Linus Torvalds reviews, loves, the Google Nexus 7 | ZDNet           var cbsiAdGlobal = { "SITE" : "2", "NCAT" : "800046", "PTYPE" : "8301", "CID" : "7000001510", "NODE" : "800046", "BRAND" : "2", "STAGING" : "0", "CNET-PAGE-GUID" : "60e78ffdc21df6e82a7", "TAG" : "Linux, Android, Tablets", "regSys" : "1", "regId" : "", "lgnSts" : "0" }, cbsiAds = []; cbsiRegisterAdGlobals(cbsiAdGlobal); cbsiSetDeferredLocalPage("/MantaRay_LocalPage.html");    DW.pageParams = { asid: '7000001510', astid: '2000008', ctype: 'asset', cval: '7000001510', onid: '800046', pgnbr: '1', ptid: '8301', siteid: '2', pguid: '60e78ffdc21df6e82a7' }; DW.regSilo = 3; DW.pageParams.x_breadcrumb = 800046;    (function(){ var cbsiAd80_100 = { "SP" : "80", "POS" : "100" }; cbsiGetAd(cbsiAd80_100); })();       ZDNet            Log In | Join ZDNet     Home  White Papers Hot Topics Downloads Reviews Newsletters       US Edition is available in the following editions: Asia Australia Europe United Kingdom United States ZDNet around the globe: ZDNet Benelux ZDNet China ZDNet France ZDNet Germany ZDNet Korea ZDNet Japan ZDNet Netherlands      Topics   Data Centers Olympics 2012 Patents Apple Microsoft Security Mobility Windows All Writers     Log In   Log In Join ZDNet          (function(){ var ad = { NAME: 'cbsiAd119_100', PREHTML: '
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   Read this: How to skip Windows 8 and continue using Windows 7    Topic: Linux 

  Follow via:  RSS Email Alert      Linus Torvalds reviews, loves, the Google Nexus 7 Summary: Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, reviews the Nexus 7 tablet on Google+ and loves it.

   By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols for Linux and Open Source | July 24, 2012 -- 19:48 GMT (12:48 PDT) 

 Follow @sjvn     Linus Torvalds loves his Google Nexus 7 tablet.  Linus Torvalds, Linux's inventor, software developer extraordinary, and, now, tablet reviewer! On Google+, Torvalds reviewed his Nexus 7 tablet and like ZDNet reviewers such as James Kendrick, he loved it.Of course, it's not perfect. Torvalds wrote, “Yes, the camera is front-facing only, and there's a good reason there's not even a camera app on the thing by default: it's pretty nasty. But does anybody really care? You'd look like a complete dork trying to take photos with a tablet anyway. It's probably fine enough for some video conferencing, but since that's not my thing let's just say 'whatever.'”As for the operating system, Android 4.1, Jelly Bean, he, unlike ZDNet's Jason Perlow, likes the Nexus 7's default “plain android look.” Torvalds also found it “smoother, and that Jelly Bean is “picking up some of the best extensions (like app folder shortcuts). Yes, resizable widgets etc. And a lot of small improvement just in general.”As or the applications, Torvalds and I agree on one point, on Gmail “the %^$* thing still cannot be set to send just plain-text emails. Why, google, why? Good technical mailing lists all know that html email is just spam or marketing people, and auto-delete html crap. Just give me the option to send text-only, ok?” Amen brother. We also agree about the Nexus 7's side. “I think the 10" tablets are too big. The 8.9" form factor is better. And I think the 7" one is better yet, although I wouldn't dismiss something in between those two (ie the rumored apple mini-tablet size of 7.85" doesn't sound bad either).”When it came to use as an e-reader though Torvalds still prefers a Kindle. That's because “E-Ink really is nicer for reading. And the kindle is lighter, which to me is a big deal while reading. I've got the Kindle Touch, but I think I'll switch to the even lighter Kindle 4 ("Kindle 5"?) if it gets a front-light.” Personally, when it comes to e-readers, I'm a Barnes & Noble Nook fan. That said, Toravlds thinks “the Nexus 7 is a perfectly fine reader, and with color, magazines etc work. Torvalds sums up: “It's solid. If you simply don't like tablets (or android), I doubt the Nexus 7 will really change your mind, but if you were borderline, the new price-point (for a quality device - there's been cheap tablets before, but they've really been pretty bad) and the incremental improvements might be enough to push people over the line.”I've just started playing with mine, but based on what I've seen I'd agree. The Nexus 7 is a lot of tablet for the money. That is, if you can find a Nexus 7 you can buy. They're selling at an incredible clip. Related Stories:Nexus 7 hands-on: Form and function meet flash and panacheApp comparison: iPad vs. Nexus 7 -- no clear winnerHow to make your Nexus 7 not suckGoogle's Nexus 7: Android tablets have the same old problemsNexus 7 and the start of my Google life

   Topics: Linux, Android, Tablets 

      About Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, aka sjvn, has been writing about technology and the business of technology since CP/M-80 was the cutting edge, PC operating system. Elsewhere on ZDNet, SJVN covers gNetworking and Open Source.

  Google+ Follow @sjvn Contact    Kick off your day with ZDNet's daily email newsletter. It's the freshest tech news and opinion, served hot. Get it.

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     Talkback  54 comments Log in or register to join the discussion     Linus Torvalds loves it  must be good.   daikon 24 July, 2012 20:04    Reply  5 Votes      SJVN is back again with Crap #2  Another SJVN fan-boy propaganda...   owllnet 24 July, 2012 20:22    Reply  4 Votes      So point out the errors in this piece  I dislike a lot of the stuff that he puts out, but this isn't one of the bad articles.   Michael Alan Goff 24 July, 2012 20:40    Reply  10 Votes      When you do something  as impressive as the Linux kernel, maybe we'll value your opinion over a winner like Linus. Right now, you're just another crapple fanboy spouting off.   timspublic1@... 24 July, 2012 20:59    Reply  15 Votes      Owlinet is back again with Crap # 2  and I stand behind this message :-)   SoYouSaid 25 July, 2012 16:39    Reply  3 Votes      Re; Another SJVN fan-boy propaganda...  @owllnet You are really good at spewing nonsense !   hkommedal 26 July, 2012 22:43    Reply   Vote        If a Comment is made on Google+ is it similar to a.....  .....Tree falling in the forest?   SmoothDouglas 24 July, 2012 20:34    Reply  12 Votes      And your comment is like...  A piece of crap falling in the sewer?   coco montoya 24 July, 2012 20:47    Reply  13 Votes        Linus Torvalds reviews, loves, the Google Nexus 7  Of course he does, its running the product he copycatted from others. It'd be a surprise if he didn't like a product with his OS on it. Wait until he finds out someone doesn't like it then he can go into another one of his childish rants and drop a few f bombs.   Loverock Davidson- 24 July, 2012 20:49    Reply  5 Votes      Indeed!  Hear, hear!!! And by the way: "Linus Torvalds, Linux's inventor" is a more than incorrect statement, worse, it's B.S. We all know that a complete O.S. is MUCH more than a kernel alone. The person who started developing the (GNU) user-land is Richard Stalman and many, many others have joined the project and devoted countless hours doing most of the development of what we now (should) call GNU/Linux. The GNU kernel, HURD, wasn't ready but the OS would have worked just as good, if not better, with the FreeBSD kernel.   casse_couille 24 July, 2012 22:06    Reply  6 Votes      Correct  Wow there's intelligent life in ZDnet comments. Have to come here more often.   gkpm 24 July, 2012 22:19    Reply  1 Vote      Re; Correct  @anonymous  NOT correct.   hkommedal 26 July, 2012 22:52    Reply   Vote        Discounting the ...  NSA code, maybe. The kernel it is not the full OS but the kernel part (nucleus)   orendon 24 July, 2012 23:02    Reply  1 Vote      Wrong when you say OS it  is kernel end of the story! others are just apps which connect to kernel (OS) we have distros which GNU made a lot of efforts for them or android which google made it or IOS in cisco products etc   MehranNZ 25 July, 2012 10:29    Reply  2 Votes      Indeed - not!  "And by the way: "Linus Torvalds, Linux's inventor" is a more than incorrect statement, worse, it's B.S. We all know that a complete O.S. is MUCH more than a kernel alone."  It's you who is talking B.S. Linux is the kernel, not the whole operating system. Your confusion is probably caused by the fact that for the sake of briefness and convenience the name "Linux" is often used of the combination of Linux kernel and other software which complements Linux so that a full operating system is formed.   So Linux Torvalds can in all fairness be called Linux's inventor. He's work was based on the work of many others, but that's the case with almost all inventions. You don't invent big things all by yourself nowadays.   Ademeion 25 July, 2012 15:53    Reply  2 Votes      Re; . . a complete O.S. is MUCH more than a kernel alone. . .  Yes. And Linux IS the kernel !  Linux, which IS a kernel, was invented by Linus Torvalds.  This is actually a quite well known fact.   hkommedal 26 July, 2012 22:50    Reply   Vote        Didn't take long...  for the Lovie asshole to show up, now did it.  lol...   CaviarBlack 24 July, 2012 22:18    Reply  10 Votes      Loverock Davidson + Windows Fan Boy = worthless poster  And I stand behind this message   SoYouSaid 25 July, 2012 16:42    Reply  7 Votes      Once again, I challenge you  Show your IT credentials Loverock. Prove you know something other than the drivel you post because you are a clueless fool.   SeanConnery007 25 July, 2012 17:03    Reply  4 Votes      Re; Show your IT credentials Loverock.  He already has. Every time. All of it.  "What ?", you say.  All of nothing is the answer.   hkommedal 26 July, 2012 22:56    Reply   Vote           1 2 3 Next         (function(){ var ad = { NAME: 'cbsiAd110_100', POSTHTML: '', PREHTML: '
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