Corporate Governance - What do shareholders really value?
Corporate Governance - What do shareholders really value?
Can corporations' relentless focus on maximising shareholder wealth actually harm investors? UNSW's Professor Justin O'Brien talks to UCLA's Professor Lynn Stout about her ideas which challenge traditional views on corporate law and the shareholder. Lynn Stout, the Paul Hastings Distinguished Professor of Corporate and Securities Law at UCLA, has been described as "the closest thing to a rockstar in Corporate Governance". Professor Stout advocates the end of shareholder primacy where public corporations belong to their shareholders and firms exist for one purpose only - to maximise shareholder wealth. However, modern corporate practice needn't be this way. Professor Stout argues that shareholder value thinking actually harms investors, over time and as a class. Professor Justin O'Brien is the Director of UNSW's Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation. This is the second seminar in the series "In Who or What do We Trust". For more info on UNSW's Faculty of Law please visit the website: www.law.unsw.edu.au
Rethinking what shareholder value means
Rethinking what shareholder value means
By not ending too early, the current financial and economic crisis can actually be beneficial for shareholder value, says Urs Peyer, INSEAD associate professor of finance.
Creating Shareholder Value
Creating Shareholder Value
CFO Janet Clark and VP of Investor Relations/Public Affairs Howard Thill discuss Marathon Oil's strategy for creating sustainable shareholder value.
shoot that term - "maximizing shareholder value"
shoot that term - "maximizing shareholder value"
1st in a series of video posts on business terms that need to go
Hermann Simon über Gewinnoptimierung und Shareholder Value Simon-Kucher Jubiläumskonferenz
Hermann Simon über Gewinnoptimierung und Shareholder Value Simon-Kucher Jubiläumskonferenz
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Hermann Simon spricht in der Zusammenfassung seines Vortrags die Wichtigkeit von langfristiger Gewinnorientierung und Shareholder Value an. Vortrag anlässlich der Jubiläumskonferenz "Gewinn - was sonst?!" von Simon-Kucher & Partners
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (1 of 8)
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (1 of 8)
Tips and tools for business bankers
Balancing Shareholder Value and Corporate Responsibility
Balancing Shareholder Value and Corporate Responsibility
Operations Management Seminar: Demand-supply mismatch and shareholder value, Dr Vinod Singhal
Operations Management Seminar: Demand-supply mismatch and shareholder value, Dr Vinod Singhal
www.essec.edu | On May 4, 2010, Dr. Vinod Singhal participated in the ESSEC Operations Management Department seminar. Dr. Vinod Singhal is from the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Management and is Departmental Editor of Production and Operations Management; Associate Editor of Management Science; Associate Editor of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM). Dr Singhal presented his paper about demand-supply mismatch and shareholder value. Abstract This paper documents that excess inventory announcements, an indication of demand-supply mismatch, are associated with an economically and statistically significant negative stock market reaction. Over a two-day period (the day of the announcement and the day before the announcement) the mean (median) the stock market reaction ranges from -6.79% to -6.93% (-4.51% to -4.79%) depending on the benchmark used to estimate the market reaction. The percent of sample firms that experience negative market reaction ranges from 73% to 74%. When excess inventory is at the announcing firm's customers, the market reaction is more negative than when the excess inventory is at the announcing firm. The stock market reaction is less negative for excess inventory announcements made by larger firms but more negative for firms with higher growth prospects and with higher debt-equity ratios. Excess inventory situations leads to higher stock price volatility and lower operating profitability.
Strategy Execution at Bell Canada Helps Build Shareholder Value
Strategy Execution at Bell Canada Helps Build Shareholder Value
Strategy Execution at Bell Canada Helps Build Shareholder Value: Employes reflect on the Building Shareholder Value Program, a custom business simulation designed to build alignment around the company's new strategy and performance measurement system. To learn more, visit: www.bts.com
Maximizing Shareholder Value Slideshow
Maximizing Shareholder Value Slideshow
In October 2009, FC Advisors recently participated in a Webinar hosted titled, How to Build Pump Company Revenues and Profits by The Mcilvaine Company, a leading independent market research firm to the Flow Control industry. Among other topics discussed by Troy Pawelko, Founder and Managing Director of FC Advisors, was why most M&A transactions are not successful and offered some suggestions on what an acquiror should do in order to maximize the value of an acquired company.
Serengeti Resources - We create shareholder value through discovery
Serengeti Resources - We create shareholder value through discovery
Serengeti Resources Inc. is a Vancouver based junior exploration company focused on exploration for copper (Cu), gold (Au) and molybdenum (Mo) deposits in the Quesnel Trough, Northern British Columbia - the largest copper-gold porphyry belt in Canada. . This interview with David Moore, President & CEO, was recorded on the International Precious Metals & Commodities Show in November 2010 in Munich.
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (2 of 8)
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (2 of 8)
Tips and tools for business bankers
John Chambers Cisco - Shareholder Value
John Chambers Cisco - Shareholder Value
20 April 2012 Bloomberg John Chambers is Chairman and CEO of Cisco Systems. His company has become the largest maker of computer equipment. He predicts a new era for IT platforms and cloud computing. Cisco aims to direct that transition. [What about shareholder value?] You used to get rewarded by profits. In the last decade we have increased revenues by 300 per cent, profits by 400 per cent. Yet our stock prices hasn't performed well. What happens is that many large caps, when you achieve this growth you need very high multiples, in order to get high earnings [Wow] . Today we have a low multiple at 12. So you would have had to increase your profits by 500 per cent. But I don't want to use that as an excuse! It's more about where you are going in your industry. The market is pretty good, I would say to the investment community you're wrong [I think they are!]
Prof. Fredmund Malik: Gefahr Shareholder Value, 23.10.2008
Prof. Fredmund Malik: Gefahr Shareholder Value, 23.10.2008
Fredmund Malik über die Gefahr "Shareholder Value" am 3. internationalen Bionik-Kongress am 23.10.2008 in Luzern. www.malik-management.com
Shuba Srinivasan on the link between marketing and shareholder value - Marketing Meets Wall Street
Shuba Srinivasan on the link between marketing and shareholder value - Marketing Meets Wall Street
Shuba Srinivasan, associate marketing professor at Boston University School of Management, on developing an improved understanding of the link between marketing and shareholder value at the Marketing Meets Wall Street conference held at Boston University School of Management May 13-14, 2011.
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (3 of 8)
Creating Shareholder Value for Bankers (3 of 8)
Tips and tools for business bankers
Sound Oil CFO says its priority is to turn the NPV into shareholder value
Sound Oil CFO says its priority is to turn the NPV into shareholder value
8.3.12 James Parsons, CFO of Sound Oil plc (LON:SOU) tells Proactiveinvestors that the company is prioritising turning the independently assessed Net Present Value (NPV) of above $1bln into shareholder value. James says the current drill programme equates to about 10p per share in the success case across the wells that its drilling in the next year (2p for Nervesa and 4p for Strombone).
Tom Bonham Carter talks about shareholder value and boardroom transparency
Tom Bonham Carter talks about shareholder value and boardroom transparency
20/9/11 Tom Bonham Carter, Co-Founder at Armstrong Bonham Carter, tells Proactive Investors that shareholders must tell companies what they expect their companies to do. Tom says that a lack of transparency is still an issue, with there being limited opportunity for shareholders to analyse the operation of a company board.
How ConAgra Foods uses financial metrics tied to shop floor performance to enhance shareholder value
How ConAgra Foods uses financial metrics tied to shop floor performance to enhance shareholder value
Peter Hock, Senior Director of Continuous Improvement at ConAgra Foods discusses the relationship between financial reporting and manufacturing operations performance with Joyce Fassl, Editor in Chief at Food Engineering Magazine. Peter addresses the following questions: 1. Do you think that most manufacturers struggle with the division between operations and finance, and what strategies do you recommend for those that do? 2. For those manufacturers just launching a continuous improvement initiative, what are the first steps that you suggest for successful change management? 3. I understand that there are potentially hundreds of things to measure along the production line to evaluate performance, so how does ConAgra decide which metrics are the right ones? 4. What's the best way to place a financial value on incremental improvements? Filmed at the Food Automation & Manufacturing Conference and Expo in Palm Beach, FL, April 3-6, 2011.
Creating Shareholder Value for Business Bankers #8 of 8
Creating Shareholder Value for Business Bankers #8 of 8
Tips and tools for business bankers
Unternehmenserfolg, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Shareholder-Value
Unternehmenserfolg, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Shareholder-Value
Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit zum Führungsziel zu machen erscheint vielen als nicht mehr denn eine schöne Utopie. In den meisten Unternehmen zählt nicht der Mitarbeiter, sondern der Shareholder-Value. Dr. Lothar Mayrhofer über die Frage, wie sich Unternehmenserfolg, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Shareholder-Value in Einklang bringen lassen. Dr. Lothar Mayrhofer, Autor von "Die Welt der neuen Art", www.lotharmayrhofer.com #3