2 hour +/- 30 minutes warning till the start of the announced down time. See the tech blog for updates.

from Tmtoulouse (Talk), group Site wide (urgent) at 01:39, 22 July 2012

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Fossil areas across landmasses, supporting continental drift.

One of the most widespread beliefs that does not reflect reality is that the world is only a few thousand years old. This article presents the evidence against a recent creation, or a "young Earth", which is the core belief of young Earth creationists, biblical literalists and fundamentalists of many religions.

This is a whistle-stop tour of all the evidence gathered by scientists over the past few hundred years that show the Earth is much older than a literal reading of an old book suggests. From dendrochronology, the study of tree rings, that show the Earth is more than 10,000 years old, to radioactive decay and distant starlight, that show that the world is more than a billion years old, it is an indisputable fact, based on all the evidence we can gather, that the world is far older than creationists claim.

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