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Atheists rally for persecuted unbeliever in Indonesia

By Kimberly Winston
Religion News Service
July 21, 2012

The atheist community has embraced the cause of an Indonesian man, Alexander Aan, who was beaten and jailed after denying God’s existence on Facebook and posting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

(1) comments
July 7
July 7
July 4
A Quantum Leap
By Lawrence Krauss

Missouri ‘Right to Pray’ Amendment Passes

The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
August 8, 2012

Amendment allows students to reject school assignments that ‘violate his or her religious beliefs’

(2) comments
July 30
Comeuppance for the Church Hierarchy
The New York Times
July 21
Survey finds 19% without religious affiliation
USA Today
By Cathy Lynn Grossman
July 12
American Confidence in Organized Religion At All Time Low
The Huffington Post
The Huffington Post

Atheism’s drought of reason

By Lisa Miller
The Washington Post
August 1, 2012

Lisa Miller argues that in criticizing the agriculture secretary for saying he prays for rain, atheists have shown they are petty and small-minded.

(4) comments

Pale Blue Dot

By Carl Sagan
Inspired Speeches
April 23, 2012

Text and video of Carl Sagan’s famous ‘Pale Blue Dot’ speech.

(6) comments
April 6
Judas Saves
By Christopher Hitchens
(1) comments
March 10
March 1
The Myth of Militant Atheism
Psychology Today
By David Niose
(8) comments