
1950's & 60's TV Commercials
Here is a compilation of classic TV commercials from the 50's and 60's....
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: Adlerangriffe
1950's & 60's TV Commercials
Here is a compilation of classic TV commercials from the 50's and 60's.

The 1950's
Good times good music...
published: 21 Jul 2007
author: Davenport6529
The 1950's
Good times good music

Bettie Page 1950
Bettie Page...
published: 30 Jul 2006
author: pontebragas
Bettie Page 1950
Bettie Page

Shocking 1950's Commercial!
You simply will not believe what they did to this model's face to test a cold cream! S...
published: 01 May 2008
author: tvp33
Shocking 1950's Commercial!
You simply will not believe what they did to this model's face to test a cold cream! See lots more crazy commercials at: www.tvparty.com

1952 Day In The Life Of A 1950's Small Town
A 1952 documentary showing small town 50's America from morning to evening. Many kinds...
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: 2thepast
1952 Day In The Life Of A 1950's Small Town
A 1952 documentary showing small town 50's America from morning to evening. Many kinds of people doing many kinds of work, and then bowling. 1952, B/W.

Boys Beware - 1950's AntiGay Video
Video talking about homosexuality as a disease....
published: 05 Apr 2007
author: MicahBFT
Boys Beware - 1950's AntiGay Video
Video talking about homosexuality as a disease.

Bicycle Safety (1950)
Points out that the bicycle rider is responsible for maintaining the bicycle in good condi...
published: 23 Apr 2006
author: LargeFish
Bicycle Safety (1950)
Points out that the bicycle rider is responsible for maintaining the bicycle in good condition, obeying traffic rules and watching out for others. The film also reads like a laundry list of hazardous things to attempt on your bicycle! But, for better urban bike riding skills: www.bikexprt.com

Farnborough Air Show 1950
Farnborough Air Show 1950...
published: 29 Apr 2007
author: Bomberguy
Farnborough Air Show 1950
Farnborough Air Show 1950

"Premakes" The Empire Strikes Back (1950)
What if Star Wars was a 50s 3-D Movie? Let's turn back the clock, shall we? Back to a ...
published: 18 May 2010
author: whoiseyevan
"Premakes" The Empire Strikes Back (1950)
What if Star Wars was a 50s 3-D Movie? Let's turn back the clock, shall we? Back to a distant time in an alternate universe far, far away... The 50s! It was a simpler age of 3-D movies, and robots named Robby, Gort, and Tobor. A hidden gem of this period in cinema is a little film called "The Empire Strikes Back", the second chapter in a planned three-part epic science fiction trilogy. While the preceding and succeeding episodes were never actually produced due to budgetary constraints, "Empire" shines as an example of 1950s 3-D space opera. The re-release of this trailer coincides with the 60th anniversary of this amazing film. But, seriously folks... ever since I started cutting these premakes, I have had constant requests for a retro version of Star Wars. This is a little thank you gift for everyone who has been watching my work. Here is the recipe for the trailer: Flash Gordon (Deadline at Noon, Conquers the Universe), The Phantom Planet, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Invasion of the Animal People, Man Beast, Lunar Walker, Golden Bat (Ogon Batto), The Mysterians, Captain Midnight, First Spaceship on Venus, The Flying Saucer, The Fighting Devil Dogs, The Outer Limits (Second Chance, Soldier, I Robot, The Sixth Finger), Things to Come, Space Patrol, Atragon, Terror in the Midnight Sun, Forbidden Planet, Rocketship XM, Latitude Zero, Space Flight, Metropolis, The Jetsons, Devil Girl From Mars, Tobor the Great, The Alligator People, The Return of the Fly, Abominable <b>...</b>

Fashion in the 1950's
A look back at fashion in the '50s, music is "Mr. Sandman" by the Chordettes...
published: 14 Jan 2008
author: torevalore05
Fashion in the 1950's
A look back at fashion in the '50s, music is "Mr. Sandman" by the Chordettes.

1950 Family Date, Dinner In A 1950's Home
1950, the family dinner has started to decline, and needed some help from film. Pleasent u...
published: 08 Dec 2007
author: 2thepast
1950 Family Date, Dinner In A 1950's Home
1950, the family dinner has started to decline, and needed some help from film. Pleasent un-emotional conversation helps digestion (and still does), in this 1950 BW film by Edward Simmel.

Goofy in 'Motor Mania' (1950)
www.quickrelease.tv Goofy stars as a Jekyll and Hyde character, Mr. Walker Wheeler. When h...
published: 14 Aug 2008
author: carltonreid
Goofy in 'Motor Mania' (1950)
www.quickrelease.tv Goofy stars as a Jekyll and Hyde character, Mr. Walker Wheeler. When he's a pedestrian he's mild-mannered and rational; when he's a driver he's mad and bad.

1950's Fifth Wheel Parking Concept
In the 1950s in California someone invented a retractable fifth wheel to aid in parking. G...
published: 26 Feb 2011
author: twentyXseven
1950's Fifth Wheel Parking Concept
In the 1950s in California someone invented a retractable fifth wheel to aid in parking. Genius.

Iraq in 1950
This was iraq in 1950 it was very modern country now its only war and suffering. Its very ...
published: 28 Dec 2009
author: Raw3aSweden
Iraq in 1950
This was iraq in 1950 it was very modern country now its only war and suffering. Its very big different in 1950 and 2010.

1950 Ford Color Film Part 1 of 3
romanoarchives.altervista.org Triumph on the Track (1950) Produced by Ford Motor Co. Hard ...
published: 06 Jul 2008
author: AutomobileHistoryUSA
1950 Ford Color Film Part 1 of 3
romanoarchives.altervista.org Triumph on the Track (1950) Produced by Ford Motor Co. Hard to find Ford theatrical ad filmed in color. Part 1 of 3 Editing by ROMANO-ARCHIVES. "SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!" V. Romano A better quality version of this film is available. Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.

1950 Cyclocross Race.mp4
No carbon fibre or shiny lycra here boys. Theses dudes are tuff... Check out www.whatsonin...
published: 22 Oct 2010
author: connachtcycling
1950 Cyclocross Race.mp4
No carbon fibre or shiny lycra here boys. Theses dudes are tuff... Check out www.whatsoninsligo.com for more classic cycling videos

Amedeo Minghi - 1950
Come profumi, che gonna che bella che sei, che gambe ! Che passi sull'asfalto di Roma....
published: 31 Aug 2008
author: SonoS0L0Canzonette
Amedeo Minghi - 1950
Come profumi, che gonna che bella che sei, che gambe ! Che passi sull'asfalto di Roma. Serenella, in questo vento di mare, di pini, nel nostro anno tra la guerra ed il Duemila. Dal conservatorio all'università, la bicicletta non va, e Tu che aspetti me, con i capelli giù io li carezzerò, seduti al nostro caffè.. Serenella.. La radio trasmetterà la canzone che ho pensato per Te, e forse attraverserà l'Oceano lontano da noi: l'ascolteranno gli Americani che proprio ieri sono andati via e con le loro camicie a fiori colorano le nostre vie ed i nostri giorni di primavera. Che profumano dei tuoi capelli !! E dei tuoi occhi così belli spalancati sul futuro e chiusi su di me nel novecentocinquanta.... Amore, ma come stiamo bene al sole.... Amore da quest'anno tu, sarai con me. E' tondo quest'anno, che tiro diretto e che bell'effetto al mio cuore, Serenella coi soldi cravatte, vestiti, dei fiori e una vespa per correre insieme al mare. Al mare di questa città alle onde, agli spruzzi che escono fuori dalle nostre fontane. E se c'è un pò di vento, ti bagnerai, mentre aspetti me al nostro caffè. Serenella. La radio trasmetterà la canzone che ho pensato per Te, e forse, attraverserà l'oceano lontano da noi, l'ascolteranno gli Americani che proprio ieri sono andati via, e con le loro camicie a fiori che colorano le nostre vie ei nostri giorni di primavera che profumano dei tuoi capelli!! e dei tuoi occhi così belli spalancati sul futuro e chiusi su di me, nel novecentocinquanta.... E <b>...</b>

Christmas 1950
As the spirit of Christmas unites all humanity, men and women everywhere reaffirm their fa...
published: 25 Nov 2006
author: famouspictures
Christmas 1950
As the spirit of Christmas unites all humanity, men and women everywhere reaffirm their faith in the brotherhood of man. The News Magazine of the Screen presents from around the world the spirit of Peace on Earth - Good Will Toward Men. Please enjoy a preview from Movies in Your Home! If you love rare, unusual, classic and vintage movies, you'll love our digitally restored and enhanced titles. Only the best possible versions will qualify to be placed in our electronic vaults for your viewing pleasure! Using Windows Media Player or Real Player with a high-speed internet connection, you'll enjoy Classic Cartoons, Vintage Newsreels, Movie Previews and Trailers, Rare Musical Varieties, Banned Commercials, Weird and Bizarre Educational films and much, much, amazingly much more! MoviesInYourHome.com Now Playing at MoviesInYourHome.com Abbott and Costello perform "Who's on First", Buster Keaton Comedies Sherlock Jr., The Goat, The Boat, Humphrey Bogart in John Huston's Beat the Devil, Betty Boop, Cab Calloway, Burns and Allen Show, Dragnet, Fats Waller, Hoagy Carmichael, Louis Armstrong, Gene Krupa, Duke Ellington Musical Varieties, Francis Ford Coppola's Dementia 13, Colgate Comedy Hour, HG Wells Things to Come, Basil Rathbone in Sherlock Holmes, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Rare Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles trailers, Fred Astaire in Royal Wedding, Cary Grant in His Girl Friday, Laurel and Hardy, Banned TV Commercials, Carnival of Souls, Killers from Space, Bob Hope in My <b>...</b>

1950s Italian Police Motorcycle Drill Team
1950's Italian Police Motorcycle Drill Team Display...
published: 11 Aug 2008
author: actualreverend
1950s Italian Police Motorcycle Drill Team
1950's Italian Police Motorcycle Drill Team Display

Propaganda Techniques - 1950
Educational film to teach viewers about the dynamics of propaganda, made in the in the lat...
published: 17 Apr 2008
author: weirdovideos
Propaganda Techniques - 1950
Educational film to teach viewers about the dynamics of propaganda, made in the in the late 1940's or early 1950's. A teacher dissects the processes in which propaganda works to an eager student. In it are moments of classic hokum, but curiously it all rings true today. Beware of Propaganda. See more at: www.weirdovideo.com

DOA (1950) - Film Noir Classic
This public domain movie is a classic example of film noir and one of my favorite movies. ...
published: 30 Nov 2008
author: rinkuhero
DOA (1950) - Film Noir Classic
This public domain movie is a classic example of film noir and one of my favorite movies. In it, a guy is poisoned by radiation poisoning put in his drink, and he knows he is going to die, but in with his remaining time he dedicates himself to discovering who killed him, and why. It wasn't on YouTube yet so I thought I'd put it up. Orchard-L, author of Boundless Ocean, Missing, and who is helping me make Saturated Dreamers, recommended the movie to me. Director: Rudolph Mate Producer: Leo C. Popkin Cardinal Pictures Public Domain www.archive.org

Bad 1950s Invention
Boys & girls, we present The Duoped - a terrible invention from the 1950s that never t...
published: 30 Apr 2008
author: diagonaluk
Bad 1950s Invention
Boys & girls, we present The Duoped - a terrible invention from the 1950s that never took off. The other side of normal. Where else to find Diagonal View... FOLLOW us on Twitter: ow.ly or LIKE us on Facebook: ow.ly Strange talents, shocking stories, dangerous stunts...see it all here @ www.youtube.com