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World Report to Thursday Jun 14, 2012

Timeline from 4.3 million years ago

Countries: maps, charts and profiles

quick access:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z


Before 1000 BCE | 1000 BCE to 500 CE

6th-15th Centuries | 16-17th Centuries | 18-19th Centuries

1901 to World War II | 1945 to 21st Century


More recent:

Syria: Vapid Descriptions from the Ivory Tower (June 12)

False Statements against a Candidate (June 1)

Financialization and Regulation Debate (April 28)

Access: from the top, History, Politics, Syria, War and more

chart: Increasing share of the finance industry in the U.S. economy

chart: Gross National Debt, 1950 to December 31, 2011

chart: Tax Revenues as a percentage of GDP -- Truman to Obama

chart: U.S. Credit Market Dept as a percentage of GDP, 1923-2011

chart: Wealth Distribution and Productivity, 1979-2009


Macrohistories | Map indexes | Book Summaries

Mistakes: 1914 to Vietnam | Movies and History

Inside a Few Heads | Bits of History

Definitions | Bibliography

Admitted changes to June 1, 2012

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