SUBOTICA Vojvodina (Serbia) - by CEHULIĆ family
SUBOTICA Vojvodina (Serbia) - by CEHULIĆ family
★★★★★ www.europeroadtrip.net ★★★★★ Subotica (Szabadka, Суботица) is a city and municipality in northern Serbia, in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, about 10 km from the border with Hungary. Once, the largest city of Vojvodina region, contemporary Subotica is now the second largest city in the province, following Novi Sad. It is multiethnic city, with Hungarian , Serb or Croat majority changing during history. 0 Under the Dual-Monarchy city become an important railway link, which encouraged many traders, artisans and financiers to settle there. 0:34 The City Hall, built in 1908-1910, is of outstanding beauty and shows the economic strength of city in this period. 0:44 Subotica's beautiful town house is surrounded with a number of pedestrian-only streets where people gather and meet. 0:54 The building was constructed in art nouveau style and it was decorated with the motives of the Hungarian folklore depict. 1:04 The historic National Theater, which was built in 1854 as the first monumental public building in Subotica, is now under reconstruction. 1:14 Subotica now adorned itself with its remarkable Central European, fin de siècle architecture. 1:27 The Ferenc Raichle House, built in 1904, is located close to the railway station and it's one of the best examples of Art Nouveau architecture. 1:50 The Franciscan church (Franjevačka crkva) in Subotica, built in year 1901, is representing the neo-romanticism style. 2:02 The most remarkable church building is the <b>...</b>
Subotica My home town (North of Serbia)
Subotica My home town (North of Serbia)
I made this video about some of the most beautifull buildings in my home town. The big Theater is in proces of building ,at the moment not soo nice so u cant see it here. 30 of june 2008 (the time of this comment). Many caffes, pizzerias, fast food and restaurants ,lot of Ice cream shops, banks and shops in this small town of aprox 140.000 population together with the sorraunding vilages .
Tuftj (Subotica) (Dog sleeping, didn't street...)
Tuftj (Subotica) (Dog sleeping, didn't street...)
lokalni bivsi dzanker..
Michael Jackson - Beat it tribute dance SUBOTICA
Michael Jackson - Beat it tribute dance SUBOTICA
Суботица-Subotica-Szabadka: Winter
Суботица-Subotica-Szabadka: Winter
Beautiful Subotica in the snow! This video was filmed the 6th of February 2010 on a snowy Saturday afternoon. I tried to show the winter liveliness of the town and the beautiful colors it produces, but as I was editing the video I realized all the many wonderful buildings, decorations, and camera angels that I did not film. A video will never do this town justice.
Honda Transalp 600 XL - RIDE Palic -Subotica
Honda Transalp 600 XL - RIDE Palic -Subotica
Honda Transalp 600 XL - RIDE Palic -Subotica an amazing machine, I do not want to come off, If you wish to sponsor me , jUST let me know an I l be ready to go around the world with this dream bike! Silent engine , power and super comfortable for the back, hands position, everything. Petrol consumption from 5-7 l/ 100 km depens how much U pull the rubber:) Could bee little less than 5 , like 4,5 l/100km on high way under 120km/h crusing speed! Concerning the coolor : its not the type I wished for, prefeared metalic blue white combination, or gold yellow white desert color. This one is Silver metalic with black stripe and few colorfull yellow red signs -text. 36,5 = 37 KW around 50 Horse power! According the technical bookss max speed around 170 km/h in 8000 rpm. In Serbia the startting prize of such a bike is around 2300 Euros depens on the state km runned etc. Few details are missing , the metal net on the left side on the spoiler , on the right side there is. A frend of mine suggested to put a metal net also in the front of the body of the cooler, that some stone does not make any demage from the front side. Missing a metal plate on the exhosst which keeps the leg of a passenger away from the hot body of the exhost (auspuh- kipufogo). Needs a case holder in the back and a 45 l Givi on it:) The previous owner lives in a vilage , will not mention the name -around Subotica, He feelt several times in a mad, did not care about brakes, little about cleaning the mad from the <b>...</b>
Saxophone Quartet Subotica: Carl S. Stalling - Looney Tunes
Saxophone Quartet Subotica: Carl S. Stalling - Looney Tunes
Saxophone Quartet Subotica Subotički Kvartet Saksofona Szabadkai Szaxofon Kvartett Bunford Gabor - Sopran Sax Koleszár Nándor - Alt Sax Grubić Stojan - Tenor Sax Kucsera Géza - Bariton Sax
Subotica Beautifull buildings my compilation(Serbia)
Subotica Beautifull buildings my compilation(Serbia)
More of beautifull buildings in my home town , of course the video is made by me and I can make a lot of them around with beautifull motives on the faces of the buildings. This is the strickt as to say center of Subotica , but there are many nice buildings around towards the perifery of the town , an inspiration to make some more videos about them. Still the peoples consciousness is not as in Holland and Switzerland sothey trow rubish and cigarets everiwhere ( ha ha except in they OWN court yard interestingly) but I hope that one day this will change too!
the best BUREK in Subotica Serbia
the best BUREK in Subotica Serbia
the best BUREK in Subotica Serbia you can find many places to get a burek this serbian speciality with meat or cheese or apple, in LIPA near a children hospital(Subotica) also in the center of the city , they work all day long 24h/day with many different kind with pizza, cheese and salamy , etc but the best quality of BUREK is in OHRID burekdzinica near the old Gimnasium , also near the MARKET called "MLECNA PIJACA" - 'Milk market' Subotica. OHRID works ONLY till 13PM working days during the week,Its a small place with few kind but excellent quality which you can expect any time. Very kind people and friendly , price for a 1/4 is around 100 din =RSD = around 1,5 Euro (this comment made 18 August 2008). Bon apetit -prjatno -jo etvagyat- itatakimass-! enjoy
Butcher - Zelim Da Pevam Ko Max Cavalera - Subotica/Srbija
Butcher - Zelim Da Pevam Ko Max Cavalera - Subotica/Srbija
butcher is band from subotica,serbia and this is our fist video for ZELIM DA PEVAM KO MAX CAVALERA which means I WANT TO SING LIKE MAX CAVALERA,its not preofesional video,i made it for 30 min. but you may find it interesting Skaters in video are people from the band ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check out our myspace: www.myspace.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- download link for our demo: rs205tl5.rapidshare.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- like us on facebook:www.facebook.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vandals in the neighborhood Subotica 23 july 2011
Vandals in the neighborhood Subotica 23 july 2011
On the morning 2 AM Vandals in Subotica (group of young ppl 15-20 ) has during they party time (which is disturbing every time the neighborhood with extreem loud music - a month ago the Serbian POLICE was called out also in this time cos they DID not wanted to reduce the noise after they have been asked for), one of the boys have brocken the glases on several windows. The Vandals move in and out on the windows of the green house. The parents are not present during these parthy nights . Use of alcohol and drugs possible to unlesh this brainless behaviour. They park the car over in the front of our windows during early morning hours to disturb us in purpose. The POLICE come out , find the boy , took his data , and we will go by law and loyers to get the result of his action even. BUT THE POLICE DID NOT stoped the boy who drived away like a manic with a Citroen car over the bushes. No drug nor alcohol test have been done.
Pizeria Denis Subotica
Pizeria Denis Subotica
Nice place to be, big verighty of food and drinks, nice environment, friendly quick servis, excellent vegetarian and other pizzas ! With one word MUST to visit if you are in Subotica. Few hundred meters from the world famous Town Hall in the center place of the town. You may order food from by phone 024551155 In this video , the visit is in the open part = garden of the pizzeria. In winter they have the atrium part shown in the web site denis.subotica.org the menu u can see here in Serbo Croatian language denis.subotica.org . Bon apetit ( in this movie we enjoyed some chicken basket with frites and mayo plus ketchup an seasonal salad. The prices are for drinks high for our standard here- 1 liter of mineral water =200 din which makes approx 2,2 Euros!!! Which is much . But generally all is nice! ur welcome!
WSM Subotica, 2004
WSM Subotica, 2004
WSM strongman competition in Subotica 2004. Starov, Glen Ross, Peksa, Milan Jovanovic, Vidzis, Ralf Ber, Tarmo Mit...
Dora Subotica Trbusni ples Drum solo xvid
Dora Subotica Trbusni ples Drum solo xvid
"dance the river is there to rise dance touch me and close your eyes dance the winds will touch your feet just dance and dance feel the beat" Miroslava Odalovic
Walk in a brilliant winter -Subotica -7th Feb 2012.m4v
Walk in a brilliant winter -Subotica -7th Feb 2012.m4v
Walk in a brilliant winter -Subotica -7th Feb 2012.m4v Wishes wishes wishes of 1 m of snow ,its seems its coming true !!!!!!! Day n night snow continues to fall, even today 10 more cm when I did this upload, which will inspire me to do another video of the town and surroundings. Bless you, . Of course many got enough of this winter and the snow but what to do , some like it!!!:) xa xa xa xa :) yes it will stop , ........one day......!! 2012 it seems brings new experiences to all. Which is cute:)
My video about Palic lake near Subotica (serbia) no 1)
My video about Palic lake near Subotica (serbia) no 1)
Palic lake near Subotica and few km from the Hungarian border, with nice parks and hotels for getting rest and relaxation, tennis courts restaurants. Many guest comes from Belgrade (200 km) to have a meal here and walk . I would not take a swim in the water because the whole Subotica canalization is going in this water. Many ppl have fun and not bothered by it. Once before the Dutch organisation wanted to buy the whole lake (actualy rent it for 20 years) rebuild it completely and makeing a big water park and amusement park in the middle of the lake , but the extra wise serbian government and locals found better to keep the proudness and did not went in to this business -- unfortunately) I have been in Holland they would do miracle out of this place but the miracle did not happened YET!! Still if u come to Subotica it is pleasant to visit this place! Oh I almost forgot there is a Zoo close by! Enjoy
ExLex live@Subotica
ExLex live@Subotica
info: exlexvis@gmail.com www.archive.org/details/exlexvis
Kazani za rakiju - Kazandelja - Mihajlo Tonkovic - TV - Subotica - 2008-10-15
Kazani za rakiju - Kazandelja - Mihajlo Tonkovic - TV - Subotica - 2008-10-15
www.kazanizarakiju.com Recorded for a local television in Subotica: KAZANDELJA KAZANI ZA PECENJE RAKIJE - PALINKA FOZO KAZANOK - CAULDRONS FOR BRANDY - Kotlici za čorbe - Kazani Kotlici Destilacija - Kazanok Bogracsok Hutes - Cauldrons Kettles Distillation,kazani za rakiju,kotlici za corbu, kazan za rakiju