The Creation Museum Responds to Bill Nye the Science Guy

Bill Nye recently made a wonderful video for Big Think in which he talked about why it was so important to accept evolution: That video has received over 2,400,000 views as of this writing. Now, the Creation Museum has made a response video. Ken Ham prefaces it like this: We are [responding to Nye] today with a video rebuttal featuring our “science guys” -- Dr. David Menton and Dr. Georgia Purdom of our AiG and Creation Museum staff. These two PhD scientists were asked to … [Read More...]

The Things You Miss Out On When You’re Home-schooled…

Banana-man Ray Comfort says that homeschooled kids miss out on so many of the things public schools students experience... By not being educated by the public system, their kids will miss out on learning how to communicate using filthy language. They will also miss out on the use of illegal drugs. According to a survey by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, "Millions of U.S. teens attend ‘drug-infested schools’ where students routinely see drugs … [Read More...]

How Do Exorcists Operate?

For some reason, Pastor Michael Mohr and University of Kentucky adjunct professor Kenneth D. Royal surveyed 170 self-professed exorcists (PDF) to get an idea of what they believe. (Had they asked me, I could've just said "in bullshit" and saved them all this trouble...) Anyway, here's what … [Read More...]

I Just Feel It In My Bones…

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I Suppose It’s Not Surprising They Oppose ‘Tasting the Rainbow’…

Guys, watch out.  One Million Moms is angry again! This time it's about a Skittles commercial! For those of you who can't watch videos or are too afraid of the moral repercussions of subjecting yourself to something so depraved that One Million Moms finally had to speak up, I shall … [Read More...]

District That Lost a Challenge to Hold Graduation in a Church Will Ask the Supreme Court to Review Case

Last month, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Elmbrook School District in Brookfield, Wisconsin violated the First Amendment when it held its graduation ceremonies in a church. You can read a summary of the case here. At the time, I wrote this: The district’s last … [Read More...]

If Bibles Are Passed Out in School, Then This Family Wants To Hand Out Atheist Books

In Toronto, the Gideons want to distribute Bibles to fifth grade students. The District School Board of Niagara is letting them do it, too. But Rene and Anna Chouinard, who have three kids in the district, are fighting back. They're making an appeal of their own to the school board: If the … [Read More...]

Atheist Will Deliver Invocation Before Tulsa City Council Meeting

On Thursday night, atheist (and a founder of the Humanist Association of Tulsa) Dan Nerren will deliver the opening invocation at the Tulsa City Council meeting: "As far as I know, I'll be the first to offer a secular invocation," said Dan Nerren... ... He said several atheist groups … [Read More...]

Openly Bisexual Nontheist Kyrsten Sinema Is Winning Her Democratic Primary Race for Congress

***Update 1***: Sinema has won the primary! More updates below. If you want to support her, donate to her campaign! ... Arizona State Senator Kyrsten Sinema -- an openly bisexual nontheist -- appears to be winning her Democratic primary in the state's 9th Congressional … [Read More...]

Church Billboard Features Lesbians Atop a Wedding Cake

St-Matthew-in-the-City is the Auckland, New Zealand church known for performing civil union ceremonies and putting up the best billboards ever. They're now pushing for a marriage equality bill to pass through Parliament and they've put up a new ad in its honor: "It should be of no surprise … [Read More...]

Coach Mark Mariakis: Fire Him or Support Him?

Mark Mariakis is the public high school football coach who uses his position to proselytize to his players and bring them to Jesus. There's now a Support Coach Mariakis Facebook event page, encouraging his supporters to attend Ridgeland High School's first home football game on September 14th. … [Read More...]

Jewish Student’s Mouth Stapled Shut in Possible MSU Hate Crime

Zachary Tennen, a sophomore at Michigan State University, is recovering after he was physically beaten and his mouth was stapled shut in what his family says was a hate crime. According to CBS Detroit: He was at a house party on the 500 block of Spartan Avenue early Sunday morning when two men … [Read More...]

Gay Activist Goes Undercover At NOM Conference

Carlos Maza, a 24-year-old gay blogger and recent Wake Forest University graduate, spends much of his time chronicling the abhorrent anti-gay initiatives of the hyper-conservative National Organization for Marriage. When he applied to take part in an "Emerging Leaders" program as part of the … [Read More...]

New Zealand Creationist Politician Now Supports Same-Sex Marriage

Just a week ago, John Banks was known to me only as New Zealand's Creationism-believing Associate Education Minister. But there's reason to applaud him this week. There's a marriage equality bill going through the NZ Parliament and Banks has voiced his enthusiastic support for it! When … [Read More...]