Fasting in the Byzantine Church Year with Fr. Moses of Holy Resurrection Monastery
Catherine Alexander speaks with Father Moses of Holy Resurrection Romanian Catholic Monast...
published: 25 Jan 2009
author: YourWordFromTheWise
Fasting in the Byzantine Church Year with Fr. Moses of Holy Resurrection Monastery
Catherine Alexander speaks with Father Moses of Holy Resurrection Romanian Catholic Monastery in Newberry Springs, CA about fasting in the church year. Questions Asked: 1) Food is an important part of any culture and the Church shows its understanding of this by putting food into its proper perspective on its calendar of fasts and feasts. Will you explain the Church's view of food and why we fast? 2) The current Eastern Catholic calendars are pretty far from the strictest historical calendars. It isn't uncommon to find a cradle and a convert clashing over which fasting guidelines are necessary or traditional. What role should the historical calendars play in our personal decisions? 3) There are a number of products on the market for vegetarians like soy, rice, oat and almond milk and vegetarian meats made out of mushrooms, grains, beans and soy. Using these products during fasts is very controversial, with people on one side of the debate saying they wouldn't be able to fast for whatever reason without using them and people on the other side saying these products violate the spirit of the fast. Does the Church have an opinion on using vegetarian substitutes for meat and milk? 4) If a person is a perpetual vegetarian, like a monk in the great schema or an individual who has made a life choice to not eat meat, how does that person's diet change during fasting times? 5) Father, you were born with Type 2 Diabetes. Will you please explain how medically necessary diets modify <b>...</b>
Byzantine chant - Τη Υπερμάχω Στρατηγώ
Medieval Byzantine Chant, 7th century AD. Title: "Τη Υπε&r...;
published: 14 Feb 2010
author: Callixtinus
Byzantine chant - Τη Υπερμάχω Στρατηγώ
Medieval Byzantine Chant, 7th century AD. Title: "Τη Υπερμάχω Στρατηγώ" (Unto the Defender General) Service: Akathist Hymn Performers: Greek Byzantine Choir Album: "The Akathist Hymn" This famous kontakion comes from the 7th century Akathist to the Theotokos, is attributed to St. Romanos the Melodist and it is a hymn addressing Mary as the savior of Constantinople in the 626 AD siege. There are many versions of the chant, with varying duration, though the most frequently used is the shortest, which is about 1'50" long. This version is a lengthier one, with a duration of about 10 minutes. Lengthier still versions exist, even up to 20+ minutes. The Akathist Hymn is chanted traditionally in its entirety on the 5th Saturday of Lent, but it's also divided into 4 parts and each part is chanted each Saturday of Lent from the first Saturday to the fourth and then the whole Service on the fifth. Each of these services occur on Friday evenings, as according to byzantine calendar, the beginning of one day is immediately after the sunset of the previous one (hence Saturday begins with the sunset of Friday). ~ Greek: Τῇ ὑπερμάχῳ στρατηγῷ τὰ νικητήρια, Ὡς λυτρωθεῖσα τῶν δεινῶν εὐχαριστήρια, Ἀναγράφω σοι ἡ Πόλις σου Θεοτόκε. Ἀλλ᾿ ὡς ἔχουσα τὸ κράτος ἀπροσμάχητον, Ἐκ παντοίων με κινδύνων ἐλευθέρωσον, Ἵνα κράζω σοι· Χαῖρε, Νύμφη ἀνύμφευτε. ~ English: Unto the Defender General the dues of victory, and for the deliverance from woes, the thanksgiving I, Thy city, ascribe Thee, O Theotokos <b>...</b>
Soldiers Of Rome - [275 - 337 AD] Constantine
SOLDIERS OF ROME [272 - 337 AD] - PART 4 - Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus A...
published: 05 Sep 2009
author: CroPETROforever
Soldiers Of Rome - [275 - 337 AD] Constantine
SOLDIERS OF ROME [272 - 337 AD] - PART 4 - Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus (27 February c. 272 22 May 337), commonly known in English as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Christians) Saint Constantine (pronounced /ˈkɒnstɛntaɪn/), was Roman emperor from 306, and the undisputed holder of that office from 324 until his death in 337. Best known for being the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued (with his co-emperor Licinius) the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious toleration throughout the empire. The Byzantine liturgical calendar, observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite, lists both Constantine and his mother Helena as saints. Although he is not included in the Latin Church's list of saints, which does recognize several other Constantines as saints, he is revered under the title "The Great" for his contributions to Christianity. Constantine also transformed the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium into a new imperial residence, Constantinople, which would remain the capital of the Byzantine Empire for over one thousand years.
Struktura Pravoslavnog Srpskog Kalendara -- The structure of the Serbian Orthodox calendar
Stari mudraci su njima znanim nacinima davno pre otkrica nauke, bili upoznati sa savremeni...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: billrogers72
Struktura Pravoslavnog Srpskog Kalendara -- The structure of the Serbian Orthodox calendar
Stari mudraci su njima znanim nacinima davno pre otkrica nauke, bili upoznati sa savremenim astronomskim i bioloskim zakonima . Ta svoja znanja iz astronomije, biologije i estetike sublimirali su, kao osnovne brojne parametre makrokosmosa i mikrokosmosa , u svoje materijalno i duhovno stvaralastvo. Stoga su njihove kreacije tako dugo putokaz covecanstvu i inspiracija mnogim generacijama tragaoca i stvaraoca. Audio snimak emisije "Duhovni Horizonti"- Produkcija Radio Pruge, Mart 2001. Video materijal -- iz filma "Boj na Kosovu", rezija Zdravko Sotra,1989.
Greek Orthodox - Glory of Byzantium - Choir of Greece
Greek Orthodox Byzantium choir of Greece recording Glory of Byzantium. Pays tribute to anc...
published: 21 Jul 2008
author: JadeMusic54
Greek Orthodox - Glory of Byzantium - Choir of Greece
Greek Orthodox Byzantium choir of Greece recording Glory of Byzantium. Pays tribute to ancient Christian traditions. BUY AT: www.amazon.com Get it here: www.amazon.com For more music visit: www.milanrecords.com ---- By Lycourgos Angelopoulos and the Byzantine Choir of Greece Divna and the Melodi Choir. A magnificent tribute paid to the splendors of Byzantine music, this amazing repertoire lies at the heart of the oldest Christian traditions. Byzantium's musical history has left a deep impression on our history through an immense musical heritage kept alive with the help of an undisturbed musical tradition in Greece and in the old Churches of Orient.
Orthodox Byzantine Chant Ormylia Monastery Chants for Feast
Service for Maria of Magdal - Mary Magdalene Monastery Ormylia The Best Nuns Choir in the ...
published: 08 May 2011
author: EternalFashion
Orthodox Byzantine Chant Ormylia Monastery Chants for Feast
Service for Maria of Magdal - Mary Magdalene Monastery Ormylia The Best Nuns Choir in the World Together with mans choir of Angelopoulos Orthodox Byzantine Chant
Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 - The Doctor's Daughter
www.doctorwhoseason.com Location: MessalineDate: 60120724 (New Byzantine Calendar) Enemies...
published: 13 May 2012
author: KsuNYA6952999
Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 - The Doctor's Daughter
www.doctorwhoseason.com Location: MessalineDate: 60120724 (New Byzantine Calendar) Enemies: The Hath The Doctor lands on the remote planet Messaline as a generations-old war rages and the threat of genocide looms. When Martha is kidnapped by the Hath, the Doctor, Donna and a new friend must race to save her and stop a bloody conflict. Doctor Who s04e06 Doctor Who S4e6 s04e6 S4e6 4x6 Season 4 episode 6 tv shows S4 s04 se4 e6 ep6 4x6 4 S04 E6 HQ episodes serie series watch online complete full tv television hd hq part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4. Watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter full free watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter free online watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter full episode online watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter watch online watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter full episode watch full Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter watch Doctor Who Season 4 Episode 6 The Doctor's Daughter for free.
†Macedonian orthodox byzantine music†-Day of Resurrection
Macedonian young choir Since the festival on the east-church singing singer: Konstantin Pa...
published: 25 May 2008
author: 0macedonianboy0
†Macedonian orthodox byzantine music†-Day of Resurrection
Macedonian young choir Since the festival on the east-church singing singer: Konstantin Pavleski
The Byzantine Order (part 2/6)
Investiture Ceremony 23rd June 2002...
published: 09 Feb 2009
author: Darleymead
The Byzantine Order (part 2/6)
Investiture Ceremony 23rd June 2002
23 Fulfilled Predictions from 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect
www.secretsect.com World events have already confirmed 23 predictions in 2012 and the Rise...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: cogwriter
23 Fulfilled Predictions from 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect
www.secretsect.com World events have already confirmed 23 predictions in 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect. Find out what 2012 is REALLY about as well as problems with the latest Mayan calendar discovery. The book itself explains what will and will not happen in 2012, with the emphasis on what will happen after 2012 including how certain Mayan, Catholic, Byzantine, Islamic, Hindu, Chinese, Mormon, Tibetan, and other prophecies align with biblical prophecy. 2012, Mayan Calendar, End of the World, Catholic prophecies, Barack Obama, Islam, Imam Mahdi, Antichrist, Bible prophecy, false age of peace, King of the South, King of the North, antichrist, antipope.
Orthodox Nativity in Bethlehem
A little clip of the service in the Church of the Nativity (built where Jesus Christ, the ...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: OrthodoxPlanet
Orthodox Nativity in Bethlehem
A little clip of the service in the Church of the Nativity (built where Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born) on traditional Old Calendar Christmas (the Nativity of God the Word). January 7, 2012 (Dec. 25, 2011 according to the Julian Calendar)
Nikolaos Sarlakis - Cherouvim Inspired by Dennis Grammatikos
Growing up in the church listening to Dennis Grammatikos chanting this hymn, He learned it...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: nikoinwinnipeg
Nikolaos Sarlakis - Cherouvim Inspired by Dennis Grammatikos
Growing up in the church listening to Dennis Grammatikos chanting this hymn, He learned it from his family back home in koufopoulos, Greece. Now I learn it from him and pass it down. Greek I - ta che - rou - vim, my-sti - kos i - ko-ni - zon - des, keti zo - o-pi - o. Tri - adhi, Tri - a - dhi, ton tri - sa - yi - on im - non, pro - sa - dhon - des. Pa- san tin vi - o-ti - kin a - po - tho - me - tha pa- san me - ri - mnan, os ton va- si - le - a ton o - lon i- po-dhe - xo - me - ni... English We, who my - sti - cly re-pre - sent the Cheru - bim, sing the thrice ho-ly hymn, thrice ho - ly, thrice ho - ly hymn, thrice ho - ly hymn to the Tri - ni - ty, to the life - gi-ving Tri - ni - ty. Let us lay a - side all cares, let us lay a - side all the cares of life, that we may re - ceive Him, who is the King of all. A - men. For we have re - ceived the King of all.....
Nikolaos Sarlakis - Ti Permaxo ( To Thee O Defender )
Orthodox Hymn to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who has been given credit for the victory ...
published: 24 Jul 2010
author: nikoinwinnipeg
Nikolaos Sarlakis - Ti Permaxo ( To Thee O Defender )
Orthodox Hymn to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who has been given credit for the victory of the Byzantines against the Avars (it is said that a horrendous storm broke out in the Bosphorus, a generally peaceful and narrow sea area, which destroyed almost the entire naval siege of Constantinople). It roughly translates "to Her, the Defender General". Translation to English Mighty Defender, and Commander, I, thy City, From all terrors hast thou rescued me, Thetoakos ( Holy Virgin Mary ). I entreat thee, for thy power is invincible from all dangers that may threaten me, deliver me, that I may cry to thee: Hail to thee, O unwedded bride! for those that want to follow along in Greek Ti i - per - ma - ho stra - ti - gho, ta ni - ki - ti - ria. os li - tro - thi - sa ton dhi - non, ef -ha - ri - sti - ri-a! A - na - gra - fo si i po - lis sou, The - o - to-ke. All' os e - hou - sa to kra - tos a - pro - sma - hi-ton. Ek pan - di - on me kin - dhi - non e - lef - the - ro - son. I - nakra - zo si. Che - re, Nim - fi a - nim - fef - te.
Malanka 2011.mp4
Маланка (Malanka) is Ukrainian for Saint Melanie...
published: 06 Sep 2011
author: Epiphanyukrch
Malanka 2011.mp4
Маланка (Malanka) is Ukrainian for Saint Melanie's Day, December 31 of the Julian Calendar, January 13 of the Gregorian Calendar. We celebrate Malanka with our families and bring in the New Year safely at our parish.
Coronation Mantle (New)
Likely made for the Norman ruler Roger II in 1133/34 in the royal workshop in Palermo of f...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: smarthistoryvideos
Coronation Mantle (New)
Likely made for the Norman ruler Roger II in 1133/34 in the royal workshop in Palermo of fabric from Byzantium or Thebes, Samite, silk, gold, pearls, filigree, sapphires, garnets, glass, and cloisonné enamel. The Kufic script reads: "This mantle was worked in the most magnificent clothing workshop and is connected with the desire and hopes, felicitous days and nights without cease or change, with authority, with honor and felicity, assurances of trust, reverent care, protection, good destiny, freedom from harm, triumph and livelihood in the capital city of Sicily in the year 528" (or 1133/34 in the Gregorian calendar). Neue Hofburg, Vienna.
Bruges - Holy Blood with Roger Vangheluwe 2
Legend has it that after the Crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea wiped blood from the body of...
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: mokumtv
Bruges - Holy Blood with Roger Vangheluwe 2
Legend has it that after the Crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea wiped blood from the body of Christ and preserved the cloth. There was a rock-crystal vial with Holy Blood in the extensive collection of relics of the Byzantine Emperor. It was lost when Constantinople was sacked by the Crusader army of Count of Flanders Baldwin IX in 1204, during the Fourth Crusade. Baldwin IX probably sent the Holy Blood, looted from the Byzantines, to Bruges shortly thereafter. The first historical record to mention the Holy Blood in Bruges dates from 1256. The Bruges-story said it came direct from Jerusalem with the Second Crusade, as the King of Jerusalem Baldwin III gave it to his brother-in-law, Count of Flanders Diederik van de Elzas. The Bruges mythe of 1256 set a date when the count arrived with his Holu Blood in Bruges: April 7, 1150. A clever act to pevent any Byzantine claims as it was stolen from Constantinople, although the manner in which the rock-crystal vial is cut indicates there its origin. Ever since it arrived in Bruges, it has been the subject of great veneration. This Holy Blood is acclaimed to made Bruges one of the wealthiest cities of northern Europe during the Middle Ages The tradition of the procession is first recorded in 1291. Every year on Ascension Day in the spring it followed a route around the city walls. Until 1578. That year the protestant religious wars necessitated its relocation to the city center, and it is this route that is still followed today, when <b>...</b>
The Divine Liturgy | Jesus Feeds the Multitudes
Why did Jesus, after asking the disciples to assemble and feed the multitudes, then ask th...
published: 11 May 2008
author: kalamation
The Divine Liturgy | Jesus Feeds the Multitudes
Why did Jesus, after asking the disciples to assemble and feed the multitudes, then ask them to leave while He dismissed the crowds Himself? A video to remind us to experience Jesus Himself in the meal of the Divine Liturgy. Sung in Arabic and Greek. Note the Psalm passage has different structure in various translations. This one and others are consistent with the voiceless and veiled Presence of Christ in the Liturgy, "a tent for the sun". A teaching of apostolic Christianity in any case. Please pray for the Middle East. For more information about the Hamatoura Monastery: www.hamatoura.com Altar is at the ancient Byzantine site of the multiplication of the loaves, in Tabgha, Galilee, Israel. Ancient Byzantine Chants from The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church of Antioch are also available in English. For the first time by the world-renowned Mount Lebanon Choir. Included with the CD is a PDF file with the Byzantine notation of the hymns of the Divine Liturgy of St. Chrysostom. Available at www.orthodoxiaradio.org Excellent references on the Psaltic Arts: www.analogion.com basilcrow.com
Bruges - Holy Blood with Roger Vangheluwe 1
MokumTV goes to Bruges. What Amsterdam is for Holland, that is Bruges for Belgium: the cou...
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: mokumtv
Bruges - Holy Blood with Roger Vangheluwe 1
MokumTV goes to Bruges. What Amsterdam is for Holland, that is Bruges for Belgium: the country's most popular tourist destination. And the day the Holy Blood is paraded through the city by Mgr. Roger Vangheluwe is the most important event on the Bruges cultural and religious calendar. Legend has it that after the Crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathea wiped blood from the body of Christ and preserved the cloth. There was a rock-crystal vial with Holy Blood in the extensive collection of relics of the Byzantine Emperor. It was lost when Constantinople (todays Istanbul) was sacked by the Crusader army of Count of Flanders Baldwin IX in 1204. After this Fourth Crusade. Baldwin IX probably sent the Holy Blood, looted from the Byzantines, to Bruges. The first historical record to mention the Holy Blood in Bruges dates from 1256. The Bruges-legend claims that it came direct from Jerusalem with the Second Crusade. It is told that the King of Jerusalem Baldwin III gave it to his brother-in-law, Count of Flanders Diederik van de Elzas. The Bruges mythe as written down in 1256 sets as date that the count arrived with his bottle of blood on April 7, 1150. A clever act to pevent any Byzantine claims as it was stolen, although the manner in which the rock-crystal vial is cut indicates its origin is Constantinople. Ever since the Blood arrived in Bruges, it has been the subject of great veneration and is acclaimed to made Bruges one of the wealthiest cities of northern Europe in the Middle <b>...</b>
(G) Debut of Orthodox TV
On Tuesday, February 23, 1988 - the Feast of the Martyr Damian of Esphigmenou Monastery - ...
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: GreekOrthodoxTV
(G) Debut of Orthodox TV
On Tuesday, February 23, 1988 - the Feast of the Martyr Damian of Esphigmenou Monastery - the Orthodox Television Program of the Cathedral of Saint Markella was introduced to the television viewing public of New York City. This is that program. We have recently discovered it in our archives. It has not been seen since that evening many years ago, until now. Note: Metropolitan Petros introduces the title of the program during his appearance in this debut episode. He had wanted to give the same name to the television program that he had given his radio program: "The Orthodox Church Near You". However, during the editing of the program, that title was not used. Therefore, even though Geronda Petros uses "The Orthodox Church Near You" during his remarks, the program became known by the title "The Orthodox Television Program."
Byzanthine Chant - Ormylia Monastery Chants for Feast
Otrgnu serdce moe blago polielei na Bogorodicnie prazdniki Orthodox Byzantine Chant - Ormy...
published: 08 May 2011
author: EternalFashion
Byzanthine Chant - Ormylia Monastery Chants for Feast
Otrgnu serdce moe blago polielei na Bogorodicnie prazdniki Orthodox Byzantine Chant - Ormylia Monastery Monastery Ormylia Chants for Feast The Best Nuns Choir in the World Together with mans choir of Angelopoulos Orthodox Byzantine Chant
church of Haghia Sophia, Thessaloniki, Greece part 2
interior of 6th century AD byzantine church of Haghia Sophia, in Thessaloniki, Greece...
published: 29 Oct 2008
author: oOudeis
church of Haghia Sophia, Thessaloniki, Greece part 2
interior of 6th century AD byzantine church of Haghia Sophia, in Thessaloniki, Greece
Lie: Muslims worship the moon
Refuting the accusations that Muslims worship a Moon god, due to the fact that Muslims fol...
published: 04 Oct 2009
author: SunniShiaUnity
Lie: Muslims worship the moon
Refuting the accusations that Muslims worship a Moon god, due to the fact that Muslims follow a Lunar calendar and the crescent moon symbol (and star) commonly associated with Islam. However does the fact that non-muslims use a Gregorian calendar (Solar Calender) prove the fact that they worship the Sun? The word Allah is used by Arab Christians when they refer to (God), it is not a word for a different god or an idol. As for the Crescent moon this was introduced during the time of the Ottomans as stated by a non-muslim scholar William Ridgeway, who said the following: "when we come to examine the history of the crescent as a badge of Muhammadanism, we are confronted by the fact that it was not employed by the Arabs or any of the first peoples who embraced the faith of the prophet. he truth is that the crescent was not identified with Islam until after the appearance of the Osmanli Turks, whilst on the other hand there is the clearest evidence that in the time of the Crusades, and long before, the crescent and star were a regular badge of Byzantium and the Byzantine Emperors, some of whom placed it on their coins." Another Scholar Franz Babinger states: "It seems possible, though not certain, that after the conquest Mehmed took over the crescent and star as an emblem of sovereignty from the Byzantines. The half-moon alone on a blood red flag, allegedly conferred on the Janissaries by Emir Orhan, was much older, as is demonstrated by numerous references to it dating from <b>...</b>