
Soulforce is committed to freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people from religious and political oppression through relentless nonviolent resistance. As we enter our second decade of work, we invite you to join our movement.

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Become a virtual Equality Rider (Visit the Equality Ride 2012!) by joining our Hit The Road campaign. Registration is now open!

Equality Ride 2012

Soulforce & Groundswell for Courage Partnership
Soulforce and Groundswell for Courage, Auburn Seminary's Social Action Initiative, have agreed to work together on a five to seven year campaign for LGBT equality, the first phase of which is a nationwide screening of Macky Alston's Sundance Award Winning fillm "Love Free or Die" and its tookit for conversations with Christians about gay issues, "My Mind Was Changed." Read the Press Release >>

Soulforce & 108Productions "Corpus Christi" Play
Soulforce and 108Productions have agreed to work together on a one-year campaign to screen their documentary "Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption," the first of which will take place in San Francisco April 29-30, 2012. Make your reservation to attend today! Read the Press Release >>


Why Religion?

We recognize that oppression is most often rooted in religious belief and ideologies of power in which women, people of color and non-gender conforming (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people are subjugated and subjected to the violence of exclusion.  You will find us most often in dialogue with religious leaders, denominations and institutions who discriminate in polity, policy or practice.  We are committed to decriminalization of sexual minorities by all church and state sanctioned organizations worldwide.

Read more about why our work focuses on religious based oppression »

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From the Store

What the Bible Says-and Doesn’t Say-about Homosexuality

A 24-page booklet written by the Rev. Dr. Mel White that offers a biblical response to the question people often ask: “How can you consider yourself a Christian when you are also gay?” Get It Now! >>
Read it Online!(click here)

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News to know

Jul. 24th - Soulforce and the AIDS Quilt

Jul. 23rd - Lutherans for Full Participation, is proclaimed in the Huffington Post

Jul. 10th - Changes in Attitude (Sojourners)

External Newsreels

from...Christian Post

Willow Creek Church Makes Best Christian Workplace List

JI Packer Talks Mortification: How to Put Sin to Death

Pastor Ed Young Warns: Technology Getting in Way of Intimate Relationships


The GLAAD Wrap: 'Good Time' Opens, Emmys Think It Gets Better, and Vote for Louganis

GaymerCon Announces Massive Kickstarter Success and Support from Xbox Live

What to Watch Weekend 8/31-9/2: Lost Girl's Bo Makes Life Changing Decision

from...Human Rights Campaign

Why We’re Winning: Week of August 27

OutServe’s Josh Seefried Thanks LGBT Servicemembers for their ‘Acts of Bravery’

College Student Spends Volunteer Vacation on Maine Campaign

THE BLOG: What we're reading, thinking, doing

all | columns | updates | national actions | equality ride

Soulforce and the AIDS Quilt

Soulforce and the AIDS Quilt

Hello everyone: Today, I had an opportunity to join Mason, Haven, Cindi and her sister at the National Mall, where panels of the AIDS Quilt were displayed. Cindi invited us to join her family and see the display of love and reverence for her brother. It was my first time seeing the many panels in …

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NGLTF Applauds Supreme Court Decision on Affordable Care Act


WASHINGTON, June 28 — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force applauds the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling today upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The Task Force advocated for the passage of the historic health care reform law. Statement by Rea Carey, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force “This ruling is …

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Rev. Dr. Cindi Love, Executive Director of Soulforce, has been appointed to Amnesty International’s USA Country and Thematic Specialist Program LGBT Coordination Group

Amnesty International

Amnesty International began much like Soulforce when one man’s outrage led to courage to do something about it. After learning of two Portugese students imprisoned for raising a toast to freedom in 1961, Peter Benenson, a lawyer, published an article entitled The Forgotten Prisoners in the Observer newspaper. That article launched the Appeal for Amnesty …

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“Holy Terror” – the Newest Release by Rev. Mel White – GET YOUR COPY NOW!

Holy Terror Book Cover

  From Executive Director Cindi Love… I am excited to announce that Mel’s Stranger at Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America has a sequel, Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality. Check out the review by author Chris Hedges at TruthDig, which is worth a look for the …

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© 1998 - 2012 Soulforce is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit