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"Louisiana's Loch Ness mythology"

The Baton Rouge Advocate (August 16, 2012) editorially excoriated Louisiana's controversial new voucher program for its funding of schools that "not only teach creationist nonsense, but are proud of it."

A glimpse of Global Weirdness

Global Weirdness

NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Climate Central's Global Weirdness (Pantheon, 2012).

Polling climate change in Canada

A new survey addresses the views of Canadians on climate change.

A worry from Missouri

Is a new amendment to the Missouri state constitution going to undermine the teaching of evolution in the state's public schools?

Kentucky legislators assailing evolution

Legislators in the Kentucky state senate are concerned about the presence of evolution in the state science standards and associated end-of-course testing.


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