Terabyte Delight or Terror Byte?

October 12, 2010 HeathG Technology & Telco

I have a new post at TEX,  looking at the market buzz around terabyte broadband plans. The short version of my argument: whilst there are some users who consistently use  a terabyte or more, this is a lot more data than most currently need.  Anyway, the post  got picked up by the media, being covered [...]


0 broadband, itnews, pricing, Telstra, zdnet,

Attribution & Retribution in the age of Aurora and Stuxnet

October 1, 2010 HeathG Technology & Telco

This post is  inspired by my attendance at the Sydney session of the  McAfee Focus 2010 Security Seminar and recent discussions around the Stuxnet malware. At  McAfee’s  Focus 2010 Security Seminar, one of the more interesting sessions  was an analysis of Operation Arurora presented by McAfee’s head of Threat Research,  Dmitri Alperovitch.  Outside of  IT [...]


0 advanced persistent threats, China, corporate espionge, Google, hacking,

Corporate Blogging at Telstra Exchange

August 24, 2010 HeathG General

One of the great things about writing your own blog is the freedom. You get to choose  the style, the format and the frequency of posting. You get to set the rules of the blog, and so long as your employer is supportive of private blogging,  there’s scope for discussing pretty much any topic – [...]


0 blogging, Telstra, TEX,

Will GetUp!’s satire GetIt! in trouble?

July 8, 2010 HeathG Media

With an election likely to be called in the next few months, advocacy group GetUp! has launched a campaign encouraging people to ensure they are enrolled to vote.   A key element of this campaign is a YouTube clip portraying the electoral battle as if it were the latest Hollywood action movie. The clip is cleverly [...]


0 copyright, fair dealing, GetUp!, law, politics,

The State of the Population

July 7, 2010 CollinsVU General

Thanks Julie Gillard. Really. Some time ago, I was going to post on the ‘Population Crisis’ as it had been reported at the time (months ago) and why I though, generally speaking, it was rubbish. I held off, as accurate statistics were tricky to get hold of, and I’m generally pretty easy to distract. I [...]



Hetero sex scandal?

July 6, 2010 HeathG Media

One day, public figures being gay and/or enjoying sex won’t be newsworthy. Unfortunately for David Campbell,  that day is yet to dawn.  As Channel Seven demonstrated earlier this year, for some journalists and the audience they serve, that combination is still seen as scandalous. When the David Campbell story broke,  LE  pointed out the mixed [...]


1 David Campbell, discrimination, NSW, politics, Seven,

Will telcos have Apple on their faces?

July 4, 2010 HeathG Technology & Telco

Last Friday, Apple was forced to acknowledge an embarrassing flaw in the iPhone operating system, a flaw present since the release of the original iPhone. As embarrassing as this is for Apple,  some mobile network operators may also find this latest development leaves them with … Apple on their faces.


0 Apple, AT&T, Google, iPhone, mobiles,

Losing the filter without losing face

June 24, 2010 HeathG Technology & Telco

This week the Australian Labor Party installed Julia Gillard as its new leader, making her the first female Prime Minister of Australia.  This change in leadership provides the government with an opportunity to change its approach to certain policy issues without losing (quite so much) face. The new PM has wasted no time in seizing [...]


1 censorship, Julia Gillard, NBN, NBN Co, Stephen Conroy,

NBN not mandatory for ‘smart grids’

May 29, 2010 HeathG Technology & Telco

One of the claimed  benefits of the national broadband network (NBN) is that it will act as an enabler for ‘smart grids’.  ’Smart grids’  have been described as electricity distribution networks that: “use sensors, meters, digital controls and analytic tools to automate, monitor and control the two-way flow of energy across operations—from power plant to [...]


2 Energy Australia, NBN, SP AusNet, Stephen Conroy, wimax,

NBN Study: Were the right questions asked?

May 18, 2010 HeathG CI Theory & Practice

Earlier this month, the Australian government released the implementation study for the National Broadband Network.  The scope of the study was to: “advise Government on how best to implement its stated policy objectives, not to evaluate those objectives, given that the policies have already been agreed by Government. This report therefore focuses on translating high-level policy [...]


0 KIQ, KPMG, McKinsey, NBN, Stephen Conroy,

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