Breakfast Will Tear Us Apart

  • Monday 6-9am

A diversity of local and other music, plus interviews and info to assist you in engaging with Monday morning as it tears you apart from the weekend.

Andrew Bartlett marked the end to his time in the Senate back in July 2008 by getting back behind the ZZZ announcer's desk for the first time in around 16 years. After 18 months on the Thursday breakfast shift, he has now switched to Monday mornings.

Describing his show, Andrew says "I try to make sure I feature a diverse range of music, including plenty of the fabulous bands - past and present - from Brisbane and elsewhere in our region."

"Around 8:30 each week, I talk with Peter Black , a fervent follower of issues, social and mainstream media, as he explores some of the current public and political issues of the week." Podcasts of some of the other interviews done on the show can be listened to at this link.

All that, interspersed with urgings for listeners to subscribe and help keep ZZZ going strong for the next 35 years. (plus occasional giveaways to subscribers - just one of the many benefits of subscribing.)

Program Info

