August 2012 Open Thread

Still here. It seems the carbon tax has not destroyed the Australian economy. Phew!

Watch Peter Sinclair’s latest video:

Nick Ross writes: The Australian’s technology coverage (in print) is a mixed bag in that it has some of the very best technology writers in the country but their section’s reputation gets tainted by almost-incessant, poisonous beat-ups of the National Broadband Network coming from elsewhere on the masthead. These have done it few favours in…

July 2012 Open Thread

Phew, looks the carbon tax has not returned Australia to the Stone Age.

June 2012 Open Thread

More thread.

When you’ve lost Fumento …

Triggered by the Heartland Billboard debacle Michael Fumento has written an article explaining why he has broken with the “hysterical right”. (Hat tip: hardinr). John Quiggin comments on the rarity of such moves, while Mark Hoofnagle draws a parallel with Stephen Sumpter leaving the UK Greens over their opposition to scientific experiments on GM crops.

Monckton and the Mob

Gareth Renowden tells the story of Monckton and the Mob.

Death threat denial

Even when we have video of a death threat there are those who try to deny that scientists have been threatened. Like, oh, The Australian. Media Watch reports on media coverage of death threats on climate scientists: One news outlet comes out of it, in our opinion, almost unscathed: Fairfax Media’s The Canberra Times. The…

Tim Curtin’s incompetence with basic statistics is the stuff of legend. Curtin has now demonstrated incompetence at a fairly new journal called The Scientific World Journal. Consider his very first “result” (emphasis mine): I first regress the global mean temperature (GMT) anomalies against the global annual values of the main climate variable evaluated by the…

May 2012 Open thread