Errico Malatesta - His Life and Ideas

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Errico Malatesta - His Life and Ideas

Edited by Vernon Richards

Abolition Now! Ten Years of Strategy and Struggle against the Prison Industrial Complex by Critical Resistance

Abolition Now! Ten Years of Strategy and Struggle against the Prison Industrial Complex

Today, over seven million people live under the control of U.S. jail, prison, probation, or parole systems—the vast majority of them people of color and young people. Between 2000 and 2007, Congress added 454 new offenses to the Federal criminal code. Policing at all levels is increasingly militarized and demands more and more resources. The crisis shows no signs of slowing.  read more »

Homes Not Jails: Issue 1

Homes Not Jails: Issue 1

Issue 1
A brief introduction to squatting, with tips on how to identify vacant housing, and open and maintain a squat.

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America

Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Even critics have a difficult time imagining a world without police. But just what is the role of police in a democracy: to serve the public or to protect the powerful? Tracing the evolution of the modern police force back to the slave patrols, this controversial study observes the police as the armed defender of a violent status quo.

Revolutionary Prisoners in Chile - July 2012


Below is a list of revolutionary prisoners that remain kidnapped by the $hilean States in pamphlet form. This list is a translation that was made in July 2012, it is constantly updated at Liberación Total due to the transportation and living circumstances of the prisoners.  read more »

We Are an Image from the Future: The Greek Revolt of 2008 (Edited by A.G. Schwarz, Tasos Sagris, and Void Network)

We Are An Image From The Future

What causes a city, then a whole country, to explode? How did one neighborhood's outrage over the tragic death of one teenager transform itself into a generalized insurrection against State and capital, paralyzing an entire nation for a month?  read more »

July Political Prisoner Birthday Poster 2012

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Please Print this out and write to these prisoners. Better, post it publicly and use it to host a card writing night.

Keep on fighting,
Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective

Learning from the Land: A workshop guide by Knowing the Land is Resistance

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Learning from the Land is a four-part workshop series about connecting with wild spaces and building watershed-scale resistance movements, created by the Knowing the Land is Resistance collective. The detailed instructions in this guide will help anyone play the fun games that make up these workshops in their own communities.  read more »

Robert Graham (Ed.) - Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Vol. 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300 CE to 1939)

Robert Graham - Anarchism Volume 1

Robert Graham (Ed.) - Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Volume One: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300 CE to 1939)
Chapter 1. Early Texts On Servitude And Freedom
1. Bao Jingyan: Neither Lord Nor Subject (300 CE)
2. Etienne de la Boetie: On Voluntary Servitude (1552)
3. Gerrard Winstanley: The New Law of Righteousness (1649)
Chapter 2. Enlightenment And Revolution  read more »

Robert Graham - Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Vol. 2: The Emergence of the New Anarchism (1939-1977)

Robert Graham - Anarchism Volume 2

Robert Graham (Ed.) - Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Volume Two: The Emergence of the New Anarchism (1939 to 1977)
Introduction: Making Sense of Anarchism by Davide Turcato
Chapter 1: Anti-Militarism, War & Revolution
1. Herbert Read: The Philosophy of Anarchism (1940)
2. Emma Goldman: The Individual, Society and the State (1940)  read more »

Special Law: An Anarchist Perspective on Bill 78


A half-page flyer written about 'special law' and Bill 78, the anti-protest law passed by Quebec as part of a crackdown on the student movement. This was made to be distributed in Ontario at the 'casseroles,' or pots and pans demonstrations, inspired by and in solidarity with the struggle in Quebec.

Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For June


Please Print this out and write to these prisoners. Better, post it publicly and use it to host a card writing night.

Keep on fighting,
Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective



This is a short essay, by a canadian sex-trade worker. It's really, really good.

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