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This Week: Free Student Memberships, Speaker Tours, and Checking In

Free Student Membership

Did you know that the SSA offers free memberships to students? It's different than being a member of a group that's affiliated with us (which is, of course, awesome). Being a free student member gives you a freaking membership card with your name printed on it-- oh, and discounts to our annual conference and eligibility for Leadership Travel Aid (aka free money for you to go to cool secular events).

If you aren't a Free Student Member (FSM, ha ha) already, you should fix that right now by signing up here! And once you've done that, you should email that link to all of your group members so they can become FSMs as well.

Speaker Tours

Two members of our Speakers Bureau are touring around the US currently. Edward Falzon wrote the satirical book "Being Gay is Disgusting" and is able to talk or debate any topic relating to religion, morality, and sometimes evolution. He will be visiting all 50 states, plus six Canadian provinces until February of 2013.

Shelley Segal is an Australian singer-songwriter who performed at the Reason Rally in March. She will be travelling around the US until April of 2013, so see if she's available in your area!

Checking In With Campus Organizers

The school year is rapidly approaching! With new classes, moving in to the dorms, and other various back-to-school issues, running a group can seem extra daunting! Don't worry, the campus organizers have got your back.

If you have any idea for something to do this year (or worse, no ideas!), but aren't sure how to start it-- send us an email or give us a call! Our campus organizers all have experience and knowledge in running groups and activities, and can certainly help get you started. Sometimes the first step is the hardest, and we can get you going so you can have an extra-successful year!


Photo of the Week

Having fun with lightsabers at our conference- who said conferences aren't any fun?

Send us your photos!
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SSA Leaderspace
Are you a gamer? Join secular students all over the world in our Steam Community Group!

Featured Speaker
Abby Hafer
As a professor of Anatomy & Physiology, Abby Hafer quickly realized the "Intelligent Design" argument was political, not scientific. With this figured out, she realized that what we need is political-style arguments in defense of evolution. Her presentation "Unintelligent Design" contains bulletproof science, but is short, easy to understand, easy to repeat, and makes the opposition look bad.
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A Night of Reason with Aron Ra (Presented by Eastern Illinois University Society for Freethought)

In April 2012, EIU Society for Freethought was able to host Aron Ra thanks to the Speakers Bureau from the national SSA. This article summarizes the experiences of that event for the group.

Our club, the Eastern Illinois University Society for Free Thought, is brand new. I started it in January with five Aronmembers, and five people willing to put their name on the list so I could apply for official school recognition. By the end of the semester, we counted over 30, and had created a strong presence at the university, the climax of which was our “Ask an Atheist Day” and speech by AronRa.


This Week: Light the Night fundraising, Alumni Program, Alexander Aan Petition

Light the Night Fundraising


Has your group created a Light the Night team yet? It's easy and a great charity effort-- not to mention, all the money your team raises will be matched by the Stiefel Family. The Light the Night effort is year long, so it isn't too late to sign up and create your own team or join an existing team. If you create a team, don't forget to incorporate FBB and SSA in your team name. And let us know, too! We are proud of our 25 Light the Night teams representing secular students across the US-- can we make it 50 teams?

If your LTN team is raising money, you will get free food! LLS and Resturant.com are teaming up to provide groups free meals at various dining locations. If your group raised $250 or more betweenJuly 1st and August 31st, you will receive a free coupon code. More details here!

Alumni Membership!

Did you know the SSA now has an Alumni program? If you know of any recent graduates from your group, let them know they can stay involved with the SSA!

Alexander Aan Petition

 Alexander Aan is an Indonesian national who posted on his Facebook page that he doubted the existence of god. He was mobbed and put into jail for doing so. A WhiteHouse.gov Petition has been started, calling on the President to make a statement denouncing the actions of the Indonesian government in regards to jailing Aan. You can sign the petition here. Share it with your group members and hopefully we can reach the goal of 25,000 signatures.


Group Photo of the Week

The SSA at University of Central Florida took some time to do a 'running' photo shoot for us. They held still long enough to send us this photo!

Send us your photos!
New Leader?
No Longer a Leader?
Let us know!
SSA Leaderspace

Missed the SSA's Annual Conference? Didn't get to see all the talks? We're constantly posting new videos to our 
YouTube Channel so you can check them out! The latest video comes from Margarette Shegog, who led an impromptu discussion on diversity in groups.

Featured Speaker
Richard Carrier
Richard Carrier is a professional historian, published philosopher, and prominent defender of the American freethought movement. Dr. Carrier has appeared across the country and on national television defending sound historical methods and the ethical worldview of secular naturalism.
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Reason Rally 2012 (Presented by Secular Students at Collin College)

In March 2012, Secular Students at Collin College were able to attend the Reason Rally in Washington D.C. thanks to a Project Grant from the national SSA. This article summarizes the experiences of that event for the group.

With the help from Metroplex Atheists and the Secular Student Alliance, Secular Students at Collin College was able to take nine of our members to the Reason Rally in Washington, DC.  Although we had to scramble to arrange transportation as the Rally Bus was canceled only a week before, we teamed up with local off-campus organizations to rent vans and make the trip.  We took two passenger vans and split our members between them.



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