
Verona Nahodou music video www.facebook.com...
published: 29 Jun 2006
Author: Erajka
Verona Nahodou music video www.facebook.com

Verona - Italia
Verona is an ancient city in the Veneto region and the second largest after Venice. Verona...
published: 02 Nov 2009
Author: Psikik90
Verona - Italia
Verona is an ancient city in the Veneto region and the second largest after Venice. Verona is situated on the river Adige and the surrounding hills give the city a most romantic feeling. Maybe this is the reason Shakespeare chose Verona for the set of his Romeo and Juliet, although he never visited Verona. erona has a lot of Roman remains, one of them the magnificent Arena di Verona built in the 1st century AD. The Arena is the third largest in the world after the Colosseum in Rome and the amphitheatre in Capua near Naples. The Arena was used for gladiator battles, theatre and public executions. Today Arena di Verona is used for opera performances and the most frequently played is Verdis Aida. The Arena can hold 25000 people. It has elliptical shape and is 139m (456ft) long and 110m (361ft) wide. Piazza delle Erbe was built on the spot of an ancient Roman forum. It is one of the focal points in Verona. Piazza Erbe has colorful market and is always busy. The piazza has been a market place for 2000 years and today is lined with art galleries, boutiques and elegant cafes. The fountain at the centre of Piazza Erbe was installed in 1368 and on the top is the statue of the Madona of Verona, which in fact is a Roman statue. On the north side of the square a column with the Venetian lion on top symbolizes the Venetian rule under which Verona fell in 1405. The Duomo Santa Maria Matricolare is a magnificent 8th century church with Romanesque portals and cloisters. The highlight of <b>...</b>

VERONA Stay With Me ( video )
director: Roman Sustek (Slovakia) link: www.rproduction.sk artist: Verona title: Stay With...
published: 04 Jul 2008
Author: rproduction
VERONA Stay With Me ( video )
director: Roman Sustek (Slovakia) link: www.rproduction.sk artist: Verona title: Stay With Me country: Czech style: dance

Verona -- You gotta move on
Verona -- You gotta move on...
published: 20 Feb 2008
Author: sdobos
Verona -- You gotta move on
Verona -- You gotta move on

Verona-Nejsi sam
Verona-Nejsi sam www.facebook.com...
published: 15 May 2006
Author: Erajka
Verona-Nejsi sam
Verona-Nejsi sam www.facebook.com

of Verona - Castles - Music Video
Official Music Video for Castles, off our debut album, The White Apple. Web Site: ofVerona...
published: 24 Jul 2012
Author: ofveronamusic
of Verona - Castles - Music Video
Official Music Video for Castles, off our debut album, The White Apple. Web Site: ofVerona.com iTunes bit.ly Directed By: Catie Laffoon Edited By: Thomas Uncles Animation By: Robyn Yannoukos Location: Swing House Studios (Hollywood, CA)

Verona - Girotondo
New song by the Czech group Verona...
published: 10 Jun 2006
Author: Richey2589
Verona - Girotondo
New song by the Czech group Verona

Geographer "Verona" - AllSaints Basement Sessions Treasure Island Special
On the second week of October in San Francisco, something very special happened on a disus...
published: 15 Nov 2011
Author: AllSaintsShop
Geographer "Verona" - AllSaints Basement Sessions Treasure Island Special
On the second week of October in San Francisco, something very special happened on a disused Naval base placed on a man made landmass looking onto San Francisco Bay. That island is Treasure Island; and that very special event was the Treasure Island Music Festival. AllSaints Basement Sessions joined this very unique gathering for its fifth successful year, and got to hand pick some of our favourite artists to join the sessions over the two days. The breathtaking backdrop of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge served as the perfect setting for some of the finest contemporary names in music today. AllSaints Basement Sessions Treasure Island Special proudly presents... Aloe Blacc The Antlers Geographer Battles Jesse Keeler (DFA1979, MSTRKRFT) The Naked and Famous Weekend Enjoy, AllSaints. AllSaints.com/Music

verona - naposled
verona - naposled...
published: 07 Jul 2008
Author: zuuzatko
verona - naposled
verona - naposled

Verona, Italy: Joy of the Veneto
The mainland surrounding Venice — the Veneto — is one of the overlooked corner...
published: 07 Apr 2010
Author: RickSteves
Verona, Italy: Joy of the Veneto
The mainland surrounding Venice — the Veneto — is one of the overlooked corners of Italy. If you like Italy but don't need world-class sights, the Veneto's Verona is a joy, with its wealth of Roman ruins, 15th-century frescoes, and quiet, pedestrian-only ambience. For more information on the Rick Steves' Europe TV series — including episode descriptions, scripts, participating stations, travel information on destinations and more — visit www.ricksteves.com.

Craig Armstrong - O Verona
Craig Armstrong - O-Verona. Original Version...
published: 19 Jul 2008
Author: jackmanou
Craig Armstrong - O Verona
Craig Armstrong - O-Verona. Original Version

Verona video
Video Verona...
published: 02 Dec 2006
Author: camillimarco
Verona video
Video Verona
Vimeo results:

Margarita, inspired on Rubén Dario´s poem, is a lyrical short film where music, poetry and...
published: 30 Oct 2009
Margarita, inspired on Rubén Dario´s poem, is a lyrical short film where music, poetry and color fuse together to bring to life the story of a young princess who leaves behind her extraordinary life to follow her own dream.
It's a journey full of hopes and dreams for all those brave people who want to shine and follow their own star.
Awards and Selections:
• Animadrid
• Animacor
• Animac
• Animacor 2009
• Animacor 2009
• Goya (nominados) 2010
• 5th Athens AnimFest 2010.
• I Tirant Avant 2010
• Animabasauri-Animabasque 2010.
• 14 Festival La Fila de Cortometrajes 2010.
• Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Torrelavega 2010.
• SICAF 2010 Festival de animación de Seoul/Korea 2010.
• NAFF 2010 / NEUM ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL 2010 / Bosnia y Herzegovina 2010.
• Animamundi 2010 2010.
• 15° Festival Internacional de Cine para Niños (...y no tan Niños) MEXICO 2010.
• 7ª Muestra de Cine de Lavapiés 2010.
• 8º Festival de Cine de Ponferrada 2010.
• N.Y. International Latino Film Festival 2010.
• II Festival Internacional de Cortos de Gines "Gines en Corto" 2010
• Sapporo International Short Film Festival and Market 2010.
• 7th edition of ANONIMUL International Independent Film Festival 2010.
• 26th Warsaw Film Festival 2010.
• 21st Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival 2010.
• La linterna Mágika 2010.
• Muestra de Cortos el Tormo 2010.
• Chicago International Film Festival 2010.
• Festival TOFUZI / Best film for children 2010.
• FIBABC / Festival iberoamericano de cortos ABC.
• Mostra de Valencia 2010.
• Leuven Short Film Festival 2010.
• Animasyros 3.0 2010.
• 11th Totonto Latin media arts ALUCINE 2010.
• Cinema film festival St. Louise 2010.
• FICI (International Children and Youth Film Festival) 2010.
• Cineo 2010
• 10º edición de Cortomieres
• XXXIII Edición de la Semana Int. del Cortometraje de San Roque
• California Independent Film Festival
• Cinequest 2011
• La grande côte en solitaire
• 18 Stuttgart International Festival of animated films
• Cartoons on the Bay
• 2011 Nashville Film Festival
• Short for Kids - Verona Film Festival
• Tumbleweeds Film Festival for Children and Youth
• 5ª edición del Corto Festival DUNAS
• 6to Festival de música de cine de Úbeda.
• 26º Festival Quartmetratges 2010.
• 3D Wire
• Clearmont-Ferrand
Un cortometraje de Hampa studio, con colaboración de:
• Ministerio de Cultura / ICAA
• RTVV / Radiotelevisión Valenciana
• Banjo Music
• RecLab
• IndigoMedia

Verona × Edits
Verona, Italy
published: 30 Oct 2011
Author: Ian Coyle
Verona × Edits
Verona, Italy

Xc Tregnago 2012
FilMotion 2012
GoPro riders:
Davide Finetto | Km Sport
Eder Medeiros | Focus Italia
XC VE...
published: 14 Mar 2012
Author: FilMotion // Luca Carton
Xc Tregnago 2012
FilMotion 2012
GoPro riders:
Davide Finetto | Km Sport
Eder Medeiros | Focus Italia
XC VERONA - 1° Trofeo città di Tregnago
La prima prova del progetto XC VERONA e del trittico GSG North Cup che, sembrava semplicemente una scommessa, ha raccolto entusiastici commenti. A Tregnago, piccolo centro pedemontano dell’est veronese, dove i prodotti tipici locali come il formaggio Monte DOP, il vino e l’olio d’oliva d’annata sono il fiore all’occhiello ed il vanto dei suoi cittadini è il caso di affermare che gli organizzatori di BiBike Andreis Team hanno utilizzato gli ingredienti giusti.
Aggiungiamo il fascino fatato della collina, del castello mediovale e del faggeto con ai piedi un geometrico vigneto, ma sta di fatto che tra i trecento iscritti circa della prova cross country veronese c’erano anche nomi illustri di stranieri già distintisi in alcune prove di Coppa del Mondo.
Gli interminabili cambi di pendenza e di direzione tra i mille arbusti ed i single track e le drop, hanno creato il giusto compromesso per una gara di grande spessore tecnico, come lo sono stati del resto i suoi interpreti. Su tutti Martino Fruet (Carraro Team Trentino), nella foto, probabile olimpico a Londra 2012, reduce dal ritiro con i compagni di nazionale ma anche da un infortunio che ne ha tardato la preparazione.
E’ stato proprio l’azzurro Fruet ad accendere la miccia della competizione con una partenza a razzo ed un giro record del tracciato. Lo spettacolo offerto nei tratti tecnici del persorso e gli applausi a scena aperta di centinaia di appassionati accalcati nei punti più tecnici del percorso lo hanno reso indomabile sino a fine gara, tanto da infliggere quattro minuti all’estone Martin Loo (Hard Rock Merida) sul secondo gradino del podio. Efrem Bonelli (KM Bottecchia Pro Team) ha completato il podio della categoria elite insidiato fino all’ultimo dal compagno di formazione Davide Finetto, da Walter Costa (Silmax Cannondale Racing Team) e, dagli inaspettati stranieri Lucas Hollrigl (Powerbike Team) e il tedesco Daniel Federspiel (Bike and Run), soprannominato il re dello short track, frenato però da una foratura nei momenti topici della gara. Proprio la presenza degli atleti d’oltralpe e di alcune atlete azzurre, guardate a vista dal c.t. della nazionale femminile Paola Pezzo, hanno reso ancor più interessante anche la prova delle donne elite vinta da Anna Oberparlaiter (Hard Rock Merida) su Marta Pastore (Canossa Merida) e Judith Pollinger compagna di squadra della vincitrice. Tra gli Under dominio fin dalle prime battute e vittoria per Filippo Giuliani (Axevo Alba Orobie Bike) sugli azzurri Martino Dipierdomenico (Hard Rock Merida) e Lorenzo Samparisi (Canossa Merida).
Ma se questo era stato il vero epilogo di giornata, non da meno sono stati i giovani agonisti che nella prima mattinata avevano imitato i campioni affermati. Proprio così perché nelle categorie giovanili hanno imitato Fruet anche l’esordiente Adolfo Canal (Team Todesco Green Project) giunto sul traguardo con un buon margine di vantaggio su Filippo Chiodi Hard Rock Merida e su Tommaso Zarantonello (S.C. Barbieri). Nella categoria allievi 2° anno ha esordito alla grande il bergamasco Daniel Tassetti del Todesco Green Project che ha battuto l’ex compagno di squadra e pari età Davide Sonzogni (Pol Sorisolese) precedendo anche gli allievi 1° anno Giorgio Rossi (Bianchi TX Active), Stefano Freoni (Todesco Green Project) e Oscar Vairetti (Bianchi TX Active).
La giovane esordiente Katia Moro (Bianchi TX Active) esordiente primo anno ha battuto tutte le avversarie precedendo Angela Scrinzi (Carraro Team Trentino) e Martina Guerrera (MTB Increa Brugherio). Vittoria nella categoria Allieve anche per la compagna di quest’ultima Marta Sacchi (MTB Icrea Brugherio) che ha preceduto Nicole Venturini (Hard Rock Merida) e Anna Righetti (S.C. Barbieri).
Tra gli Juniores vittoria per Fabian Costa (Power Bike Team) che ha regolato di pochi secondi Alessandro Repetti (Hard Rock Merida) e Mattia Setti (Canossa Merida). Per le pari età juniores tripletta nell’ordine Hard Rock Merida con Fosca Vezzulli, Mariagiulia Boccellari e Claudia Pelagatti.
In gara dopo due anni si è rivista con grande curiosità anche la biolimpionica Paola Pezzo che ha veramente impressionato con la sua tecnica di guida in discesa, vincendo alla grande la prova riservata alle donne amatori su Roberta Seneci (Team Rosola Bike) e Mary Mattinzioli (S.C. Barbieri),
Hanno riservato spettacolo al grande pubblico assiepato lungo le transenne della dirittura d’arrivo anche i vincitori della categorie amatoriali tra i quali l’elite master Nicola Busola (Team Bussola) che ha regolato il compagno di squadra Nicola Salvetti e Matteo Valsecchi (Team Spreafico). Nella categoria master 1 si è assistito allo strapotere di Ivan Pintarelli (Team Bsr) che ha avuto la meglio su Ivan Degasperi (Team Todesco) e Manuel Piva (ASD Stones Bike). Nella master 2 sfida tutta veronese tra

17 Things You Should Do in Your Veronas
The Verona takes you on a spirit quest, uncovers romance and even co-pilots your Countach…...
published: 20 Feb 2012
Author: Native Shoes
17 Things You Should Do in Your Veronas
The Verona takes you on a spirit quest, uncovers romance and even co-pilots your Countach… this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Keep it lite.
Youtube results:

of Verona - Dark In My Imagination - Lyric Video
Official lyric video for Dark In My Imagination: From of Verona's upcoming debut album...
published: 31 May 2012
Author: ofveronamusic
of Verona - Dark In My Imagination - Lyric Video
Official lyric video for Dark In My Imagination: From of Verona's upcoming debut album, The White Apple, out July 10th 2012. ofVerona.com

Oh Verona Music
It's a "Romeo + Juliet" music, from the movie with leonardo di caprio.. &quo...;
published: 17 Feb 2008
Author: felicityblack92
Oh Verona Music
It's a "Romeo + Juliet" music, from the movie with leonardo di caprio.. "Oh Verona"

Verona - Hey Boy
LAJKUJ VERONA FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com New Summer Hit Hey Boy from czech dance group Ve...
published: 04 Jul 2011
Author: brOukmE
Verona - Hey Boy
LAJKUJ VERONA FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com New Summer Hit Hey Boy from czech dance group Verona

Jamiroquai - Little L - Live Verona
Jamiroquai live @ Verona, November 11, 2001 Lyrics: There you were freaking out, Trying to...
published: 24 Jul 2007
Author: peetman23
Jamiroquai - Little L - Live Verona
Jamiroquai live @ Verona, November 11, 2001 Lyrics: There you were freaking out, Trying to get your head around the fact that me and you and love is dead See how I'm trippin out 'cause you can't decide what you really want from me (Chorus) Why does it have to be like this? I can never tell You make me love you, love you baby With a little L There you were shouting out Cranking up your altercations, getting upset in your desperation Screaming and hollering How could this love become so paper thin? You're playing so hard to get You're making me sweat just to hold your attention I can't give you nothing more If you ain't givin' nothing to me Don't you know that you make me love you, love you baby with a little L why does it have to be like this I can never tell Seems like you're stepping on the pieces of my broken shell 'cause you make me love you, love you with a little L you know that's the way you make me love you yeah Why does it have to be like this? I can never tell You make me love you, love you baby With a little L ------------------- Enjoy ;)