
CNPC and Afghan Officials Comment on Oil Deal
CNPC and Afghan Officials Comment on Oil Deal
For more news and videos visit ☛ english.ntdtv.com Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ on.fb.me We told you yesterday about that major oil deal between the government of Afghanistan and the China National Petroleum Corporation. Now the president of that company and the Afghan Minister of Mines are speaking out about the landmark agreement. On Wednesday, the Chinese state-owned company China National Petroleum Corporation, or CNPC, signed a 25-year contract with Afghanistan. CNPC is the first foreign company to win a major oil deal in Afghanistan. The Chinese regime will gain access to millions of barrels of oil—while Afghan authorities expect to reap billions of dollars in revenue over two decades. The contract covers oil exploration and production in the northern Afghan provinces of Sar-e Pul and Faryab. In a joint venture CNPC and Afghan company Watan Group will search for oil in the Amu Darya River basin. The basin is believed to hold nearly 90-million barrels of oil. CNPC president Lu Gongxun does not have the exact investment figures. [Lu Gongxun, President, China National Petroleum Corp]: "For the development, we can only give you the rough number for initial investment. Based on my experience, for it to be a minimum of around 400-million US dollars." Afghanistan's Minister of Mines says the oil project will open hundreds of career opportunities for Afghans. [Wahidullah Shahrani, Afghan Minister of Mines]: "Indeed today is a historical day in Afghan <b>...</b>

CNPC Investing Strategies in Africa and Kazakhstan
CNPC Investing Strategies in Africa and Kazakhstan

Le CNPC propose la Formation BACHELOR Management du Commerce du Sport
Le CNPC propose la Formation BACHELOR Management du Commerce du Sport
Le BACHELOR Management du Commerce du Sport a pour vocation de former des étudiants totalement prêts à appréhender le marché du commerce du sport, sous tous les angles. A ce jour, le BACHELOR est la seule formation en France à proposer une offre aussi opérationnelle dans le commerce du sport, formant des managers réactifs, passionnés et évolutifs avec une capacité d'anticipation et d'adaptation hors norme. Plus d'informations sur www.cnpc.fr

CNPC Diritto alla patata
CNPC Diritto alla patata
Andrea Cianfarani espone il progetto sul Diritto alla Patata, commissione "appoggiata" da tanti e discussa da tutti i presidenti delle province d'Italia. DA VEDERE TUTTO PER CAPIRE L'ESSENZA DEL PROGETTO. Si ringraziano i presidenti delle province che hanno collaborato al progetto e lo staff del MIUR.

HRD in S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft
HRD in S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft
SolBridge Spring semester 2012 People and Organization class "Human Resource Management in Downstream Companies: S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft"

Copicut Neck Pickle Ball Club (CNPC) Highlight Reel August 2011 From Cuttyhunk Island
Copicut Neck Pickle Ball Club (CNPC) Highlight Reel August 2011 From Cuttyhunk Island
Cuttyhunk Island Pickleball highlights from August 2011. Court is not to size but close enough and provides for some odd bounces, play off the concrete footings (after hitting the ground first), and play off the large green bush (except on the service) as long as it hits the ground within three seconds. The jungle like atmosphere means diving into the bushes is sometimes necessary, which adds to the fun.

SolBridge HRD in S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft
SolBridge HRD in S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft
SolBridge Spring 2012 People and Organisation Final Project "Human Resource Development in Downstream Companies: S-Oil, CNPC & Rosneft" Lemonade Team

CNPC DME EMD SD40-2 6091 6364 and 6097 Manifest Freight 277 Howard ave Des Plaines
CNPC DME EMD SD40-2 6091 6364 and 6097 Manifest Freight 277 Howard ave Des Plaines
Canadian Pacific Dakota Minnisota and Eastern EMD SD40-2 6091 6364 and 6097 brings Manifest Freight 277 Pass Union Pacific Rail construction on the Milwaukee Sub at Howard Ave in Des Plaines Recorded on November 21, 2011 using a Flip Video camera.

CNPC GE AC44 9817 with 9508 Manfiest Freight Deerfield
CNPC GE AC44 9817 with 9508 Manfiest Freight Deerfield
Canadian Pacific GE AC44 9817 and 9508 brings a Manfiest Freight Pass the Metra station at Deerfield Recorded on November 23, 2011 using a Flip Video camera.

CNPC SOO EMD SD60M 6059 SD60 6024 Manifest Ford Fast 281 Howard Street Des Plaines
CNPC SOO EMD SD60M 6059 SD60 6024 Manifest Ford Fast 281 Howard Street Des Plaines
Canadian Pacific SD60M SD60M 6059 with SD60 6024 Bring Manifest Freight and Ford Fast 281 pass track Construction on the Milwaukee Subdivision AKA New Line on the Union Pacific at Howard Ave Des Plaines Recorded on November 21, 2011 using a Flip Video camera.

SA-MP Mission Made With CNPC
SA-MP Mission Made With CNPC
This is a mission I made using the CNPC plugin(which I'm not sure if it's forbidden if used properly) that was originally created by Alex009, and modified for 0.3c but I could not find the author. The NPCS themselves do not have the best sync or hit detection, but they do offer more abilities for the regular SA-MP NPCs. I was originally going to do a story mode, but I decided against it due to the fact I cannot find out if it is forbidden if used correctly or not. The reason I found for it being forbidden is because people were using the plugin to fake player count on their servers which is against the SA-MP usage terms. Wanna play SA-MP on an awesome Cops and Robbers Server with many things to do and has a great community? Then come to San Andreas Cops And Robbers(SACNR)! You definitely won't regret it! IP: server.sacnr.com:7777

CNPC Soo EMD SD60M 6059 SD60 6024 Stack train Shermer Northbrook Glenview
CNPC Soo EMD SD60M 6059 SD60 6024 Stack train Shermer Northbrook Glenview
Canadian Pacific SOO EMD SD60M 6059 and SD60 6024 bring Stack train up the Techny Shermer Cutoff at Shermer and Willow Road at the boarders of Glenview and NorthbookRecorded on November 23, 2011 using a Flip Video camera.

CNPC commercial HDTV
CNPC commercial HDTV
Spot tv cpour le traitement de la cataracte en Haïti Tv commercial about cataract treatments in Haiti Reklam tele pou tretman katarak an Ayiti

Shell и CNPC будут вместе добывать сланцевый газ в Китае
Shell и CNPC будут вместе добывать сланцевый газ в Китае
ru.euronews.com Англо-голландская нефтегазовая компания Royal Dutch Shell и китайская государственная нефтяная корпорация CNPC подписали договор о долевом распределении добычи сланцевого газа на месторождении в провинции Сычуань площадью в три с половиной тысячи квадратных километров. Если это соглашение получит одобрение регулирующих органов Китая, то станет первым контрактом по соместному с зарубежной компанией производству сланцевого газа. социальные сети : YouTube: bit.ly Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com

CNPC - Roma 2012 - Video di presentazione
CNPC - Roma 2012 - Video di presentazione
Video di presentazione del Consiglio Nazionale dei Presidenti delle Consulte - CNPC - Roma 2012


Résumé de l'inauguration du CNPC Sport Paris
Résumé de l'inauguration du CNPC Sport Paris
Résumé de l'inauguration du CNPC Sport Paris. CNPC SPORT, L'école du commerce du sport. Lorsque l'on choisit de s'engager avec un organisme de formation, on veut être rassuré sur ses moyens, ses compétences et ses résultats. Crée en 1981 par la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Pau Béarn avec le soutien des organisations professionnelles et des Ministères du Commerce et de l'Education Nationale, le CNPC est la plus importante Ecole du Commerce du Sport existant en Europe. Le CNPC Sport, c'est le partenaire professionnel d'expérience qui vous garantit le succès de vos projets. Crée par et pour les entreprises du secteur, il collabore avec les plus grandes sociétés, fabricants et distributeurs réunis. Le CNPC est également une formidable passerelle professionnelle pour des sportifs en reconversion ou des jeunes en recherche d'emploi, leur permettant, grâce à des formations / métiers en continu ou en alternance d'intégrer une entreprise du secteur de la fabrication et de la commercialisation d'articles de sport à des postes de responsables de magasins, de commerciaux - promoteurs des ventes ou de vendeurs techniques responsables de rayons. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 2600 personnes qui intègrent les différentes filières de formation proposées par le CNPC du CAP au BAC +3, véritables tremplins pour un accès immédiat au monde de l'entreprise.