The Web

Larvatus Prodeo’s Last Post

Larvatus Prodeo’s Last Post

As of today, Larvatus Prodeo will cease publishing: the blog began to wend its way through the online world on March 17, 2005, so it’s a very old beast in internet years. We collectively feel seven years is enough.

The coming triumph of communism

The coming triumph of communism

Now that I’ve grabbed your attention and driven Graeme Bird apoplectic with the over-egged title, I’d like to share a video with you.

NBN bills passed: Sky remains in place

ABC Nyooz is reporting that the NBN bills have passed the Senate. Naturally, the first thing Aunty reports on this momentous event is what the Opposition Spokesflunky has to say about it. Later this week, I’m attending a seminar on [...]

Were you online in ’95-ish?

If you, like I was back then, were using a Windows 3 box, then you almost certainly used the Trumpet Winsock program to access the internet via your modem, probably via a giveaway from either a PC magazine or your brand new ISP. Sadly, the unsung programmer who created Trumpet Winsock, Tasmanian Peter Tattam, didn’t get paid for most of those copies; millions of free give-aways that saw hardly a brass razoo come back to him.