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⇒ Now for a couple of options that some might find a teeny bit more complicated, but which can be very useful.

  • Latest Comments by Post

    Go the the post’s page and use the RSS Nav Toolbar icon or add /feed/ to the post-URL displayed in your browser window – this should take you to your default feed-reader’s subscription page – just follow the prompts to add it to your subscribed feeds

  • Latest Posts by Author

    Click on the author byline on a post to be taken to their archive page, or browse our authors-list. Once on their archive page, add /feed/ to the URL displayed in your Nav Toolbar and subscribe via your feed-reader.

  • Latest Posts by Category

    Use the header category/topic/subject links, or find the category via the archives page, and add /feed/ to the category URL displayed in your browser window – this should take you to your default feed-reader’s subscription page – just follow the prompts to add it to your subscribed feeds.
    e.g. Here is the link for Climate Change category archive, so this is that category’s feed link.

  • Latest Posts by Tag

    For the sake of completeness, you can also subscribe to a tag feed.
    e.g. the link for the “roundtable” tag archive » the link for the “roundtable” tag feed