riots’, one year on

By Novara 11 August 2012

As an antagonistic counter-weight, as the last puff of the 2012 Olympic expels before leaving town, many are commemorating the athletic achievements o...

your posts

'Avant-gardes have only one time': The SI, Communisation and Aesthetics

By Benjamin Noys 19 July 2012

Interesting text by Benjamin Noys on connections between communisation and the Situationist Internatlional's critique of art and of work Rep...
