
Larvatus Prodeo’s Last Post

Larvatus Prodeo’s Last Post

As of today, Larvatus Prodeo will cease publishing: the blog began to wend its way through the online world on March 17, 2005, so it’s a very old beast in internet years. We collectively feel seven years is enough.

University of Sydney survey of blog readers: Please participate!

University of Sydney survey of blog readers: Please participate!

Dr Peter Chen from Sydney Uni is surveying readers of selected Australian blogs for a forthcoming publication. When his survey is analysed, LP will also receive selected insights from the findings. Additional information about Dr Chen’s project can be accessed [...]

Quick link: Engage in the struggle against anti-Jewish racism

Engage is a website originally formed by left-wing activists in Britain’s University and College Union opposed to proposals for an academic boycott of Israel. Engage’s current focus is as follows: Engage is a single issue campaign. It focuses on one [...]

Larvatus Prodeo statement on the On Line Opinion advertising controversy

A public controversy has recently arisen regarding withdrawal of advertising from On Line Opinion because of material published on a comments thread attached to an article by Christian activist Bill Muehlenberg. Details of the issue can be found in this [...]

On Line Opinion and the advertising and “free speech” controversy

A lot of people will have seen discussion on the Saturday Salon thread of an apparent advertiser boycott of On Line Opinion, and consequently of blogs (including this one) which have been bundled together as a package for the purpose [...]

The great American neoliberal liberal blog kerfuffle

Freddie DeBoer set the cat among the pigeons in the US blogosphere this week with a post arguing that the so-called ‘liberal’ or ‘left’ US blogosphere (as represented by some of its most prominent A-list bloggers) largely accepts the neoliberal [...]