Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM) - extra
Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces (PTAM) - extra
Video results for an Augmented Reality tracking system. A computer tracks a camera and works out a map of the environment in realtime, and this can be used to overlay virtual graphics. Presented at the ISMAR 2007 conference. This video shows extra video results made at ISMAR. All sequences were processed and recorded live on a dual-core laptop. www.robots.ox.ac.uk
Stable Multi-Target Tracking in Real-Time Surveillance Video (CVPR 2011)
Stable Multi-Target Tracking in Real-Time Surveillance Video (CVPR 2011)
The video demonstrates a stable head tracking system that can run at 25fps on 1920x1080 video using a standard desktop computer. The system is capable of obtaining stable head images and is robust to temporary occlusions. For more information, see the following page: www.robots.ox.ac.uk
PTAMM: Museum 07 User Exploration
PTAMM: Museum 07 User Exploration
Oxford University Natural History Museum Augmented Reality Tour. Once all of the maps are complete, the system can be given to users. They can explore the museum freely, viewing the AR for each exhibit as they approach it. www.robots.ox.ac.uk
Real-Time Active Vision for a Humanoid Robot Head
Real-Time Active Vision for a Humanoid Robot Head
My undergraduate thesis research involving real-time active vision on a 7DOF humanoid robotic head. Processing is performed on a distributed cluster of 4 PCs interconnected by Gigabit Ethernet and communicating via UDP. The work was performed in 2004 at ATR International in Kyoto, Japan. Primary Objectives: -Implement 4 controllers: *Version (independently centering target in each eye's visual field) *Vergence (using stereo processing to generate symmetric eye movements for depth perception of nearby objects) *Saccadic eye motion (quick knee-jerk type eye movements to rapidly redirect gaze) *VOR (gaze stabilization compensating for externally induced head movements) -Couple eye movements with head movement -Create integrated control environment from the 4 independent controllers
Real-time SLAM with a Wearable Active Vision Camera
Real-time SLAM with a Wearable Active Vision Camera
We present a general method for real-time, vision-only single-camera simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) --- an algorithm We present a general method for real-time, vision-only single-camera simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) --- an algorithm which is applicable to the localisation of any camera moving through a scene --- and study its application to the localisation of a wearable robot with active vision. Starting from very sparse initial scene knowledge, a map of natural point features spanning a section of a room is generated on-the-fly as the motion of the camera is simultaneously estimated in full 3D. Naturally this permits the annotation of the scene with rigidly-registered graphics, but further it permits automatic control of the robot's active camera: for instance, fixation on a particular object can be maintained during extended periods of arbitrary user motion, then shifted at will to another object which has potentially been out of the field of view. This kind of functionality is the key to the understanding or ``management'' of a workspace which the robot needs to have in order to assist its wearer usefully in tasks. We believe that the techniques and technology developed are of prime importance towards the goal of a fully autonomous wearable assistant and of particular immediate value in scenarios of remote collaboration, where a remote expert is able to annotate, through the robot, the environment the wearer is working in.
MSLS - Active Vision Project
MSLS - Active Vision Project
the movie shows the new rover model and some preliminary results
【HD】Trance: Pro Active Vision (Energy Club Edit)
【HD】Trance: Pro Active Vision (Energy Club Edit)
d(^_--)b ---[Track: DJ Energy - Pro Active Vision (Energy Club Edit)] Trance, techno, dance, eurodance, vocal trance, Deam Trance, hands up music, Hard Trance Hardstyle
Scene Representation and Object Grasping using Active Vision
Scene Representation and Object Grasping using Active Vision
Object grasping and manipulation pose major challenges for perception and control and require rich interaction between these two fields. In this video, we demonstrate our approach towards solving the plethora of perceptual problems connected to the problem of robotic grapsing. A vision system is presented that integrates a number of different computational processes, eg attention, segmentation, recognition or reconstruction to incrementally build up a representation of the scene suitable for grasping and manipulation of objects. Our vision system is equipped with an active robotic head and a robot arm. This embodiment enables the robot to perform a number of different actions like saccading, fixating, and grasping. By applying these actions, the robot can incrementally build a scene representation and use it for interaction. We demonstrate our system in a scenario for picking up known objects from a table top. The corresponding paper has been presented at the IROS 2010 Workshop on "Defining and Solving Realistic Perception Problems in Personal Robotics": Scene Representation and Object Grasping Using Active Vision. Xavi Gratal, Jeannette Bohg, Mårten Björkman and Danica Kragic.
Active Vision
Active Vision
Final project in computer vision. Track objects in real time with servo-mounted webcam.
Ball Tracking - Active Vision
Ball Tracking - Active Vision
This project is a part of the MEng Robotics degree at the University of Reading and is about a robot that is supposed to track the ball and bat it back. Ultimately it is supposed to play table tennis.
Kinect based Human-following robot with active vision
Kinect based Human-following robot with active vision
Here the Kinect sensor is actuated by a servo to actively change its viewing direction based upon the human motion in order to prevent losing him/her
www.alpswissart.ch Primal geometry - ten symbols found in nature - has been a spiritual awakening and an unending source of inspiration for the artist. Empowered by the symbolic energy in primal geometry, Barbara Streiff's work reflects all cultures, all religions, and all time. Born on 1 August 1955 in Lucerne - the heart of Switzerland - Barbara Streiff spent her childhood in the Swiss Alps in the Linth Valley of Glarus. From her first contact with art at age seven, she began learning traditional art techniques from her family and older artists. Later she studied art at l' École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, the School of Art and Design Zurich, and the Centre of Cultural Heritage in Cyprus, where she also taught. Travels relating to her work and exhibitions have taken her throughout Europe and the world -- from Asia to the Arabic states, from California to Africa, and most recently from Cyprus to Brazil. Barbara Streiff's primal geometry art not only reflects the profound meld of nature and human cultures worldwide, but each piece also symbolizes her own personal passion To further the evolution and transformation of traditional art into innovative and modern forms by communicating with artists all over the world without forgetting the forests of the Swiss Alps. Sound " aion - primal geometry " of Peter Ziegelmeier Ceibarec San Francisco www.ceibarec.com Projekt Sponsor Kulturfond Glarus Abraham Lubelski NY - Artsmagazine Mantilios Cyprus Panarodio Heritage Centre Pro <b>...</b>
TechieTrends - ActiveVision Bullet Cam
TechieTrends - ActiveVision Bullet Cam
Gorman Trails - November 2009
Active Vision Security Camera DVR playback - Malfuntion or business as usual
Active Vision Security Camera DVR playback - Malfuntion or business as usual
The DVR seems to record fine and playback is good in normal mode. But if you want to speed through the playback, it does not play it all back for you. It leaves off the last 30 seconds or so.
Grasping unknown objects using active vision
Grasping unknown objects using active vision
This video presents simulation and experimental results of a novel grasping algorithm that uses active vision as basis. Please refer to the conference paper below for details: B. Calli, M. Wisse, P. Jonker "Grasping Unknown Objects by Curvature Maximization via Active Vision", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011. The algorithm uses the curvature information obtained from the silhouette of the object. By maximizing the curvature value, the pose of the robot is updated and a suitable grasping configuration is achieved. The algorithm has certain advantages over the existing methods: It does not require a 3D model of the object to be extracted, and it does not rely on any knowledge base obtained offline. This leads to a faster and still reliable grasping of the target object in 3D.
Active Vision - Motion Detection Overview
Active Vision - Motion Detection Overview
WPI Robotics Active Vision Project Presented by Samir Zutshi, advised by Eduardo Torres-Jara. The project's intent was to develop steps for robust vision. The goal was to do it in real time with active vision.
Birth of ActiveVision TDM 34-1
Birth of ActiveVision TDM 34-1
Game recording in theater captures only what occurs after a host migration, nothing before...which is what happened here. Gameplay by xActiveVisionx
This is one of my newest tracks! more coming soon of myspace.com thank you!
Output of an Efficient Resource Allocation System for Automotive Active Vision Systems
Output of an Efficient Resource Allocation System for Automotive Active Vision Systems
How to Install an RG59 BNC Compression Connector
How to Install an RG59 BNC Compression Connector
Buy These Now At www.active-vision.com ....This video describes the correct procedure for properly installing and compressing and Active Vision Inc. ACA-BNC-30 Compression Connector using an Active Vision Inc ACA-RG59-CT11 Compression Tool