
Linking Library Data to Wikipedia
OCLC Research Wikipedian in Residence Max Klein and Senior Program Officer Merrilee Proffi...
published: 29 Jun 2012
Author: OCLCResearch
Linking Library Data to Wikipedia
OCLC Research Wikipedian in Residence Max Klein and Senior Program Officer Merrilee Proffitt discuss a project aimed at enhancing name disambiguation in Wikipedia by establishing reciprocal links with Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) records. Comment on this project at en.wikipedia.org or tinyurl.com Follow Max on Twitter @notconfusing.

Naruto & Sasuke -- Points of Authority
Naruto & Sasuke -- Points of Authority (TM) Catscratch Studios 2006 All video and musi...
published: 14 May 2006
Author: catscratchstudios
Naruto & Sasuke -- Points of Authority
Naruto & Sasuke -- Points of Authority (TM) Catscratch Studios 2006 All video and music files used w/ permission. This one was a request... Don't know just how well I did; I was kinda rushed at the time! :P The quality went way down when I uploaded it... If you wanna see how it's supposed to be, PM me with your email address and the name of the video, and I'll send you the original file. Honestly, I think the original is at least 5 times better than this.

South Park - Respect My Authority ( Cartman )
Respect My Authority!! l l File Hosting Website: www.file-hosters.co.uk McJames Minecraft ...
published: 20 Oct 2009
Author: brazil0003
South Park - Respect My Authority ( Cartman )
Respect My Authority!! l l File Hosting Website: www.file-hosters.co.uk McJames Minecraft Server IP: join.mcjames.co.uk Forum: www.mcjames.co.uk

MCTS 70-680: Encrypting File System (EFS)
The Encrypting File System (EFS) is used in Windows to encrypt files so they cannot be rea...
published: 23 Oct 2011
Author: itfreetraining
MCTS 70-680: Encrypting File System (EFS)
The Encrypting File System (EFS) is used in Windows to encrypt files so they cannot be read even using an offline attack. In order to ensure you can always access encrypted files, Windows allows a DRA to be created. A DRA is anther user that can access any files encrypted. This video looks at how the encrypted file system works and how to configure a DRA. 03:11 demo on how to encrypt files 05:52 exporting the EFS certificate using cipher /r:filename 06:22 Configuring a DRA using group policy HKEY\Computer configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Public Key Polices\Encrypting file system How EFS works A file is encrypted with a symmetric key. This is the same style of algorithm used to secure compressed files like zip. The same password or key is used to encrypt the file as decrypt the file. The symmetric key is randomized for each file and thus you need some where to store all these symmetric keys. The easiest place to store the symmetric key is in the file itself. That way if the file is moved to a different computer or hard disk the key is always present with the file. In order to make sure that the symmetric key is stored in the file can't be read, the symmetric key is encrypted using an EFS certificate. An EFS certificate is generated for the user when they encrypt there first file or by running the command cipher /k. In a domain environment you can also configure a certificate authority to create and manage these certificates. This essentially means the <b>...</b>

Japan Tsunami 11-03-2011
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011-03-11 Occurred at 14:46 JST 11 Mar 2011 Region name Sanr...
published: 11 Mar 2011
Author: znoeaz
Japan Tsunami 11-03-2011

Windows File Server
This video looks at how to configure a file server. This includes the new features include...
published: 05 Sep 2011
Author: itfreetraining
Windows File Server
This video looks at how to configure a file server. This includes the new features included in windows server 2008 R2 and older features like DFS and offline files.

Chess database game searches by player name (ChessBase Tip #0001)
USCF Sales (uscfsales.com ) brings you another ChessBase chess software tip, presented by ...
published: 17 Dec 2010
Author: USCFSalesVideos
Chess database game searches by player name (ChessBase Tip #0001)
USCF Sales (uscfsales.com ) brings you another ChessBase chess software tip, presented by Steve Lopez (a renowned chess software authority for two decades, also currently blogging at http ). Steve illustrates how easy it is to perform a simple player search in ChessBase 11, and he also offers tips on replaying games, resizing the default chessboards, as well as other display tweaks.

How to: Create a Privilege Elevation Rule with Privilege Authority
See how to create and target rules. Rules can be granularly targeted to username, computer...
published: 11 Aug 2011
Author: SMBitSimplified
How to: Create a Privilege Elevation Rule with Privilege Authority
See how to create and target rules. Rules can be granularly targeted to username, computer name, user and computer groups, OU, OS, IP address range, registry key, file and more. Privilege Authority Professional is the lowest cost Windows privilege management solution that provides the core features IT administrators need to simply and quickly elevate and manage user rights.

Windows Server 2008: dns zone types and replication
This how-to video on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 domain name service (DNS), shows the di...
published: 15 Apr 2010
Author: technoblogical
Windows Server 2008: dns zone types and replication
This how-to video on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 domain name service (DNS), shows the different zone types and replication. There are three different zone types. Primary Zone:This is for the domain controller in charge of the domain. This machine updates the records for the domain. Secondary zone: This machine merely hosts the domain. It does not update the zone. It receives all the updates, but can not update the zone. Stub zone: The machine that hosts a stub zone will have Start of Authority (SOA), name server (NS) records for another domain. That's all. It remembers who's in charge and who can answer queries against the domain. It's a low maintenance solution for DNS resolution of another domain. There are four types of replications Allow replication to all DNS servers on domain controllers in this forest. Allow replication to all DNS servers on domain controllers in this domain Allow replication to all domain controllers in this domain (Windows 2000 compatibility mode) Allow replication to all domain controllers specified in a specified directory partition. This video also works on Server 2003. We so frequently DNS with Active Directory, we forget that it is a full featured service on its own. This video is just one aspect of many features available from Windows DNS. Providing training videos since last Tuesday. technoblogical.com Thanks for watching.

Clerk Runs Las Vegas Marriage Bureau & More
Clerk Diana Alba is responsible for the issuance of all marriage licenses in Clark County,...
published: 18 Aug 2011
Author: ClarkCountyNV
Clerk Runs Las Vegas Marriage Bureau & More
Clerk Diana Alba is responsible for the issuance of all marriage licenses in Clark County, home to Las Vegas, Nevada, the "marriage capital of the world." In 2010, about 92000 marriage licenses were issued by the Clark County Clerk's Office, more than any other county. The marriage industry is a very large part of the Las Vegas tourist economy. It is the duty of the County Clerk to not only assure compliance with all laws and statutes when issuing marriage licenses, but to do everything possible to make getting married in Las Vegas a pleasant and happy experience for the many couples who come here each year. Other services provided by the Clark County Clerk: Minister Licensing - Certificates of Authority to Solemnize Marriages All ministers and "other persons authorized to perform marriages" must obtain a Certificate of Authority to Solemnize Marriages from the County Clerk. The performance of marriages is a serious responsibility. Getting married changes a couple's vital records. In addition, it often affects their finances, including disbursement of retirement accounts, distribution of social security benefits and beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, to name just a few. It is the Clerk's responsibility to ensure that individuals who solemnize marriages perform this duty responsibly, and process vital documents according to state law. Commissioner of Civil Marriages - As the Commissioner of Civil Marriages, the Clark County Clerk operates the "Office of <b>...</b>

Bill Cosby - Himself Stand Up Show [COMPLETE IN A SINGLE FILE] Legendas em Português
To download this video: uploading.com Bill Cosby: Himself is a 1983 stand-up comedy film f...
published: 22 Dec 2011
Author: nazeazeno1985
Bill Cosby - Himself Stand Up Show [COMPLETE IN A SINGLE FILE] Legendas em Português
To download this video: uploading.com Bill Cosby: Himself is a 1983 stand-up comedy film featuring the comedic routines of Bill Cosby. Filmed before a live audience at the Hamilton Place Theatre, in Hamilton, Ontario, Cosby gives the audience his comedic views ranging from marriage to parenthood. The film also showcases Cosby's trademark conversational style of stand-up comedy; for most of the performance, Cosby is seated at the center of the stage, only getting up to emphasize a joke. Many of the comedic routines presented in this stand-up were the precursors to Cosby's successful sitcom The Cosby Show. An album of the same name was also released on Motown Records.

Wiki Leak Cave Where the American Governments Dirty Secrets Are Not Kept Safe
WARNING watching this video could have the FBI knocking on your door and taking you to ano...
published: 04 Dec 2010
Author: policebusters
Wiki Leak Cave Where the American Governments Dirty Secrets Are Not Kept Safe
WARNING watching this video could have the FBI knocking on your door and taking you to another country to torture you and your family. Watch at you on risk! A group called "Anonymous" in recent days put the US Department of Justice on notice about its subpoena of Twitter amid an investigation into WikiLeaks. The subpoena, issued secretly under a controversial provision of the USA PATRIOT Act, demanded information on all 635561 users who followed updates by WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks under heavy attack, seeks shelter in Cold War bunker More here about WikiLeaks: policecrimes.com Mirror sites for Wikileaks: policecrimes.com In order to make it impossible to ever fully remove Wikileaks from the Internet, we need your help. If you have a unix-based server which is hosting a website on the Internet and you want to give wikileaks some of your hosting resources, you can help! wikileaks.ch WikiLeaks has been fighting a multifront battle to keep its explosive cache of leaked State Department cables available online. Since the material came online Sunday, hackers have been trying to take down the WikiLeaks site, while US political leaders have applied pressure on companies to remove the data clearinghouse's files from their servers. The New York Times reports that EveryDNS.net, a US-based domain name provider, has now cut off its service to WikiLeaks. With Wikileaks.org currently down, the organization registered Wikileaks.ch in Switzerland. It was registered, the Times reports, by "the <b>...</b>

LAWFUL and LEGAL entry NOTIFICATION of NATIONALITY and NAME correction and change by Birth...
published: 09 May 2012
Author: Godmanjamal
LAWFUL and LEGAL entry NOTIFICATION of NATIONALITY and NAME correction and change by Birthright Status, Law, CLAIM and APPLICATION. Please be advised, it would be an extreme act of illegal conduct, not to retain and record documentary proof of evidence received and that no proceeding of any kind shall be implemented without first present documentary proof of Nationality and a Delegation of Authority Order, before any establishment of jurisdiction for titled National, based on a Delegation of any shall be implemented without first presenting documentary proof of Nationality and a Delegation of Authority Order, before any file copy of this notifications, with federal proof of receivership have been recorded, and any claims will be sustained with an order to implicate any nonconformity to immunity legally force by National and International. www.thenumoorish.com

Windows Server 2008: create dns records
This video also works on Server 2003. We so frequently install DNS with Active Directory, ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
Author: technoblogical
Windows Server 2008: create dns records
This video also works on Server 2003. We so frequently install DNS with Active Directory, we forget that it is a full featured service on its own. This video is just one aspect of many features available from Windows DNS. This how-to video on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 domain name service (DNS) shows how to manually create DNS records. The types of records are A and AAAA records for normal lookups in a IPv4 or IPv6 environment. (Glue record) PTR records for a reverse lookup zone. This is the opposite of DNS. It's IP Address mapping to DNS name. MX records for mail exchanger CNAME for canonical name records. These resolve one name to another name. It's like a nickname for machines. NS records to specify other name servers. SOA records to identify the server in charge of the domain. Providing training videos since last Tuesday. technoblogical.com Thanks for watching.
Vimeo results:

VideoHive Tutorial Series - Uploading 101
In this video Brian explains some of the basics involved in preparing your file for submis...
published: 26 Jan 2010
Author: Envato
VideoHive Tutorial Series - Uploading 101
In this video Brian explains some of the basics involved in preparing your file for submission. This lesson deals with file organization, folder naming & structure, watermarking, exporting, and compression settings.
Stay tuned for more videos in this series. This one focuses on VideoHive authors, but we plan to produce some VideoHive buyer-focused training as well!

Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "t...
published: 16 Mar 2011
Author: Bob Bowser
Larry Halloran on HB2372 interview on KAKE
What we DIDN't see... the good stuff hit the cutting room floor so they could EMPHASIZE "the color of one's skin" which is NO where to be found in the Bill.
Larry's Testimony in Support of HB 2372
Testimony of Larry Halloran in support of HB 2372;
Chairman Kinzer and Members of the House Judiciary Committee,
We ask for your support of HB 2372; An Act concerning immigration; requiring verification of employment eligibility and making other amendments concerning immigration.
The fundamental question today is not illegal immigration itself. If we are a nation of laws and are faithful to our obligations as citizens or legislators then we will rightfully conclude that the rule of law is the bedrock foundation of our society and passage of this legislation should require little debate.
I would not dispute that employer and citizen alike have found the blind eye beneficial to their pocket book but financial gain, open borders or humanitarian compassion are not acceptable substitutes for the rule of law. Yesterdays benefit (however perceived) is today's liability as our citizens find themselves struggling to meet the increased burden of illegal immigration on our society that cannot be measured in financial terms alone.
The blessings and benefits of America are bountiful. But, if they are to be preserved for our posterity and those seeking the benefit of citizenship they must be secured by principled adherence to our state and federal Constitutions.
Illegal immigration is a festering cancer that damages both our society and those unlawfully seeking employment. It creates the necessity for a second society operating under the radar that inhibits the necessary assimilation of new immigrants into the America family. We are no longer concerned with a few thousand illegal immigrants that could be easily absorbed but rather tens of millions that now tax the limits of our social networks. It is past time for the half measured approaches, nod and wink policies and felonious excuses of citizen, employer and legislator alike related to the employment eligibility of illegal immigrants are put to rest. It is time that a lawful approach to employment eligibility verification becomes the rule for all employers and the accepted social norm for all citizens. Of even greater importance is that you, the citizen legislator, honor your oath of office and uphold the rule of law.
Our Founders studied the laws and customs of many nations (both failed and existing) and took from them guidance for our Constitution that best protected a free people and society. For over 200 years, our Constitution has served as the legal binder for our citizens and those wishing to assimilate into a free society. Today, many seek to dilute the authority of our Constitution through substitution of unlawful privileges that in essence establish an equal but separate society within our borders. A society that stands in stark contrast and in opposition to the fundamental necessity of assimilation at the expense of individual liberties guaranteed to all by our Constitution. Such practices serve to disadvantage the citizens and legal immigrants that play by the rules and adhere to our laws by granting unearned favor to the illegal immigrant.
Surely, we are all aware of the inequities, consequences and unquestionable failures of equal but separate jurisprudence practiced at times within our own society. To turn a blind eye or foster such practices is treasonous to our founding principles, documents and the faith of those who gave all to defend and preserve the greatest grant of freedom ever known to man; America.
The challenges before us in preserving the free society and America are indeed great but do include a provision for national suicide. Tolerance does not beget equal but separate in a free society but instead requires assimilation through shared core values and equal application of the laws
Thank you for your favorable support of HB 2372, your service and the defense of freedom for all.
Larry Halloran, Chairman
Wichita - South Central KS 912 Group
Mulvane, KS 67110
Testimony of Lana Reed in Support of HB 2372
Lana Reed
Provided Pursuant to
K.S.A. 75-2973
Kansas Whistleblower Act
On The
HB 2372
Before the
House Judiciary Committee
"Under the current SRS system Kansas taxpayers are having millions of dollars stolen from them through fraud. Perhaps worse Kansas citizens, who are footing the bill, are being denied benefits that illegal aliens are approved for. The SRS system works for the illegal aliens and the illegal aliens know how to work the system...."
Representative Lance Kinzer, Chairman
Thursday, March 10, 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.
Fraud in the Kansas SRS System..
Hiding Illegal Aliens and Fraud.
Types of Fraud.
Fake Documents.
Legitimate SSNs.
Multiple Identities.
Living the Goo

What Makes a Church and Why Should I be a Member?
I had a call this week from the daughter of a couple that lives near our church. Many of y...
published: 31 Aug 2009
Author: Jim Tompkins
What Makes a Church and Why Should I be a Member?
I had a call this week from the daughter of a couple that lives near our church. Many of you would recognize her parents name. Seems her parents have been living together the last 20 years or so and never got married. Now they are thinking about making it legal and are looking into having a quaint church wedding. She said that because I was the priest they would want me to do the wedding. I corrected her of course, but I said that as Pastor I take marriage very seriously.
For Your Information I have four prerequisites that must be met before I will bless the marriage of a man and woman.
1.The couple must believe that marriage is a Covenant Vow before God
2.They must not be living together
3.They must go through premarital counseling before I agree to marry them.
4.They must have the blessings of both sets of parents.
I invited her to have them call me and we could meet and discuss it more fully.
Some of you are thinking, Brother Jim, that seems pretty harsh. After all, they have been living together and need to make it official. Plus they are our neighbors, and this is a chance to reach out to them.
I understand your thoughts, but consider this: Do we ever have an excuse to take God for granted? NO! God is Holy, He is Righteous. He has standards and He reigns in Heaven whether we acknowledge Him or not. One day everyone will have an appointment with the God who created them and will answer for why they took Him for granted.
If we can't ever take God for granted, then we can't take Jesus for granted. And if we can't take Jesus for granted, we can't take His wife for granted. And the church is His wife. Now when it comes to the church, the bride of Christ, we see a Universal application, but we also see a local application.
I believe Pleasant Prairie Baptist can be a great church. I believe we are sitting in a mission field. And we need to start taking our church more seriously. We can not take it for granted, just as we wouldn't dare think of taking God for granted.
I believe the community around Pleasant Prairie takes us for granted. They see us as a qaint little country church instead of seeing us as the powerful Bride of Jesus Christ. I think that is because we have failed to be a church, we have failed to be a bride, we have taken the Word of God for granted.
I see a couple problems with America.
1.We are extremely self-loving.
2.We dishonor the Word of God.
Because we love ourselves we tend to do what we want when we want it. Because we dishonor God's Word, we dishonor God, we dishonor the church, we dishonor preachers, we dishonor pastors. When you dishonor God's Word, you start to dishonor everything about God and what God says is important. We dishonor marriage, we dishonor the family, we dishonor our relationships with each other.
So for the next two weeks I want us to see from God's Word Why Pleasant Prairie Baptist Church was put here on the corner of 215th & Y, and then I want to see from God's Word what we should be doing so that we do not take God's Word for granted. To do so we need to answer 2 Questions:
What Makes a Church?
What is Membership All About?
First, let's look at Black's Law Dictionary and see what our Courts say a church is.
A body or community of Christians, united under one form of government by the profession of one faith, and the observance of the same rituals and ceremonies. Black's Law Dictionary 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th eds.
Let's see how this meshes with how Jesus Views His Church:
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, THOU ART THE CHRIST, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, THAT THOU ART PETER Petros (stone), and upon this rock petra (Christ is the great foundation, the "chief corner-stone,"—Vincent's) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:15-19
1.Jesus says the church is something He is Building.
Jesus is the Architect, the owner, the developer, the reason there is a church.
2.Jesus says His church has Great Power.
Stronger than Hell, Able to Bring Heaven down to Earth
3.Jesus says His Church is built upon Stones that all Declare the same Message.
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. The Church is all about Jesus and His Living in us, empowering us to reach out to those who are without Jesus.
1. The Church is a living building of “Called out Ones”
Jesus says “I will build my church”
Church Universal
Church Local
Christ appears here, not as the foundation, but as the architect: "On this rock will I build."
The church is a collection of pieces of living rocks that when combined by the power of Go

Studio City NC unseats Michael McCue
UPDATED 9/04/2010
published: 22 Apr 2010
Author: Michael N. Cohen
Studio City NC unseats Michael McCue
UPDATED 9/04/2010
Done In by Democratic Process
* Article reproduced below
UPDATED 8/19/2010:
* The Grievance Panel report reproduced below.
* Article by Paul Hatfield, "The Epilog" is reproduced at the end.
April 21, 2010
-- NOTE: Click on time to jump to indicted segment after video loads (be patient) --
1:55 minutes Conduct of Meeting, Point of Order M. McCue
7:25 minutes Todd Royal
9:51 minutes Barbara Monahan Burke
11:31 minutes Rita Villa
13:24 minutes Michael McCue
I feel much like Rita Villa, quite sad that people on both sides of the issue, that I know and respect, have reached such a tragic impasse.
The petitioners’ arguments are weak while many professed admiration verging on love of McCue.
I feel self importance, emotion and personality has dominated many on the boards thinking.
If, in fact, bad behavior on McCue’s part has been prevalent these past years, the board should
have censured him for those incidents. This could have led to a robust discussion of acceptable behavior and put McCue formally on warning. If in fact that was warranted.
An email was authored and sent by the Ben Neumann, SCNC President, to ALL board members PRECEEDING the board meeting. The email accused McCue of lying and misrepresenting the facts.
Clearly the intent of the email was to influence the board’s decision. Is that not condoned under the Brown Act? Is not the very purpose of the Act to disallow discussion of items on an agenda out of public view.
Since McCue is a candidate for reelection to remove a board member this close to the election smacks of retribution, character assassination or an attempt to influence the election.
Yes, i know, hard to reconcile with their professed admiration of him.
Frankly, SCNC needs a better procedure for what is the most extreme action a neighborhood council board might take – firing a board member, and overturning an election.
McCue if successful in the May election would be back in 5 weeks or so. What then, hmm? More fireworks or will Wednesday’s event prove to be a catharsis for both sides? Allowing the SCNC to get back to real business.
I certainly hope so. Yet McCue is certainly within his rights to challenge many aspects of SCNC Board’s procedures and decisions in this matter.
Important Links:
Paul Hatfield:
The Removal of McCue: A Case Study
McCue’s Removal: The Epilog
McCue’s Removal: The Epilog
August 18, 2010 by Paul Hatfield
A grievance committee headed by former Studio City Neighborhood Council member Jane Drucker released its findings regarding the removal of Michael McCue from the SCNC Board last April.
The point I and many others made in the weeks following the proceeding, including those who attended the removal hearing, was that there was no specificity in the removal petition. In other words SCNC acted spuriously.
The grievance committee concluded that the petition lacked specifics. The lack of detail made it impossible for McCue to prepare a defense going into the hearing.
In other words, he had to wing it. That’s not justice.
Ms. Drucker also warned the Board that removal actions affect stakeholders and must be weighed carefully. A neighborhood council “is not a private club” where members can be removed simply at the discretion of the board.
About twenty-five stakeholders attended the meeting, which was quiet and well-run - in sharp contrast to the removal hearing, which was poorly managed and raucous, including an inflammatory statement by a board member that punctuated the travesty that evening.
Although the grievance report contradicts the SCNC’s decision, nothing can undo the train wreck the board created.
But there is still time to make amends. The eight members who voted for removal (including one who was defeated in the last election) should do the right thing and issue a public apology to the stakeholders and Mr. McCue (who reclaimed his seat in the election).
As I stated before, no neighborhood council is prepared to deal with a removal, much less one lacking basis.
Of even greater concern was the role played by the City Attorney’s Office. SCNC should have been advised to step back and reconsider. Instead, it appears the council was given a green light - perhaps a dim green light, but it still amounted to tacit support.
The grievance committee deserves the thanks of the stakeholders for not only finding against the council’s deeply flawed process, but, more importantly, for recommending by-law changes to prevent a reoccurrence.
There was a little turnover on the SCNC as a result of the election. Perhaps more sensible views will prevail going forward. Let’s hope so.
On May 6, 2010, Mr. M
Youtube results:

Crass - There is No Authority But Yourself Part 2 [ENG SUB]
[Subtitle is avaliable if you click on the CC button] Crass - There is No Authority But Yo...
published: 13 Sep 2010
Author: punkfilmshun
Crass - There is No Authority But Yourself Part 2 [ENG SUB]
[Subtitle is avaliable if you click on the CC button] Crass - There is No Authority But Yourself PART 2 / With English subtitle! All the thanks is due to Min Stokes, who started to help me! Hamarosan magyar felirattal is!

Ancestry.com 15th Anniversary - How to Further Success With the California Marriage Index
Find out more information on the 15th Anniversary of Ancestry.com on Facebook: ancstry.me ...
published: 04 Oct 2011
Author: AncestryCom
Ancestry.com 15th Anniversary - How to Further Success With the California Marriage Index
Find out more information on the 15th Anniversary of Ancestry.com on Facebook: ancstry.me This database contains a statewide index to over 4.8 million marriages that were performed in California between 1960 and 1985. Information that may be found in this database includes: Bride's and groom's names Bride's and groom's ages Marriage county Marriage date Each entry is also linked to an index image. On this image additional information such as the registrar number and state file number, may also be listed. Where to go From Here: The information found in this database can be used to locate the original record that this index references. This is important to do because generally more information is available on the original record. For example, marriage records may list the bride's and groom's birthplaces, and their parents' names and birthplaces, in addition to the information provided in this index. Marriage records can be obtained from the county recorder or county clerk of the county in which the marriage license was issued. About Marriage Records: Marriage licenses are the most common marriage records in the United States. They are issued by the appropriate authority prior to the marriage ceremony, and they have come to replace the posting of banns and intentions. Marriage licenses, which grant permission for a marriage to be performed, are returned to civil authorities after the ceremony. Marriage licenses exist in varying forms. A standard form generally asks for the <b>...</b>

Revelation 13:1-10 *Manna Bible* Free Audio Bible
mannabible.org Revelation 13:1-10 KJV audio from Manna Bible online. From their website: &...
published: 08 May 2009
Author: dgross563
Revelation 13:1-10 *Manna Bible* Free Audio Bible
mannabible.org Revelation 13:1-10 KJV audio from Manna Bible online. From their website: "...the online Christian audio Bible mission from Jesus The Rock Project. Read along, study the Holy Bible online and listen to this free audio online talking Holy Bible in several versions, King James Version Bible - KJV - and a modern English version Bible - an adaptation of the World English Bible (similar to New International Version - NIV - , but FREE TO COPY / SHARE). Also free online audio mp3 Bible verse and chapter computer download option to study, and hear as audio files on your ipod, cell phone, palm, cd / dvd player, laptop, desktop etc. It's an online audio Holy Bible to use anywhere..." This audio bible is narrated with origional music to match each chapter and verse. Manna Bible is an ongoing project with only a few Scriptures completed currently. Please visit their website, listen, learn, enjoy and consider helping them to complete such a great project. TEXT Revelation 13:1-10 1And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world <b>...</b>

Federal Labor Relations Authority Update
published: 16 Dec 2011
Author: USOPM
Federal Labor Relations Authority Update