Get Fact: is the Labor caucus full of working-class heroes?

Wayne Swan claimed “many caucus members came from working class families”, but is that statement true? In a new series called Get Fact, Crikey tests the spin and makes the call.

‘Unproductive old cow’, say one-dimensional old men

The latest example of misogynist abuse of the Prime Minister illustrates how she angers a certain type of male.

Green goes red, but enviro groups say they’ll fight back

Do Australians still care about litter and trees in an age of carbon pricing and renewable energy targets? The challenges to maintain revenue and prevent public fatigue are becoming greater.

Time to control the trading machines

Last week a computer glitch at a high-frequency trader in New York caused wild swings at the NYSE. It’s a warning to our regulators to clamp down on automated trading, writes Robert Gottliebsen of Business Spectator.

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  • Crikey Says: Packer just a bloke with a grip on the papers

    On Friday, Crikey documented the media fawning over James Packer of late, with dozens of full-page ads for his gaming business combined with un-probing front-page puff pieces in the national papers.

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